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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga

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Everything posted by KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga

  1. That is incredibly unfortunate. The fact these people are marketing these items as "pretty golden statue" instead of by name shows they don't have rights to anything, let alone a big name game company. There should still be some sort of 'game rip' option where the items in question can be taken down until the case is resolved.
  2. So I was creeping the mp for a dagger or something for an outfit and I came across a shop that was selling very pretty things, so I checked them out and the next thing I know I'm looking at a rip of the Statue of Dibella and a rip of the NIGHT MOTHER and a rip of some burnt corpses and other stuff I know for a fact was ripped directly from Skyrim. A lot of weapons are ripped but like barrels and gaRLIC ARE YOU KIDDING?? Anyhoo - I go to flag a few things I know are stolen and there's no "this was clearly stolen from a video game' option? Only if they stole from me? ??? ???????? ?????????????????????????????? Can some one please explain why this option is missing??
  3. I'm going to make it easy for all of you people. http://feeds.sl/mens If you have more trouble after this, I cannot be of help to you. eta: link for those who don't like to try too hard https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=10&search[keywords]=mesh&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search =1&search[per_page]=96
  4. I'm not exactly sure what you mean - do you mean the micro avatars (who are, in turn, called Petite Mesh Avis) or do you mean, just a petite (or rather, smaller and cuter) avatar that is the regular avatar size but a mesh shape to get rid of how sl compresses small bodies? If you mean legit Petites (like .7 meters tall), I found some that were only L$300. (tho I think skins were sold separately) If you don't mean this and just mean like, regular avatar thing, well all I know of is the Toddleedoo avatars to make people look smaller like children - they aren't micro but they are smaller and softer than SL avatars can achieve. you mention buying shapes but I'm still confused which ones you were going after (also why didn't you demo? always demo before buying - especially if you don't have a lot of L$)
  5. The first skin here is from Pink Fuel (Kumi) - it still has a few nose issues but overall the face shading is very well done. I think the reason for this is the skin was defaulted for a WOC avatar (asian), so it doesn't have the caucasian shading as default. The other skin is from the Shops - their darkest line (#36) - and obviously one of the (two at the time I bought this) black skins. As you can see the nose is great, the cheeks are great everything really. I just get this white line around my neck on this avi since the head part is a tattoo layer, so I don't use him as much. Ah, well.
  6. Yeah, unless you are planning on spending several hundred dollars (like actual, real USD), this really isn't viable. If the house is too small, right click, edit, stretch out. Too big? Right click, edit, stretch in. Done. You have a house that's the right size - not too big, not too small. Good luck, Goldilocks.
  7. Even tho I've more or less become a full-time creature of sorts, I do have many RP alts that offer a full range of human shapes and features and tones. I find the thing that irks me MOST is the lack of African skins. Now, don't get these confused with the 'Well I started making a white person and tinted it dark that's close, right?' skins, because those hurt my eyes. I'm talking ones that actually take into account NOSE SHAPE and SHADING!! I think I've come across maybe three up-to-date skins that don't have a caucasian nose on a black skin. The Shops - old body co I think - have lovely dark tones, (however their separate skin/head thing makes for an ugly white neck line so I don't use their skins) that don't ignore the nose shape. I find it hard to make a decent looking black character who isn't overly muscled to the point of it looking painful, or ones with a decent body that then ignore the facial structure completely. I've also seen so many people who don't have any idea what a body even looks like and I just want to drop modify shapes on them and run away. I never had an issue with the sliders because I was used to the Sims and various RPG games. :B
  8. It looks like you turned off basic shaders. Is this a mesh avi? Mesh doesn't show up right if basic shaders are off.
  9. Idk if it's just me (it probably is lbr) but the official viewer keeps updating excessively. Sometimes 2-3 times a day? I'll be fiddling around and it says it's ready to update, I let it, then like 20 mins later it comes up saying it needs to update again?
  10. You upload from your computer now instead. I think it's nice - saves me 10L$ I've noticed picks are a little stubborn, but if you type a lot, just copy it so if it doesn't save right the first time you don't have to retype. I'm not sure why that's acting up tho
  11. You'd be better off joining the appropriate in-world groups ('Furry Artist', for example) and try advertising there if allowed. Otherwise wear the tag and go hang around in clubs and see if anyone is interested. The forums are pretty much void of life save the few repeat offenders so the likelihood of a customer just happening across this is very low. Good luck! ^^
  12. If you can draw furries/anthros/ferals you'll find a huge market for people willing to buy stuff that 'doesn't exist' yet. join some furry artist groups and hang in the clubs. people will ask. they pay well.
