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Josh Susanto

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Everything posted by Josh Susanto

  1. >In the meantime, merchants experiencing this may do the following: How many times will they have to do this?
  2. >Under what conditions do you consider constant insults, constant harassment and constant accusations as "helping"? I've already told them what they need to do. Mocking them publicly is intended to help them realize they NEED to do it. >I was brought up to believe that it takes a balance of carrot and stick to motivate someone. The carrot is that if they start doing a couple of things differently, they can all still have jobs in a year or two. That's more than anything I can offer them personally, and it should be plenty for them. But apparently not; thus: the stick. >Using only the stick simply results in a welt a bruise and a bad attitude the next time you come around. That's up to them. If they turn out ot be a bunch of occupational masochists, there's not much we're going to do about it anyway.
  3. >Was talking about my original point in posting, not whatever creative notion you've come up with. Understood. But the point you make is incorrect. The dependency you cite does not exist. Paranoid conspiracy is not required to understand the other point which I make; that someone believed getting the boxes shut down was more important than getting DD properly tested before deployment. Why would someone believe such a thing?
  4. >Information lets us plan migration, workarounds and most of all responses to OUR customers. No response IS a response. But my customers are getting every item, every time with no problem, and they have been all week. I don't let LL assign me to give excuses to my customers, and so, when they assign me to open a can of worms I know they won't be able to re-can any time soon; I'm not only resistant; I immediately look for ways to compensate for their imminent fail, even before they've pressed the deploy button.
  5. >1. There is more than one team working to deliver features. That would never matter if there were one competent person assigned to decide when to deploy the developments. The rule I suggest would eliminate most of the bad decisions possible, making that person more competent. 2. SLX served SL faithfully for years without scrambling the database. Short of LL banning third party marketplaces another shall rise. Period The apologists cite volume and bandwidth as explaining the reduced performance. But they fail to explain why the boxes don't fail when attached to avatars while on Linden land. Moreover, the apologists also cite bandwidth and volume as explaining DD failures during mass migration. And how many people do you think are still frantically migrating the the obviously broken system after it's been obviousñy broken for more than a week?
  6. >April 2 through 13, 2012: Inworld Q&A sessions on using and migrating to Direct Delivery They might as well bot that. If they had anything useful to tell us, they would have told us by now. In fact, since I'm already writing a CommerceTeamLinden chatbot for IMVU, maybe I should just deploy a few in SL while I'm at it. Don't worry - I'll give a copy to Rodvik, too. >April 18, 2012: All listings priced L$10 and lower must use Direct Delivery Which assures that low-end merchants get the most screwed, which should surprise no one. When I figure out which Linden is ralph's alt, I will "thank" him for that. >May 16, 2012: Magic Boxes no longer allowed for any Marketplace listing Did I already mention "mandatory downgrade"? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I did.
  7. The sad part is that the bears were a really brilliant idea; they just required DD to actually work in order to do what they were supposed to do.
  8. I'm actually just fine with them fixing things that aint broke. I just think they should always fix the broke stuff first, and I feel very strongly about it. I think you're being pretty optimistic by giving SL another 2 years. If LL's decision process continues as-is, at some point a singularity threshold will be reached beyond which no set of decisions they make will be good enough to rescue the company. Of course, no kind of alarm will have gone off that will allow them to know this has already happened. So, fo the foreseeable future, I'm just going to operate as if that singularity has already been reached.
  9. >"delete the pictures that are wrong" Precisely. How is my own suggestion (given even before the deployment) of re-migrating back to the Magic Boxes any less sensible? Moreover, simply asking people to refrain from further migration to DD until further notice would be a really easy step to take that might save a lot of people a lot of trouble, but they haven't even done that. And how much work could it possibly be to take down the bear picture? I mean - what's not wrong about the bear picture, and if people are supposed to delete other pictures that are wrong... well maybe you can see my point?
  10. >I imagine that there's very little you could do with an IMVU account by that name that would not be actionable defamation. But CommerceTeam Linden is not a specific user. Who, exactly, will I have defamed?
  11. >Well that is you assuming that a developer didn't tell them. I can't tell you how many times I've told my boss "we really shouldn't do that it's to intense on our servers" or "let's do that next year instead of right now" only to be told "thanks for your input, do it anyway". I haven't had what I would consider to be a programming job, but I think I understand the dynamic from working in the medical and insurance industries. For example... I worked for a guy I was warned was the world's angriest insurance agent. After long discussions with various people authorized to discuss it with me, we determined that what I needed to do for a specific client was to cancel the auto insurance policy and issue a new one. The boss exploded and threw some stuff around and slammed his fist on the desk. So I told him that I would follow his instruction not to cancel and reissue, but that I would leave a notes in the system indicating I did not agree with his decision. And I put a note to myself in the file indicating that if he later got upset that I had not canceled and reissued, I was to give 2 weeks notice, whether I had anything else lined up or not. So when I arrived at work months later and he threw a wad of paper at me as I came through the door, I thought it could be about this thing, one of dozen comparably f'dup things, or just that his wife and kids weren't answering phones to be yelled at. He was upset that I had not canceled and reissued. So I was able to work around his fist shaking and whatnot to get to the file. When I finally let me open it, I pulled out the notes, laid everything on top of the file cabinet for him and, as he stopped cold, dumbfounded, I went to my desk and printed my 2-week notice as I had planned to do months before. After 2 weeks, I still hadn't found another job, but I walked and I didn't look back. And as hard as things were after that, I know that I absolutely did the right thing.
