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Layla Claven

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Everything posted by Layla Claven

  1. I'm in world most days and spent a lot of the time around Bellisseria so I'll probably bump in to you while I'm out and about.
  2. That's something I don't have. You will have to let it out for a bit of exercise and take some photos
  3. Taking my pets for some exercise around Bellisseria
  4. Anyway on a brighter note I gave up my houseboat tonight. I want to try the campers out when they are released so I didn't want to hang on to the houseboat just for the sake of it. It was claimed within a couple of minutes.
  5. I released my houseboat on Ooos tonight and it was claimed within a couple of minutes
  6. No one who has been on the forums long enough to watch what has been said needs to present you with evidence. People have seen what has happened. Surely your memory isn't so bad that you can't remember your own behaviour.
  7. There are a couple of things that make it home in the Traditional house my alt/main (not sure what to call it when I use them both equally) shares with my husband. The B&W pics are photos I have taken in RL and some of those are hang on the walls in my RL home. I love derelict building and collect analogue cameras in RL. Another thing is the wandering Jian Boston Terrier. Now this one makes considerably less noise and is less needy than the BT we have (but I wouldn't say no to another one)
  8. Hi Eliza, the corset is from Avanti http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pink Heaven/159/201/31 The item name is Soiree
  9. Oh right. I never thought about random items being left behind before. I think any vehicles I have used have been automatically returned the minute I jump off them.
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