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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. Hello Stoonna, Here are a couple to add to your list: ARGRACE: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/106802 DURA: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44895 MAGIKA: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/22776 ANALOG DOG: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/4214 they also have inworld locations. Kind Regards, Josephine
  2. first tried a pose ....then i went back out to the dock to do more inventory control : )
  3. Checking out this fone pose that i found in my inventory
  4. blue sweater, blue drinks, blue kitty.......then i purchased a new pair of black jeans : )
  5. was all dress up but the friday night set was cancelled : ( so i put my jeans back on and checked out some poses i had in inventory : )
  6. ~*~ Happy Friday Everyone ~*~ hope everyone has a really nice weekend : )
  7. these are my favorite flats so far, Sandles called skittles because of the colored beads : ) perfect for jeans or shorts.
  8. attended the spring fling event, where my Sis hostess....then we danced for a while during the next set.
  9. staying on theme with Rhonda's retirement party, i thought some spicy coffee might go well with those taco's : )
  10. found this swing in my inventory so i decided to put it up on one of the palm trees : )
  11. another evening of really good music and inventory organization : ) its kinda like xmas going thru some "file it" folders : )
  12. On the dock again listening to music and wondering what the world has to offer : )
  13. Listened to some music.....then i looked around for a basket of flowers for the dock : )
  14. Hello Sylvannas, Here is a possible fireman outfit: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/umbrella-Red-Pyro-Cosplay-Firefighter-Costume-TF2-Flare-Gun-Flamethrower-Brigade-Helm-Gas-Mask-ALL-Women-Size/13031678 here is a military flightsuit: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SMS-Milspec-Flightsuit-MkII-female-OD-3-Pack/9570291 here is medical style scrubs: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Meli-Full-Perm-Fitmesh-Ladies-Scrub-Slink-Ocacin-Maitreya-Belleza-AllFitmesh-5-Size/13103379 hope these help you with your search : ) Kind Regards, Josephine
  15. Friday Night at my Sister's set....i stumped the DJ : ) lol
  16. So i was thinking last night that i really like this sweater alot so i thought to get another color of it : )
  17. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AZOURY-Cyrus-Boots-Black/13981137 corrected the MP addy
  18. saw these while looking around on MP....thought they might be your style : ) https://marketplace.secondlife.13981137com/p/AZOURY-Cyrus-Boots-Black Josephine
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