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Ruby Winchester

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Everything posted by Ruby Winchester

  1. There is already an RP Sim Tombstone out there that rent out rooms. Wasn't sure if you were aware.
  2. Thank you Luna, exactly the point I was trying to make. If they have an issue, send in a jira. I wasn't even bothering anyone. If they were in their own homes doing their own thing, I would not even be in this thread. Blessings, Ruby
  3. This post has nothing to do with it correct. We all have health issues, even I. The post shouldn't be here at all. It should be removed from taking a photo of me and downward. That is the issue. Got a gripe? take it up with the original poster. That is where the issue lies. That is the person who first started the drama. Best wishes. Ruby
  4. The moment the person IMed me that sent me the link showed they knew who I was. Name on it or not. They knew the sim, they knew the photo. Just saying, don't post others photos without asking. Thank you. Blessings, Ruby
  5. They obviously weren't here then when others were sitting on the signs, one standing on the barrier pole at top, and 2 fur avatars making out in a boat along the shore... People have to get their homes anyways through their account, so standing here doing nothing shouldn't be an issue.. Instead you get people IMing you going... you're keeping them from building... Um.. no... no one is keeping them from building. It is already set up nicely inside the mailbox.. all they have to do is set it up where you try and get the house through your account. If someone has an issue, then just stick to refreshing their account home area and leave people like myself alone and stop posting about it. True? Also having a laugh at another expense I don't see very polite either. Remember, every person in SL has feelings, even the ones posting. If they don't wish to get feed back in defense, then maybe shouldn't post to begin with. Just saying. - Blessings, Ruby
  6. Understood, but until someone had posted about me to begin with, this never would have been an issue. I haven't bothered anyone, and now I have to defend myself. Strange in Second Life. Personally, I would just like them to delete this thread and move on. It doesn't warrant even having a photo of me or anyone else. Instead, would that be a form of TOS form of harassment? Just a thought. Blessings - Ruby
  7. I shared this post with one of the Moles. Explained what was going on. People need to find a life, and leave others alone who haven't bothered anyone. Such a shame... I've been trying to promote Second Life, and it is posts like this makes me wonder why I bother... Blessings, Ruby
  8. I find it interesting that this line has made it to as far as it has. I guess you all are bored and feel the need to police people on Second Life. Perhaps instead, maybe focus on your own time in SL and less worry about people in game. If you are so concerned about my welfare.. I'll let you know how I spent my time. I most of the time was in RL.. on the webcam with another SL player who is older and was lonely (because most of you all focus on pointing out people instead of getting to know them. I don't. I get to know people, chat with people. There are a lot of nice folks out there. .I promote SL to schools, colleges, as well as skill centers for those going in the graphics program. I've spent over $11,000.00 in one year alone in here, I doubt you all have. No, instead, you post on here going.. OMG... there is someone sitting minding their own business.. I need to put my two cents worth in. Another thing, after I got off webcam with 1 SL player, then I got on the phone with ANOTHER SL player who's father is dying of cancer. Who has already lost her mother, her daughter, and now has to put her life on hold to care for her VA father in his last few months he has left. Wow.. makes you feel extra special now, right? Oh and if I didn't answer you, my apologies. I might have hrm... had a RL where I took my son to the doctors due to pain he was having. Yes, I spend my time helping others, not posting about OMG.; this person feels the need to camp. No, I came over to check it out, found myself talking to people, then forgot I logged there still in game. Honestly, before you open your mind to get attention, find another way that is more giving and positive. That way you don't come off looking so foolish. God Bless. - Ruby
  9. While you feel the need to be very negative to the people of Second Life. I might have been sitting there (harmlessly no less), I was on the phone with another Second Life citizen who was depressed because she had to go on leave because her father was dying of cancer. So if I didn't answer any of you, it was because I was trying to comfort someone who already lost a daughter, a mother, and now possibly her only income to sit at home while she cares for her dying father. Something to think about. Take care and God Bless. - Ruby
  10. Ruby Winchester

    Linden home

    I just got the map, stumbled on that one. I actually have 2 premium accounts. One for my main, one for my builder. I was out of state for a week. Was kind of hoping to come back to the chance to get at least one. Someone recently told me to just keep refreshing my house thing. So, now my time is spent in refreshing. I don't go by "any minute now" because depending on where you are at (I am in CST), one can never be certain to when they mean it or not. I thought about joining the Community just to be in the loop, but not being a resident, I wasn't sure if that was allowed, and didn't want to cause any problems with a chance to get a home. I have now been finding myself wandering in the different regions, and having people come up to me asking me if I am a spy *facepalms* I do look forward though eventually getting a home, and would like to be part of the community. I just feel lost these days, and lonely at times. Anyways.. thank you for your input. It is greatly appreciated. Blessings.
  11. Ruby Winchester

