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Posts posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. 7 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    That's assuming that everyone is a rational actor. That is not always the case. For example, Putin has said that Western sanctions "amount to a declaration of war." If he feels his country is going to go under economically, he may decide to hit back with a nuclear strike. He is on record as saying that if there is no Russia, he doesn't care if there is any rest of the world or not.

    Yeah, he said a lot of things, but I think that is just posturing because he knows that NATO doesnt want a shooting war with Russia, so he will milk that as much as he can.  Im not sure he would be willing to die over economic sanctions.

  2. Ive never reached the limit, but Im guessing the limit is for 38 linksets, so you could theoretically merge a bunch of items to save "wearable slots", as long as the items are rigged mesh, and dont have scripts that need to be in the root of a linkset.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    I will drop this tangent because I dont want to drag the thread down further, Cuba doesnt have any nuclear or chemical weapons.

    They started construction on a silo, and the cuban missile crisis happened, and even then, the US hasnt invaded Cuba, so IF they had nukes, it would still support my point that nuclear armed nations are not targets for invasion.

  4. it all boils down to how litigious the IP holder is.  Look for information about the band you want to imitate, see if they have any problem with fan-art or tribute bands, and there you have your answer.  Some creators dont mind their IP being used, and others do.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Lindal Kidd said:

    Wrong lesson. EVERYONE is at the mercy of those who have nuclear weapons, whether you have them yourself or not. In fact, having them actually makes it more likely that someone will try and nuke you first.

    The lesson we ought to learn is: NO NUKES. Anywhere.

    Sure, ideally, no nukes anywhere, but as long as someone has them, they get to pick on everyone who doesnt.

    And having nukes doesnt make you a target, we are living under the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine, no one can mess with nuclear powers, or else we all die. That is the only reason why NATO cant intevene directly in Ukraine.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Statistically speaking, the existence of nuclear weapons means that sooner or later, there WILL be a nuclear war. We won't be sane, clean, well-dressed people like that booklet shows.

    And because of the actions of the nuclear powers (both Russia and the US) bullying the smaller nations that abandoned their nuclear weapons programs (Iran , Ukraine), we will most likely see more and more nations arming themselves, since recent history has taught us that if you dont have nuclear weapons, you are at the mercy of those who do, and the powerful will walk back any treaties or deals with no consecuense (again, happened both to Iran and Ukraine).  I remember a time when I belived the news about a push towards disarmament, it was probably a lie, but that past felt more hopeful than the present or the future.

    • Sad 2
  7. 26 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

    It looks like you think i have no clue. Can you please enlighten me? I'm not asking this in a derogatory way. I'm asking sincerely. Ca you please describe to me how you understand it? No links please, your own words. Thank you.

    Yes, a Critical Race Theory is one of those TVs, probably one of those boxy 1980´s types, that people use at campus, at law university, to make persentationsabout, like, a compelling essay for their thesis.

    So in that hypothetical thesis, they decide to talk about how a lot of factors, aside from the letter of the law, can affect the outcome of a trial, like wealth or lack of it, having a disability, gender, certain political affiliation, or being of racial minorit group.  And this guys, using those big TVs decided to use all those factors to study how colour-blind laws still have very disparate results in practice.  But out of all the different factors, they made race the main focus.  And thats what a Critical Race Theory looks like.  I cant really tell you if they are hot or cold, I never touched a Critical Race Theory myself.  It may also apply to Cathode Ray Tube

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Vance Fellini said:

    This is so laughably easy to answer:

    Teaching complex and nuanced material to kids is difficult. They rarely get things right on the first try (and neither do adults). Kids asking questions like that is natural and normal, and represents a need for more help to understand the subject material, not any kind of malice from the teacher's end.

    This silly outrage is a complete nonstarter.

    It would be laughable if it wasnt so frustrating, the definition has been posted several times, and people still go "but if I am NOT racist... then... gotcha! And wont somebody think of the kids?", when every definition of CRT out there will tell you right away that it is not about individuals, and it´s an advanced and specific academic pursuit, nothing that anyone would teach to kids.


