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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Can anybody tell me if there is any good reason why it is unreasonable to expect that it would be routine for LL to restore from a backup anything that disappeared from inventory? Or, for that matter, fix any errors that their software or employees caused? Silly me, I thought it was routine for database managers to maintain backups. The most irritatiing thing about it is that they won't let us make our own backups. I cannot see any logical reason for this, since if they encrypted the backup with a secure encryption system and kept the private key secure, we couldn't access it except by uploading the encrypted material to their server.
  2. Thanks for the answers, everyone. I tried resizing a 40 x 40 x40 that was made as a megaprim. It worked fine.
  3. Now that the limit for prims is 64 m, are megaprims created before the change with no dimension over 64 m just ordinary prims, or is there some difference still?
  4. Paula001 Goldschein wrote: i have done a search in my inventory. and the three objects called 'object' are nothing big some normal things and as 'object copybot' nothing comes up.. This illustrates very well what is wrong with DMCA and LL's responses to it. Here is a resident who has apparently do no wrong, but LL hassles her and does not provide specifics about her alleged offense.
  5. Ariel Vuissent wrote: A good thing to note, though, is that if you stand around somewhere without moving for a substantial period of time, some people may assume you are copybotting. Yes, and such people are @$$#01e$. I often get suddenly called away from SL by RL for periods varying from a few minutes to many hours.
  6. Medhue Simoni wrote: Ok, if people want to not look beyond the propaganda machines cause they make you feel better and allow you to be lazy, fine, I don't actually care. Do your own research or just blow me off. I've already stated that I don't want to turn this thread into a debate on autism. If you feel ok with injecting foreign substances, and poison into your baby, you go for it. I asked you once, and I'll ask you again, please cite the studies that support your position. If you don't/can't, I assume that you don't know of any. In scientific discussions, you don't just state stuff, you give references. If you can't/won't give any, then it is obvious that you are just making stuff up, or quoting others who are making stuff up.
  7. Medhue Simoni wrote: Kudos Canoro! If people were taught these things in school, we'd have many less morons in the world. Plus, alot less corruption, as almost all majorly corrupted entities use these fallacies to take advantage of people and to cover up their crimes. OMG, your last example is soo very bad tho. For 1, vaccines causing autism has never, ever been debunked. This is a complete lie. The reality is, that all credible science says there is some link, but not all other factors have been weeded out. Believe me, there are few people that stay up to date with this issue than I. Can you please provide citations from the biomedical literature for the studies that demomstrate that there is such a link? That should be pretty easy if all credible science says there is one.
  8. It appears that the problem was a combination of the 54 meter limit for linksets and SL acting up. I appreciate the help. Why would they limit the physical extent of linksets? It seems to me that the prims being farther apart shouldn't make them use more resources.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. Is there any practical way to check thast other than unlinking the prim? I just discovered that a prim that would previously only let me strech its height to 15 m now will let me make it 18 m, but it won't let me make it taller.
  10. I have a house that I bought that is made completely of copy-mod prims. I need to stretch the foundation vertically to make it work on my steeply sloped lot. I assumed that I could "Edit Linked" and stretch it until it was up to 64 m high. There is a certain height, much less than 64 m, that each prim won't exceed, which is different for each. When I try to stretch it beyond that, it just snaps back when I let off the mouse button. I am aware that cut and sliced prims can be much larger than they look, and that is not the problem here. I know that I could just copy the prims and stack them, but I'd rather not use more prims than necessary. Does anyone know what's wrong and how to fix it?
  11. I went to several hundred thousand meters once. I forgot exactly how I did it, but I somehow got my avatar to keep ascending without having to hold a key. Then I went afk for several hours.
  12. Peggy. I very much respect you and love you. I am just a person who is interested in SL and IP law who has no professional qualifications. I understand that you think that the sanctions that are in place against people who abuse the DMCA are sufficient to prevent abuse. I do not. The last I heard, which was a few years ago, a US Attorney would not prosecute a case in which the stolen property was less than $10,000.
  13. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: A subpoena can only be issued by a court of law. To get a court of law to issue a subpoena credible evidence must be presented that establishes, reasonable evidence that a crime has been committed. Then the court gets the information from Linden Lab. Many people mistakenly believe that subpoenas in civil cases are reviewed by judges before they are served. The only routine review involves the court clerk making sure that required signatures, statements, etc. are there; there is no routine review of evidence or justification. You can find information about the misuse of DMCA subpoenas here and about the process here.
  14. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: .....but without a way to make that determination the ISP would be making a judgment without facts. That is the problem with digital content........it's next to impossible to know who's right and who's wrong when an accusation is made. You are saying that LL should take the risk of financial penalties without a way to know with any reasonable assurance that that risk is minimal. They don't have a choice unless you believe a company should take risks that could very well be financially damaging. That's not a smart way to do business. Let me emphasize that I am talking about DMCA notifications that are invalid on their faces, i.e., if all of the facts alleged were completely true, it is obvious that there would be no copyright infringement. These are cases in which all the facts needed are in the notification itself. No research is needed; it just needs to be read. It is abusive to file such notifications, and LL should not abet obvious abuse of its customers. Practically, it would take less effort to read the notification than to take down content. It is arguable that companies that look out for their customers' interests, even when it costs them something in the short run, can prosper more in the long run because of the appreciation and loyalty that their care engenders. Let me bring up something that I've never seen discussed here: DMCA subpoenas. Instead if filing a notification and getting the allegedly infringing content taken down, someone can present a subpoena demanding the RL identity and contact information of the alleged infringer. I imagine that most residents use their home addresses on the credit cards and Paypal accounts that LL has on file. So, any psycho who is willing to abuse the DMCA can get anyone's home address! That's scary, particularly considering that it is very easy to be an unwitting infringer who unknowingly bought infringing content in good faith. After all, there are plenty of kooks in SL, and giving out someone's address could make her susceptable to RL harassment or even endanger her. I think LL definitely should take a little risk if it receives one of these subpoenas, at the very least delaying responding until it has informed the target and the target has has time to file a motion to quash the subpoena. Don't you?