    Linden home

    I've been a Premium for over 11 years dear. I would say at this time with Patch Linden closed his post about the new places, that it is more than likely won't be available any time soon. And they won't inform you personally. They usually just out of the blue post a notice about it on their blog here and if you're lucky to catch the post and get in when the wave hits, maybe you might get lucky enough to get one. Hang in there though, one never knows when... Blessings.
  12. Ruby Winchester

    Linden home

    Thank you for the chuckle. As I've just taken a peek to see if they listed the new locations yet, and they aren't there.. I fear your hypothesis needs a little more "tweaking".
  13. Ruby Winchester

    Linden home

    I know what you mean. I abandoned my old linden house as well. I want one of the traditional ones as well. ❤️ I am a Premium Member as well. I recently fell, so have had to take some time resting (with pain pills). Hoping to get one of the new ones before the 16th if possible. Before my fall, I had purchased tickets to go up and see my son and his family. My grand son's 3rd birthday is this month. I've been wandering around the new lands hoping to find a possibility of a home available. Nothing yet. Blessings.
  14. I would like to have it on Marketplace that besides No Copy, No Mod, No Transfer, they add DEMO. That way you can clean up the Marketplace and get rid of it when you try to search for something free you don't get half the fake things that aren't demo, but the designers put that in there so that it brings it up. It is rather annoying when I could care less about Demo's on Marketplace. Leave Demo's for the store when you visit them. Otherwise, the word Demo in some instances is misleading and with so many pages to go through, gets rather annoying. I agree, I also find where people put Gift, or they put Demo, and then they aren't free. I think after 11 years, it is time to start cleaning up the Marketplace to represent Second Life properly. Thank you and Blessings.
  15. I have to agree. I'd rather the moles work on the housing regions first. I also like the person's idea of giving you a box to click on which home you would prefer, houseboat or traditional. Then when the home is ready, they could send the person a link where their new home could be found at under (housing). Just a thought. I also have to agree with the person who said they would prefer the drive way to line up properly with the house. if on the corner of the street, put a fire hydrant if you want to keep with a neighborhood theme. (I have one where I live in my real world, as I live on the corner). Blessings
  16. LAQ has come a long way from their original name RaC (Raspberry & Cow) :)
  17. Wasn't TMP originally The Body Co that was part of theWarehouse at one time?
  18. It would resolve a lot of the tenseness though if they did so. Perhaps they don't want to give up their old place if they had the same amount of prims. I am not in the mind of the person though, so couldn't say either way. I have better things to do in my real life world, so that is why you don't see me saying much in here. Some people in here though, feel the need to put a voice, not always friendly or helpful, and that doesn't help matters either. I appreciate what Linden Lab has done for us since my first appearance from IMVU to here in transition 11 years ago. We've come a long way. Blessings.
  19. My husband is an IT in coding, it does take time when working with long strands of digits. I am sure they think they understand, but with a project such as this, they might not realize that it goes a bit more deep than what they think. Though, I think we all need to show a bit more compassion. I am assuming that many in here writing have probably already have their new place and feel the need to still put in a jab here or there. Might be more beneficial not to say anything at all. Blessings.
  20. I think what he is saying is. If they are adding the 300+ prims to the new places, why not just give the same allotment of prims to the older homes as well. Am I correct? As for how much one spends in SL. I think I could top that *coughs* that amount by -000 digits more.. but patience is a virtue. There are many of us who have been around SL for 11+ yrs waiting along side with you and others. I abandoned my Linden Home I had, so that I wouldn't contend with having the silent mess of having to abandon it and then get the new. I look forward to when I am able for the New home. (I prefer not the houseboat). A friend of mine told me about another friend who was fortunate enough to get hers. So now we all do the waiting game until then. Blessings.
  21. For the homes that were taken up. I walked through the other day, a lot of them are empty, a few decorated. Kind of like the ones before. Hopefully people will start to use them, instead of just having them just to have them (trophies)
  22. Don't feel alone dear. My husband in RL had a heart attack and was in the hospital from the 12th - 16th and when we finally got home, I found out they had them available and they were already gone. So now I too play the waiting game. I am happy though that they are upgrading the land though. I've been in SL over 11 yrs now. I am curious though, does this change my premium land info then? - Peak square meter usage: 512.00 square meters
  23. I know this is a late entry, though I would like to ask something as well. Is it possible to uncheck DEMO, so that those of us who shop do not half to fight or block the page off our computers when we don't want to see demo's when we shop? As having a bit of knowledge of programming, I know that one can set up a flag to look for certain things to check ( I used to be a web designer). There is a section on the left for NO MOD / NO COPY/ NO TRANSFER. I would love to see another one added NO DEMO. It is rather tedious when you have to put a bunch of * and other remarks into a search section just to look through to locate something. Thank you. Sincerely, xvxRUBYxvx Praga (though a newbie here in posting, I've been in SL over 11 years) Major Shopper.
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