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  9. 1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Suppose the next Community Page isn't about racial nor cultural communities at all, but a very different external interest/affinity group unrelated to "diversity." Suppose it's, say, "Green" in keeping with our color-coded motif. Not the political party, per se, but rather the whole group of people engaged in addressing environment and climate change. Or if we can't skirt the politics, call it the Anthropocene Community instead, but whatever, the point would be to connect a vibrant real world community with a corresponding, existing Second Life expression of that community.

    Why do such a thing? Because "communities" that already function in Second Life can differentiate it from other platforms with shinier graphics and users who like to wear boxes on their real life heads.

    The choice to start with a Black Cultural Community Page might call to mind the market power of "Black Twitter." Second Life should be so lucky.

    Again, though, if this is to attract and retain new SL users, the in-world communities must come with destinations always populated with engaging residents.

    Absolutely, and I sort of trust LL on the bolded, their destinations post are usually very good and they are constantly updated. I always watch the youtube clips the put out of featured locations and then visit them inworld, and Ive never been disapointed by them.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

    This right here is what is a massive problem in today's world. It honestly baffles me. As i said before. Some people so desperately want to put people in boxes based upon what skin color they have. I personally don't give a rats a** if you are purple. I care about you as a person.

    I'm sorry @Coffee Pancake but i can't just ignore the fact that you said that if someone disagrees with the current CRT propaganda, they are automatically "far right". "Agree with me or you are literally hitler" - How is that helping anyone? Seriously, i really want to know.


    If you read through this complete thread, and are honest with yourself, you'll quickly see that most of us don't want to be put in a box and just want to be appreciated for who they are as a person. This really should not be ignored.

    What do you think Critical Race Theory is ?


    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Seems a lot of people anticipate problems.

    I see the idea of new 'community' pages as a PR effort laden with virtue signalling by people that have absorbed way too much of the current CRT propaganda on diversity and it appears they understood it to mean racial diversity is honored by segregation.

    It looks like the movement going on in progressive schools and colleges where they are moving toward segregation (ref) is being adopted by the Lindens. I think it is a retrogressive move by woke staff hoping to look enlightened.

    I hope history has taught someone that certain types of divisions lead to violence. The worst ones are those that focus on measures that ignore a person's morality and merit, to focus on meaningless superficial traits like skin color, nationality, or religion. It is sad that the Lindens are so caught up in today's politicized culture and political battles they didn't recognize the racial component they injected into their effort.

    A game where any ethnicity can play as any other ethnicity and experience some of how that race is treated... WHY would we want to divide up by race!?!

    Builders, fashionistas, sailors, aviators, Get The Freight Out (GTFO) drivers, railroad enthusiasts, combat gamers, and so many more non-ethnic designations and non-nationalistic grouping could have been proposed. 


    Literally no one in this thread has even aproached the subject until you brought it up.

    It would seem that you absorbed way too much of the "other" current propaganda.

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  12. On 2/27/2022 at 3:06 PM, hoganshero said:

    Looking for one talented digital or grahpic artist who can create 201 simple png images.

    We are doing layers.

    Payment will be nice and whats even better is you become an equal partner in a joint venture with recurring income based off work you do once.

    Serious inquiries only please.

    What the .png files for? Ive done animated pixel art, and regular digital as well as traditional art. But Id like to know what is the product.

  13. Are you serious? You dump a list of "pun" names for TV shows, and you call yourself a visionary for it?
    you HAVE to be trolling, please tell me that you are trolling.

    Ill give you the benefit of the doubt. But I have questions.

    Who would produce all this content? How much new, weekly content would you need? Is it all in-house produced by LL, or if its made by residents, who will veto what gets on-air.  How is that conducive to revenue, and I want a clear explanation for this, backed with something more than happy thoughts.

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, Paulsian said:

    I'm thinking a section of the forum for second life created media / entertainment, user created videos, dance videos, role play videos, talk shows, Official videos like Lab Gab, Bookclub, announcement videos. Fan made videos. 


    We already have a forum section for that.

    12 minutes ago, Paulsian said:

    I see linden homes with tvs with the new forum section linked to them. new section plus sl media / linden home tvs equal more views, more views equal more in world traffic. 

