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Radium Soup

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Posts posted by Radium Soup

  1. JamieThunder wrote:

    could someone please post examples of: Vaguely clear, Somewhat hazy, a Bit blurry, forms of harrassment? 

    "Clear Harassment" is when a person is a hopeless judge of character but prone to ego stroking, whose past mistakes when selecting e-friends are now coming back to haunt them.

    "Somewhat Hazy" is when the same person has made the above error, but they are now attempting to rewrite history somewhat in a LL abuse report. This will teach a lesson to that person I want to get even with!

    "A Bit Blurry" is when the person now realizes that their histrionic whining has so far fallen on deaf ears, and so was not an effective tool in striking down The Enemy. Desperate for any form of revenge at this point, they post rambling stories to all manner of forums in a deperate attempt to rally either support or sympathy. Truth is entirely optional at this point.

    "Clarity" is a privilege reserved for the owners of the game who can see both sides of these pathetic squabbles between losers. As a result it's invariably referred to as "Inaction" by the aggrieved party.

  2. Farthington Whetmore wrote:

    I recently bought into the DCS system based on claims on their web site of
    4,000 configured Regions and over 175,000 unique players"
    However, their stats dramatically fall short of reality...

    So I am wondering what the Best Combat Meter is with the most active community as I want to incorporate combat on my Sim.

    I could not tell you which is currently the 'best' if such a thing even exists. All I can add is that most of these are being zealously chosen for financial or political reasons, not the technical ones which users generally care about (and which will become abundantly clear if you ever see the clumsy source material).

    P.S. Greetings to JS who will be reading this by now. Come back!

  3. Ardvinna wrote:


    Inspired by the discussion which evolved in this thread
    , but yet distracted by cakes, and fruitcakes in special. I tried to elaborate the existentialism of a fruitcake.



        The fruitcake is the only entity, whose existence precedes its essence.

        The essential features of its substance; what it should be, what defines it as a fruitcake; actually don't exist.

        The position of the fruitcake is absolute freedom.

        The fruitcake is condemned to be free.

        There is no nature of the fruitcake, which defines the fruitcake, but the fruitcake is, into what it turns itself.

        The fruitcake is fully responsible for its individuality.

         With its actions it draws its own (fruitcaky) face, but it becomes also important for the whole community of fruitcakes.


    Personally I rather prefer Albert Camus, it makes more sense to me.

    "The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth."

    "The realization that life is absurd cannot be an end, but only a beginning."


    Quoted for posterity.

  4. Magdalena Siemens wrote:

    Radium we did some successful puplications and some which failed to get audience, happens in the media business. The Gorean one was actually one of the very first years ago and was closed when the interest for Gorean RP dropped significantly in SL and became a very small niche. The most succesful one is (no surprises here) an adult one. Now we want to produce something more "clean" to run adsense adverts (which is not possible on adult content). @all Thanks for all the input, nice list to get started with. Anyone else is a fan of somebody and would like to get that person more audience (which comes with free publicity for their work as well)?

    Ah "the media business" eh. And here I was foolishly thinking that you were just promoting yet another attempt at the standard Second Life adword blog. Oh well I was never very good at roleplay.

    If you're a fan of history, I suggest dropping all this 'CEO' and alternative income stuff for a moment, and instead make a detailed study of the thousand dead SL blogs still out there penned by dreamers and roleplayers who also didn't want to get a real job. I think you will find them quite informative.

  5. Magdalena Siemens wrote:

    Hello I am asking this question for the following reason: I am about to start a new blog about known people in Second Life. It will be something like the "People" Magazin but for virtual persona. I want write about them, their historie, their activities and complete the article with a small interview. To start with I need to know, who to write about, apart from the obvious ones (Anche, Torley). Therefore I would appreciate some pointers. It could be known business people, designers, bloggers, artists, models, porn stars anything and not only celebrities. In another words: Who are you a fan of?

    I hope it will be more successful than the Gorean Blog Which Will Change The World.

  6. bebejee wrote:

    Just curious to know of any such people on here, I guess in property business if so.