  12. >Hey, you're the one that's threatened on more than one ocassion to just dump your entire line of products on the SL community as full perm freebies. Clearly you feel it has no value, so why are you bitching about losing something that, by your own threats and statements, has no value to you? I care about SL's potential being wasted. Imagine you knew someone who got a perfect score on his SAT's and then started huffing paint fumes every day out of the blue, explaining "but I have plenty of brain cells". Wouldn't you try to help him, even if it made you look like a bit of a jerk to some people?
  13. >There are probably others Or one big one that explains why the list is just going to get longer from here unless someone's job is on the line. The big one being that (as i keep saying) LL's decision process is broken.
  14. >Just leave, OK? Oh - I'm not leaving. That's way too much like giving them exactly what they want. I'm definitely staying around to suck more money out of the system while I sleep, and to recruit merchants and other users for any and all media that will compete with this place.
  15. >Josh's threat to leave Second Life and go to IMVU Insignificant. I'll be doing A LOT more than going to IMVU if LL doesn't start walking the walk. I just thought that would be a good first step because I just spent 5 years trying to persuade every IMVU user I meet to come to Second Life.
  16. >There is no doubt that it will solve many problems that have existed for some time. It already has. Since the DD deployment, my Magic Boxes seem to be working better than ever. And I'm rather confident that this is precisely what explains the urgency to shut them off.
  17. >How do you explain the fact that the errors you claim were "manufactured" existed before LL purchased SL Exchange? The boxes were being rezzed on sims, not as avatar attachments. That made them susceptible to borking. Mystery solved. >How do you explain that people have been complaining about them since before LL got involved? LL was always involved because the boxes always had to be rezzed somewhere, which always involved LL. >And no Josh, simply repeating it as many times as you do does not make it true. Those of us that actually pay attention and arrived in SL before the site changed hands remember ALL too well how problematic they were then and still are now. As do I. I only wish it had occurred to me sooner to just see what the box does when it's rezzed as an avatar attachment on Linden land. That's actually how they work best. My boxes on multiple sims each with fewer than 100 items turned out not to work as well as one box with 700 freebies attached to my avatar while on Linden land. >But you are accomplishing one thing .. whether it's your goal or not only you know for sure ... but you ARE turning me into a Linden Lab Apologist simply because I'm getting tired of your incessant insane conspiracy-laden rants. OK,Great. How would YOU explain my findings, and how would YOU explain that I'm running my store all this week with even fewer problems than usual while so many other people are getting so badly screwed? >Tone it down .. please? It's getting obnoxious. Maybe I'll tone it down if they finally fix something. Fair?
  18. >Anyone that has a high sales volume knows what a pain Magic Boxes can be. When I first tested attaching a magic box to my avatar, it contained over 700 freebies. What do you imagine my sales volume was like?
  19. >I was therefore shocked when I saw that no, in fact they were going to ram this through exactly like that! I still don't understand why everyone is acting shocked. LL is as reliable as a broken clock.
  20. >Direct Delivery was designed and released to fix the ongoing and never-ending issues with Magic Boxes Untrue. The Magic Box problem was invented in order to promote the DD project. Magic Boxes work just fine in ANY sim, if they are first attached to an avatar on Linden land, and they always have.
  21. > as soon as the internal folks fix this problem Maybe they're waiting for Godot.
  22. >Because they were going to do maintenance work and because this is urgent. If they couldn't figure it out in 6 months, what makes you think they can figure it out in a week? >It's beyong me why they haven't done anything about it. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Their decision process is broken. If they can't make good decisions slowly, how are they supposed to make even better decisions quickly? >Seriously, I don't remember seeing a mess like this on the marketplace ever, and although I've been in SL long enough, this time they really surprised me. I'm doing a lot better than I was in parts of August and September. But I also figured out what to do instead of trusting Lindens to fix anything without breaking at least 2 other things.
  23. > So we just sit here and wait? No, we continue to migrate... We subscribe to competing services and migrate as much of our content there as we can. I bet it goes smoother. I betcha.
  24. So it's not the executive's fault for not wanting to know if something is impossible, and it's not the developer's fault for not taking the responsibility to tell him? Wow, I guess nothing is anybody's fault. Next time someone just straight-up reaches into my pocket and takes my wallet, I'll try to remember that.
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