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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. For those of you who might be wondering who these SLadies are you can find out tonight at the Forum Cartel St. Patrick's Day Party at 6pm or at Pannie's at 8pm to hear Lillie Woodells sing.
  2. I made a purchase from the Marketplace this morning and while I have got the email saying the box has arrived I never got a Purchase Confirmation. This is my first purchase from the Marketplace in a while but what happen to my confirmation? Has something change? I always got them sent to my email before they look like this: And yes I did check the spam folder. :)
  3. Thank you Torley for this opportunity it looks like a lot of fun! I'll move in... Oops, I mean try it out soon.
  4. Maureen Boccaccio wrote: Happy St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for breakfast Maureen. Did you make enough for our bears too?
  5. As far as I know it is against the rules to give, sell or trade Avatars to anyone for any reason. Unless you died and filled out the right forms, in that case someone could have your Avatar. :smileysurprised:
  6. Thank you clearing the cache worked.
  7. Thanks Storm. The link was very detailed and helped a lot. The only thing I changed was I renamed the folders I did not delete them. But everything is working now. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the warning about the chat logs.
  9. It worked! I just renamed the folders to (SecondOld) and did not move them but it worked!
  10. What time is this going to happen? Will there be a warning? ETA: No restarts?
  11. I did not like it either so I went back to viewer 2.4 you can download it At This Link. Remove viewer 2.5 in programs and download and install 2.4 again.
  12. One is Window Vista the other is Windows 7. Both run Norton Protection Software though. I had to go to work so I have not had the chance to clear the cache yet. I'll do that first thing when I get off work. Thanks
  13. I thought it would be fun to make a thread about making Second Life more fun. So please reply with your wonderful suggestions to make our Second Life a little more festive. I'll start out with a silly one just so no one will think their idea is too silly to post. It would be so much fun... if when we logged in tomorrow we all had the rank of Leprechaun in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
  14. I am still at work. I am going to try that first thing when I get home in a couple of hours.
  15. Storm Clarence wrote: /me wonders if Lexie won't date him will she at least wear his t-shirt? Would I have to get the Mods a shirt, too? I heard there was one group of MODS that already have a T-Shirt made for you. :smileysurprised: But I think we might be talking about different MODS. :smileyvery-happy:
  16. Argus Collingwood wrote: Ruth is still with us, how you do fix being ruthed? I make sure my inventory is all loaded, that usually does it. Me too and if that does not help I change "Outfits" and that will usually set me free.
  17. Storm Clarence wrote: Irene Muni wrote: Storm, do you know that there is a "Lexie Linden Fan Club" group and a "Likey Lexie Linden" group? Ahem....does Lexie Linden know I have a fan club, too? I also have t-shirts with my most handsome profile picture. Does she? I think I would be considered a good 'catch' by these Linden ladies; although her Mods may 'feel' otherwise. /me runs off to start a fan club. Hello... hello? Darn I never could get cellphone service in here! Eh Stormie, wat tis I's heres abut a's fans club? How's we's goin twos signup?
  18. It happens before you get to the place to enter your account information. When SL is first starting up.
  19. Do you think it was weird that it happened on two different computers at the same time?
  20. When I was growing up I was skinny, dorky not to mention I started puberty late. I am sure you know how mean kids can be to someone that is different. As a consequence I did not make many friends growing up. Partly because I was unpopular and partly because I had a hard time trusting other kids because of what they put me through. All this might have been bad at the time but in the end it made me a stronger person that knows the value of friendship. I think maybe because of all this I have never deleted someone off my friends list.
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: @Keli, are those lips from Rocky Horror? And, shouldn't she be smiling? Especially if Storm wants to ask her for a date? /me blinks OMG I wanted her to smile and I tried to make her smile but she wouldn't. I am not sure she knows what to think of Storm's proposal yet.
  22. But how did this happen on two different computers at the same time? That is weird, don't you think? I have to go to work now so if I don't get other suggestions I will have to try this when I get home. Thanks.
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