    I know a bunch of people here who will claim loudly to be making a prosperous SL living via their meagre creations or inexpert land flipping, but unfortunately when you look a little closer those same people are almost always being supported by the State or some other benefactor. Oddly they rarely tell you about that part. Go figure.

  7. Who needs fiction? Wasn't there a paranoid lunatic posting here recently, bestowing such titles upon him or herself as;

    "A Second Life Living Legend"
    "A Secondlife Creating Legend"
    "... a legendary content Creator within the realm of SecondLife"

    as well as drawing attention to sad little graphics advising of the same role-played imaginary qualifications?

    I fear any Friday thread creative writing may struggle to compete in the face of such hilarious factual material currently emerging on a near-daily basis as the SL freakshow pond dries up.

  8. Tosibu Robonaught wrote:

    long story short......i was drunk in a sim, and messaged pretty much person to person...........these IMs were shared with people that ran the sim and i was banned...from what i've read, IMs aren't allowed to be shared with anyone under any circumstance, no matter the content correct? if im mistaken, please correct me

    To address your question, yes, sharing chat without consent is not permitted within LL properties. Since you're probably now going through the butthurt or "I want revenge" stage, you should also be aware that it is a rule broken all day every day during the petty he said/he said disputes that make up Second Life, so is therefore unlikely to arouse much interest.

  9. Ardvinna wrote:

    Radium Soup wrote:

    Ardvinna wrote:

    SirLeighBastard wrote:

    A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were.

    Go on, prove me right!

    You got me. ...And I thought that noone would ever guess this secret about my posts.

    I thought the secret was that you delete them after a certain age like a paranoid fruitcake?

    I had to look for
    paranoid fruitcake
    in the urban dictionary. And now I'm thinking about changing my name into "paranoid fruitcake".

    1. A derogatory term for a homosexual man.


    2. Someone who is completely insane.


    3. A cake made with bits of fruit and drenched in scotch.
    Since I'm not a man, there are two possibilities, what I could be: completely insane or a cake drenched in scotch. or the third: a completely insane cake drenched in scotch.

    Given these three choices and having observed your past form, if I were a betting person I'd put my money on option #2.

    (I prefer the short odds).

  10. Ardvinna wrote:

    SirLeighBastard wrote:

    A very successful British comedian used to wonder why parents took their children to supermarkets just to smack them, and in the same way, I was wondering why so many people joined SL just so that they could post in the forums to demonstrate in public how stupid they were.

    Go on, prove me right!

    You got me. ...And I thought that noone would ever guess this secret about my posts.

     I thought the secret was that you delete them after a certain age like a paranoid fruitcake?

  11. I like to think of the asteroid belt as the second life of our solar system. Rather than uniting into a coherent singularity, thanks to the mutual opposition and the generally repellant nature of the components involved, they remain a collection of insignificant lumps fundamentally opposed to each other.

  12. Kayla Whittaker wrote:

    I have open a club on this sim...  But after I bought the land, I turned on my mini map, and seen a bunch of avatars in one part of the sim.  Ok... So I decided to check it out.  It was a kid area... I was there maybe a minute when I get an IM from some guy in a boy child avatar and hitting on me.  I thought I was going to puke, plus he was wearing a "Collar" and I checked out his profile seeing that he was also collared to a Mistress as a child avatar.  That is when I had to leave, before I was running to bathroom to throw up.

    Very unreal disputing.   Maybe I just don't get the whole child avatar thing in sl with adults behind the keyboard.

    So you have had an account in Second Life for almost 10 years, but until two days ago had not noticed the ageplayers and pedos that are all over? And now it is "REALLY DISTURBING" and "very unreal disputing"?



    I would be surprised if a report contained enough substance to achieve anything though. All but the most stupid ones have long since learned to edgecase the Labbie rules.

  13. Syo Emerald wrote:

    In SL the most common forms are:

    - fake links, that lead you to websites that pretend to be legit and want you to enter your login information

    - allowing objects to acess your LL balance

    - giving your login information to someone else

    In terms of percentages I would put copybot viewers at the top of that list. It's always funny to watch stupid people who thought they were ripping off others, only to discover the joke was on them all along. Honor among thieves and all that.

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