  13. No. That's a violation of copyright. Even 'I'll use it only for myself' is a bunch of bull**bleep** and still against the law. No.
  14. Usually the breasts have a creators/modders kit that comes with them. I believe however that the breasts are mapped to the default map for clothing. I might be wrong however as I don't make clothes but I think this is what I've heard.
  15. Perhaps invest in a better space bar. Also if you're so hip to current sl fashion, why are you still in system clothing and skirts with the prim panel?
  16. So you're essentially a furry and not allowed in most sims. What a surprise.
  17. You can be a child without the bits he's not gonna be using. :matte-motes-grin: Finding a good skin is probably the hardest part imo!
  18. You won't find any. You also shouldn't be looking for any, as that can be considered sexual ageplay, which is against LL TOS. If you want to be a kid, you have no need for 'parts'.
  19. So it's set up how V3 is set up. that's what I like about V3, the cute little buttons you can pick and chose. But I still don't like that giant v1 chat bar. I would always be walking (I'm a wsad walker) and suddenly I'd be typing wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:matte-motes-mad: The new V3 chat box, while strange and annoying at first, grew on me. As an RPer, I loved the little 'in range' thing they added right in the window. Makes it easy to snoop on other's rp and make it look like you aren't, haha. I also like how you can tell it "don't show me any messages on the sceen when the chat is closed, just blink at me I'll get to it eventually (or not at all)"
  20. I guess I'm just used to using keyboard shortcuts more often than not! :matte-motes-grin: Using the pg up and pg down buttons can help for flying since the arrows are finicky. Oh, and my preferences get eye candy! My computer just isn't so hot at handling graphics all bumped up, and I don't like SL's shadowing and lighting (unless I'm at an rp place or a themed sim) because I'm terribly vain and I like my seamless windlight settings. Everyone is smooth, all mesh is lovely, textures come in quickly (for sl) and they look nice, no jagged edges on avis, even ugly avis have nice skin (no jowls and those nose lines), etc. Basically I don't have fancy linden water (but since I live up in the air, my pond in my forest is prim water haha), or super fancy shadows, but that's ok. Most of my furniture comes with its own shadows and the houses I buy have baked shading so I can trick myself into thinking everything is super hq. Look at the one screenshot I put up. That's on the lowest graphic setting, and my avi still looks A+. /not vain shh
  21. I dunno about that. I've been around since '07 - which isn't terribly long, but long enough to freak out when V2 happened (I'm stubborn) but after I got used to it during that first week, I loved it and decided it was much better (for me). But to each his own, I suppose! :matte-motes-wink-tongue: eta: also on my main (not my rp alt who doesn't need things open aha)
  22. Yeah, but see how all those buttons at the bottom are just, well, sitting there? Out of those shown, I use Search, Mini Map (sometimes, not always), and Inventory. (the others I have open in V2 are Camera Controls, Outfits & Chat) Why have a fly button, or build, or radar, or map, or all that volume and media crap sticking out at the bottom? If I want those, I'll go through the top menu (me personally, someone else might really like the map, for instance) I agree that viewer isn't as obnoxious as v1 UIs, but the lack of deciding where stuff is and what stuff I have out brings down my interest. Also, for those of you wanting a faster SL without taxing the comp much but still getting the pretty, just set LOD to 4, get you some pretty windlight settings, turn off everything (draw distance to like 128, particles to min (but not off), kill all the graphics you don't need like trees and land textures and blah blah water stuff - just make flexi prims, objects, and avatars high. turn off all the check boxes but basic shaders (local lights are cool for themed places tho), and keep graphics at low. If your comp is okay at this point, do anti aliasing in advanced to 4x and lovely avis all over yay)
  23. Why is it that everyone seems to like the old UI better? When I saw the buttons (and the ability to stick them everywhere) for the official new viewer, I was really excited, because I never used half the crap on my screen that the old UI forced me to have up. Now I have about 5 buttons on my screen at a given time in places that don't interfere with my HUDs and life is better. What's preferable about the busy old UI? I can see new users not liking it because nothing is labeled, but for oldbies like myself, the itty bitty unobtrusive buttons seems better for screen space.
  24. Your title makes it sound as if you are rping as a 5 y/o and you are looking for a job as said child.
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