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Everything posted by aht1981

  1. I pretty much don't bother now. If a dj has 5k in tips I'm not bothering. Maybe if there are 4 people present then I probably would toss in 100. Kind of tired of spending weeks working on a project that can't generate sales but then a dj rocks up at opening, opens spotify and plays and collects 5k. It's just an ego trip for them
  2. ignore this, user error! I was using the fix tool more than was needed!
  3. Ok so I made a top in Marvelous Designer and imported to blender. I rigged it to the reborn dev kit and all looks fine, hurrah!. What i tend to do is make the collar and edges a second material so once I've rigged I can separate those and thicken just those parts, then I add a weighted normal applier to smooth it nicely. Then i use the avastar tool to remove more than 4 weights per vertex. Upon import I notice a few triangles jutting out. Upon inspecting the weight maps I can see the Avastar tool has in a few instances removed heavy weights and retained weights that are on zero or very low numbers. Thus causing the issue. Clearly I can go round the mesh and fix each one individually, but do you have a better workflow or thoughts on what causes this? I should add I set the particle distance to 10 in Marvelous Designer which maybe is too high. I did raise it as a bug on avastar.
  4. yeah exactly, "4k" is a term I think anybody who downloads textures or makes textures is familiar with given they are, mostly, made in a 1:1 ratio. They're not using it incorrectly as if you made a 4096 texture and divided it into 4 parts it would display as created (in theory). If anything loads of brands in SL use the term "HD" in a disingenuous manner. 4k in tv terms just means 4 times as many pixels than standard "HD TV" (thanks google). Most people will already make textures in 4096 and then resize or let SL resize. If you want to test go download a 2k texture and a 4k texture and upload them both and you'll notice differences. Anybody using software such as blender or substance will bake in 4096. You could even bake in 8k but working with images that big (and the storage) is a nightmare. I'm glad somebody is doing something and who knows with pbr around the corner maybe this will take off - I mean imagine making a material of say glitter on the face. Part of me imagines the "4k" texture stuff will appeal to the detailed images types on flickr. Also with regards to creators, this could mean that a lot could simply take their original SLUV skins (lets presume they made them in 4k) and just divide into 4 parts. No reason loads could not update half their back catalogue in a few days (can't they just create a PS action?) and charge a few linden at weekend sales for the benefit. Somebody already showed a nice looking sessions skin, imagine how good those might look in 4k.
  5. just unwrap the roof, apply your texture and then rotate the islands of the UV map. Doesn't matter if they overlap as I presume you'd just use a seamless texture. also skirting boards don't extrude further than door frames.
  6. if you get a gradient and turn it to a normal map you can make those old fairground mirrors that make you tall and fat
  7. Clearly the regulatory environment has changed. If they do plan to bring back some kind of gambling they need a licence right? Best get checking the filings to see if they submitted anything, or if Waterfield have a licence.
  8. Hello. I'm working on a project and I really want to have a video on the floor (sorry, I know). Presently I could use a tv that can repeat a playlist forever and I've used them before for shows, but I'm sort of aware this could be done by script and displaying the video on the face. I made the video myself incase anybody has any issues. Is there a way to do this? Sorry to ask but getting frustrated and semi desperate now! Thank you. Ideally once it plays the viewers should not be able to make any adjustments.
  9. ah Quistess I tried lower image sizes but still got glithing. KT's idea worked! Thank you both!
  10. Hi so earlier this week I had a brainwave for an event I'm working on to use a script I have that lets you input the uuid for images and it will switch the image in the light part of a prim for a projector. I made a little seamless video and input my 16 frames and set it to play and amazingly it worked - until I noticed the glitching. Which somebody seemed to identify as being loading issues. I've played about a bit and reduced the frames to 10 and it seemed maybe to be a bit better, but my fear is anther user or multiple users at the same time will end up with a glitching sequence. Is there a way to project a series of images (so its like a animation) so it runs smoothly through a projector. Or alternatives!?
  11. Right so this makes sense as we have 19 materials!!!! I'll have a go seperating things like the frames and glass after badminton and dinner!
  12. so I checked the version I have inworld and I think, even though in blender it is one item, it's 3 linksets. I used edit linked and could move half the building. During creation things like the window frames were made as seperate objects and then "joined" to the build. On export I always used "export selected".
  13. I had a look but not sure it's that - just as this person is trying to upload multiple meshes and I'm only doing one mesh and one physics mesh. I can share the files or log if somebody wants!
  14. hi thanks for the respone. I am using my own physics mesh and I'm using plane physics not cubes.
  15. Hi so over the years I've made various items and sometimes have done my own physics mesh - usually they appear in the uploader and can analyse to fix the problems- hurrah! But sometimes - usually with bigger buildings I've noticed it's not appearing in the preview window. If I upload the option to convert to prim is not present - but even sometimes with smaller builds. Would somebody be willing to have a look at my build and suggest why the physics is not uploading. I've managed it before with buildings so I understand elements of it, but just want to be able to sort this. Thank you.
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