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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga

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Everything posted by KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga

  1. Hey! I'd be very interested in this job. I'll contact you in world in a little while, but I won't be able to work on this until the 6th of June or so. But after that, I can devote most - if not all - of my free time on this. Luckily I work very quickly and efficiently, so hopefully this can be knocked out in a relatively short time. c: The project sounds quite challenging, but very rewarding!
  2. A.I.F Cats and Dogs are absolutely adorable and act as they should. With the cats running around and then randomly perching someplace and passing out, and the dogs constantly edging closer to you and wanting to be nearby, these guys are by far my favorite. They are full of personality and can follow some simple commands along with an easy to use hud, and they are by no means expensive at only L$900. You can even set a specific area for them to go and sleep if you like so they don't end up sleeping in the middle of the living room or something. They interact with each other as well. I have three of the cats at the moment, and they all play and do a bit of chasing each other from time to time and I catch myself watching them go at it. You can easily customize their names, which they respond to, their volume level, and their size so you can essentially "grow them up" if you so choose. They come with a little bath tub, a ball for play, a food bowl and some food. While they don't need to be fed, they do get dirty after a while and loose some of their 'brightness', which a simple bath fixes quickly enough. I recommend them to those of you who want some personality in your pets and not just those robotic moving animals or the static ones. These guys move and play like the real thing. ^^
  3. Sl eyelashes are gross no matter the color. Here's an alpha mask for those pesky things! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FTL-Alpha-Mask-for-Eyelashes/2020985 I use the same one, and it works wonders. Also look into buying that sellers prim lashes as they are very high quality and not all that expensive. ^^
  4. Thanks, guys! ^^ I'll be sure to give all these places a look.
  5. I was on stubleupon the other night, like usual, and came across a page of the most adorable and interesting clothing I've seen in quite awhile, and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy similar styles in world. First ► Second ► Third Also, if you have an outfit like these, feel free to show it off! ^^
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