  15. Innula Zenovka wrote: As I understand it, the proceedure is that A files a DMCA takedown notice against B, and LL remove the item from the marketplace and inworld stores. B then, if she or he wishes, files a counte notice, disputing A's claims, and LL replace the item, leaving A and B to sort it out in the courts if they wish. Are you saying they shouldn't even bother asking B and simply ignore A's notice? When it receives a DMCA notification, LL is free to choose whether to take the allegedly infringing content down or not. If they choose to take it down, they have a safe harbor, i.e., they are protected from liability for any infringement. If they decline to take it down, if infringement is later proved, they may have liability. If they take it down,the procedure is as you describe. I certainly do not think that LL should do anything but take down content when they receive a DMCA notification that is the least bit credible on its face. I know that LL has taken down content after receiving a complaint that it infringed a trademark. The DMCA, its procedures, and its safe harbor provision only apply to copyright infringement, so it is impossible for a DMCA notification alleging trademark infringement to be valid, and there is no safe harbor in trademark infringement cases. In the particular case with which I am familiar, not only was trademark, not copyright. Infringement alleged, but the allegedly infringing use was actually not infringing, because the use in SL was not for anything similar to what it was registered for.
  16. Peggy Paperdoll wrote ....they have no choice in the matter. Hi Peggy, I am so tired of reading that they "have no choice." Indeed they do, and, if they were responsible fiduciaries, they would exercise it. Removing content that someone, anyone, alleges is infringing, in rerponse to a DMCA takedown notice gives LL a safe harbor, but they are not required to do it, and, IMHO, should not do it if the allegation is not believable. But they just take down anything anyone says is infringing without even determining if the allegation is believable on its face.
  17. Thanks for the explanation. What you say makes sense, especially for public and quasi-public places. For a private venue, or my home anyway, I think the esthetic disadvantage outweighs the ease-of-use advantage.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: This thread has piqued my interest. Are there really sex beds (and other such furniture) out there that don't use poseballs? I can fully understand the simpler stuff, like chairs with various sit anims, only one of which can be chosen at a time, but is there pose-ball-free, mutli-user furniture out there? Absolutely, Phil. I'll happily show you, but we have to keep our clothes on, so it will only be a dry hump.
  19. I'm talking about furniture that never has poseballs; a menu pops when you sit on it. Thanks for the tips.
  20. Qie Niangao wrote: Also, while I don't recommend waiting for the great Enlightenment, I do recommend first assessing script time and memory usage before buying any piece of furniture. There are some engines out there that are just absurdly inefficient, and some furniture makers who can turn even efficient engines into nightmares of inefficiency. A recent change is the ability for buyers to see that before making a purchase. It would be a good transition indeed if that caused a change in buying habits. I did not know about that. Thanks for the useful tip.
  21. Thanks for the helpful replies. @Jenni I hadn’t thought of replacing the scripts. Perhaps I will try it. @Innula I will have to visit your shop. @Amethyst I’m looking for all of the following: high quality in terms of appearance; a style that I like; no pose balls; high quality animations; certain animations; modifiability. For example, I found very nice-looking items with very nice animations and props, but it lacked a few animations that I wanted. I asked the creator if I would be able to add notecards and animations. She said that wouldn’t work because it used AVsitter, which would give stack errors if there were too many animations. I found found others that had all the features I wanted but used pose balls. Etc. @Pussycat I must be going to the wrong places. Where do you shop?
  22. I recently became aware that it is possible for scripted furniture to work without poseballs using systems like npose, AVsitter, and, perhaps, others. I think this is a great step forward. When I went shopping, it appeared that most furniture makers are still using poseballs. I never did find anything that was what I wanted in all respects. The items that used the no pose ball technology lacked other desirable features. I'm thinking that this is a time of transition, and I would be better to defer purchases a few months until more creators have adopted the new technology, when I expect there will be a full range of choices of items using it.
  23. Phil Deakins wrote: As you said, your tier level doesn't automatically reduce when you downsize but you are not charged on tier level. You are charged on peak land holding during the billing period. You can set your tier level as high as you like and you won't be charged for it. So reducing land does automatically reduce the charge. Thanks. I incorrectly thought that the tier level determined the charge.
  24. Nalates Urriah wrote: That 64-bit would give so much better performance when there are no 64-bit versions of the Lab's viewers, seems odd. There are TPV Dev's working on 64-bit versions. I have no idea when we will see one. For a while, I had 32 bit and 64 bit XP installed on the same machine. Practically everything ran faster on 64 bit. I doubt any of the programs were 64 bit then. NVIDIA 8800 and 9800 on Quad cores provide good performance now and have for some time. The 240 and 260 cards currently do a good job with SL. Those using 560's and 580's are seeing only minor improvements over those using 460's. I expect a 560, 580, or 590 will support SL for 2 to 4 years at max settings. I saw a significant improvement from a GTX 470 to a GTX 580. However, it's hard to attribute it to the graphics card because the GTX 580 is in a new computer with a better CPU and motherboard, more and faster RAM, and an SSD.
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