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Spooky Shadow

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Everything posted by Spooky Shadow

  1. Adult 1536m 527prim Rectangle to fit all your lovely adult stuff and things perfectly! $L7,600 ($L 4.9/sqm) 100% FOR SALE! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/25/188/62
  2. Protected waterfront in an amazing area that many over-price and people pay. It is close to the Mare Secondus and other open bodies of water. Great if you love living on the water and sail or boat. This is the place for you. 1520m 521prim $L9,750 (L$6.4m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tenjin/92/120/21
  3. 4496m 1543prim Roadside in Heterocera in an area that rarely comes up for sale as it is an awesome area, even now with demand for the mainland pretty much gone. $L6500 ($1.4/sqm) $5,450 ($1.2/m) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/75/201/82 Right behind that one is a 5712m 1961prim. NOT against the roadside but is a large rectangle so there is that. $L4,950 (0.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/203/180/92 SOLD Last one is also a rectangle and cheap. 2304m 791prims $L2,000 (0.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/111/31/88
  4. Liquidation Price Adult 2048m 703prim $L12,280 ($L6.0/sqm) $L9,995 ($L4.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58
  5. 4496m 1543prim Roadside in Heterocera in an area that rarely comes up for sale as it is an awesome area, even now with demand for the mainland pretty much gone. $L6500 ($1.4/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/75/201/82 Right behind that one is a 5712m 1961prim. NOT against the roadside but is a large rectangle so there is that. $L4,950 (0.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/203/180/92 Last one is also a rectangle and cheap. 2304m 791prims $L2,000 (0.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tridens/111/31/88
  6. RIP Mainland Liquidation Price Adult 2048m 703prim $L12,280 ($L6.0/sqm) $L10,250 ($L5/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58
  7. STILL CHEAP Adult 2048m 703prim $L12,280 ($L6.0/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58
  8. WEEKEND LAND SALE!! Adult 2048m 703prim $L12,280 ($L6.0/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58
  9. Adult Parcel. WEEKEND LAND SALE!! 2048m 703prim $L12,280 ($L6.0/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58
  10. Yesss and some clubs use bots to "fool" people into thinking a club is popular. I've seen one, recently, that used about 8 to 12 just to make it seem like they had people showing up. No one was actually showing up.
  11. WOOT. PRICES GOING DOWN!! 1536m 527prim $L10,500 ($6.8/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58 512m also available right next door.
  12. Adult Parcel. Perfect Rectangle. What more could you ask for?! 1536m 527prim $L10,850 ($L7.1/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myanimo/16/168/58 Also bordering this parcel is a 512m that is for sale and also cheap.
  13. 2x Protected Water in a great part of Sansara. 912m 313prim General L$5,500 (L$6.0/sqm) 😮 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myrtle/194/168/23
  14. 2x Protected Water in a great part of Sansara. On a large network of protected waterways and open waters too. Great area if you love the water. 912m 313prim General L$5,500 (L$6.0/sqm) 😮 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myrtle/194/168/23
  15. WEEKEND SALE PRICE REDUCTIONS!! Adult L$15,950 (L$7.8/sqm) 2048m 703prim Adult L$14,250 (L$7.0/sqm) 2048m 703prim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Molymar/177/30/61 You get a big beautiful rectangle!! What more could you ask for?!
  16. 2x Protected Water in a great part of Sansara. 912m 313prim General L$6,950 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Myrtle/194/168/23
  17. Adult L$15,950 (L$7.8/sqm) 2048m 703prim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Molymar/177/30/61
  18. My mistake in thinking this post was all true. I should have known better. It is 512m not 1024m as he said it is. Always check.
  19. I don't know about historic but close to Bay City which adds some value. Your math up top is wrong and you are making it seem more expensive than it is. You have $19.3/sqm. It's actually $9.6/sqm if your asking price is true with it still being $9,895 which isn't all that expensive even now with the mainland losing demand and value. I think he is more going for the rental as he is a rental company.
  20. SOLD OUT. Thanks so much!! Adult square 512m 175prim L$3,800 ($7/sqm) L$1,500 (L$2.7/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sorinsen/88/50/77 Both of these have also sold Adult square 512m 175prim L$3,800 ($7/sqm) L$1,500 (L$3.9/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sorinsen/184/176/75 Adult 1024m 351prim L$7,500 (L$7.3/sqm) L$5750 (L$5.6/sqm) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Somani/220/45/84 SOLD
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