    News channels with sl avatar hosting, comedy channels, dramas, murder mysteries, travel channels, history channels. 

    SL needs to step up with original ideas, because the metaverse has AI building their stuff. One thing SL has going for it is it's not artificial, it's organic.  

    Now you are tripping. 

    • Like 5
  15. 12 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    How do you know what market price is for a service in SL?  I don't think we need centralized regulation of fees, but if people share what they have paid and what they'd be willing to pay, I think this should help us get an idea of what the market price might be.

    maybe market price is a specific term that Im using wrong, what I meant is the regular price of a thing/service at a time.  For example, with clothes, some time ago a single item would go between 200-500 L in general, now prices are lower at the events, so I would say 50-250 L for something like a pair of shorts, or a top. According to the Marketplace.

    For custom mesh the range is a bit wider but it´s usually between 3000-5000 L with an extra 1000L to rig for an extra body, according to what I usually see in the emplyment section of the forum.

    I havent kept up with prices for things like DJ, but custom profile pictures go between 1000-3000 L, I would consider that "market price", you´ll find cheaper from people trying to break into the market, and more expensive from people who can afford to have less work or already have a network to get clients, or at least that´s the price range I usually see on profiles from photographers.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Looking at the many requests on these forums for sugar daddies and such, I wonder what kind of SL services people here would be willing to pay for?

    Landscaping?  Avatar makeovers?  Help finding roleplay sims?  Live music performers?  Classes in particular subjects?  Intimate roleplay partners?

    Also, what would you consider a reasonable price for such services? Even if you don't hire someone to work for you, what do you think is a fair price to tip people for their work?

    That´s such a complicated topic, I hope you dont mind if I make it even more complicated.

    1- There is no central government regulating work or even transactions between residents. (and you cant call out residents, so bad practices go unnoticed)

    2- There is no system for residents to unionize and agree on market prices. (the beauty of free markets looks like a race to the bottom)

    3- Linden to RL currency exchange can be very different from country to country, making a price standard nearly impossible to please everyone. (Paying Sim tier is a months salary in some countries)

    Having said that, I will pay market price for any services that I hire because if I hire someone, it´s to do things that I cant, I pay for the skill.  If Im tipping an artist, I cant drop 500-1000 L, because the dollar exchange in my country is brutal (and limited), so I will drop 100L instead and not too often.

    Makeovers, Landscaping, Finding sims, and all the things I can do myself, I wouldnt pay for. Customizing an avatar for me IS playing Second Life, makes no sense to pay for someone else to do it.   I would pay for classes if they are affordable.

    • Like 5
  17. 5 hours ago, atalkaboutGod said:

    Thanks Paulsian for sharing that. It would be great to have a cathedral near the office buildings like the one below.



    Someone has already moved a replica of the National Shrine of Divine Mercy. The first image in the real physical one in Stockbridge Massachusetts.



    and the second you can find on Second Life at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Varsity/140/211/576




    I understand your explanation of "1 mesh cube equal 1 land impact. 2 mesh cubes linked together equal 1 land impact." However, Firestorm needs to retrieve and load the item(s) from a database, and I am wondering if anyone has done an analysis of the speed of retrieving 2 prims from a database vs 1 mesh. I would think 1 mesh is faster, but then again, I have never done a performance test to verify, nor I have examined other factors that may be relevant such as the time it takes to load textures onto each. In addition, one has to consider the one time hit of the first load which is cached vs subsequent loads thereafter. Have you ever gone to an amazing sim and found you can't really move around when it gets a little populated? It would be nice to design an office area where the experience is still very responsive when it gets populated. Anyone know the best way to accomplish this?

    First thing to look at when optimizing is scripts, you dont want a million scripts constantly listening.  And for load times, aside from optimizing the mesh itself, the main culprit is usually textures, if you have 30 windows that look nearly identical, make them identical and use the same texture, that is a single asset. Instead of loading 30 baked textures one for each window.

    And you can also have a cache-ing lobby, a small simple waiting room, with some of the most used assets in your build, it can make the experience of entering the main building smoother.

    But, this is mostly the builders work, optimizing is a big part of building, and you cant really do it after the fact (particularly with mesh).

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