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Posts posted by StarlanderGoods

  1. 3 hours ago, Liaa Nova said:

    You don't. My avatar's hands are small, I'm aware of it, it was intentional. Do I care for anyone else's opinion, unless maybe someone photographing me? Nope. I am certain I can find fault with other people's avatars too; nobody is perfect

    It´s not a fault if it´s intentional, and I think this is the important thing, some people do need help with proportions, because not everybody studied anatomy or is observant of these things.

    Im not of the mind that the situation mirrors an RL situation, I cant change the size of my hands in RL, but you can in SL.

    How to tell someone? I think that you should only tell someone if you are familiar with them, and just go "hands too small, fix that".  If its a stranger, better leave it alone, unless you are at a starting hub or someone actually asks for your opinion regarding proportions.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:


    Theresa Tennyson murmurs, "Must have been quite the bet..."

    I have a different theory to challenge the "bet" theory.

    The OP has a conclusion, it doesnt matter if it´s right or wrong. This whole thread is them trying to validate their starting conclusion. There is really no other purpose to all of this.  If they are proven wrong, they will latch onto language used, if the language used is correct they will answer with a confused analogy. They will wear everyone out until someone validates their conclusion, because they can´t walk it back, they have a stake on that conclusion, as wrong as it may be.

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  3. 13 hours ago, cunomar said:

    Funny old world isn't it .  RL this morning i visited a shop for the third time and ended up in a 10 minute conversation with the girl behind the counter about her want/need for a new phone , then queued outside the chemist i was approached for a chat by a girl with two 5 or 6 year old kids in tow who i didn't immediately recognize because i spoke to her just once when she was pregnant with her first child 5 or 6 years ago . Driving from there i heard a horn toot and got a thumbs up from the postman who must have moved rounds because i haven't seen him for a couple of years at least .

    Then i login to read this and had to wonder at how i became so antisocial in sl .

    Is your RL last name Truman ?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:


    I for instance can't justify financially to hold a full region or a name change

    Here is the error, holding a full region has a cost to LL, changing a name is not a financial burden to LL.

    And like many have stated before, it´s better to sell 100 units at $10, than selling 10 units at $40.  The same principle applies for sugar babies.

  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_minimum_wage

    Alright, how much is too much to pay for a name change? 2% of your monthly wage, 5%.... 10% ?   There is a huge market there, India, most of the middle east, south america, they are all represented in SL with large communities, but the $40 is prohibitive if you are not in the US, Canada and the better off european countries (ok, Australia and Japan can afford it too).

    The profit motive is understandable, we all know that SL is not a charity, but the name changes are basically free money for LL, they could probably sell a lot more, if more people could afford them.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Unless Linden Lab are manually changing your name all over the database (something they made a point of saying they weren't doing!), then the $50 fee is for an automated process.

    Would you pay $50 for your marketplace purchases to get moved to your avatars inventory ?

    How much would you pay to be teleported to a different region?

    Should IM's be charged by the character or the byte?

    Yes, but have you thought about freemarketeconomicslandofoportunitytrickledownpullsyourselfbythebootstrapslibertarians ?

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 1/28/2022 at 12:54 PM, Orion Pastorelli said:

    Is the Kario body starting to get significant third-party support in terms of clothing and skins?

    Alright, I tested the Kario beyond just looking at the body, I got some demos to try on it.

    I went to MP, and I had to scroll down to like page 30 to get the first non-himbo clothes, if you are a male stripper, lucky you, if you want to just hang out, without your bits hanging out, you are going to have a harder time finding stuff.   But I did find some stuff, I found a nice suit, looks pretty fancy, lots of colour options, so I decide to try it on... but the demos are ONLY in-world, the item has zero reviews, so I went in-world, got the demo, unboxed it, tried it on, and it made me SO mad, that I inmediately alt-tabbed to the forums to complain about it.

    This is not a Kario-only trend, but why are male clothes so badly rigged?  This thing isnt even fit, the "alpha cut" it brings, it literally hides the whole body, because it´s simply not rigged for the Kario.  Even the clothes that come WITH the kario need alpha cuts....  shorts and a tanktop, the easiest thing to rig, those things should fit like a glove and move perfectly without the need for alphas, but they dont.  I cant in good consience pay for what they ask for (clothes makers), when the product is of such bad quality.  And I feel double-mad, because the suit looks good, if I hide the whole body, hiding also the shape that I made for the avatar.

    I havent seen it happen so often with female clothes, the rarely need alphas, and when they do it´s usually to hide some complicated things.

    So finally, to answer your question, third party support is NOT GOOD, variety is poor, and quality is even worse.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    if Linden did want to stop land flipping then they could do it quite easily.  Make the sale price for all/any size mainland parcel L$0

    not that Linden would do this ever as far as I can imagine. Just that it would be easy to do (at least technically)


    They would have to change the "abandoned" system too, or they would be buried in work having to prepare all the new abandoned land everytime someone wants to reclaim a parcel.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Aren't you idealizing a bit now?
    Most mainland is either a desolate landscape with abandoned land and here and there a some nice spots mixed with eyesore builds. Not really with much community sense.
    Something one can typically expect when there are no building regulations.
    There are a few better sims, but they are a vast minority.
    Mainland is mostly like private land IMHO a lot of patches with mostly each on his own to make the best out of their plot. Only private land has more see views.

    I frequently travel through the mainland, and while there are wastelands, and some terrible-perpetually-unfinished builds, there are plenty of little towns where people bunch up around a shared idea or identity, like little towns on the side of the road.  They are everywhere, and they are distinct.  Not to mention all the communities in mainland that are not centralized, like the sailing clubs, with all their ports, or the GTFO community, or the farm RP people, with their farms and barns and food markets.

    Of course a group of people are not going to make something as cohesive as a private sim that is built 100% around being photogenic, but I enjoy the natural communities of mainland more.

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  10. On 3/3/2022 at 12:03 AM, Gopi Passiflora said:

    I kinda agree with him. People hold on to past relics like dead ideas and outdated beliefs. Recent events have led me to think this way.

    But I made it my New Year's Resolution to be more forward thinking, to think about the wave of the future. To think about new possibilities. (For example, space and other scientific and technological discoveries are something I look forward to.)

    (Apologies if this is yet another vague post, but I wanted to express a topic without getting too...controversial.)

    Oh yes, he is right, and the proof is in our history. Since time immemorial, people have looked to the past as better times, while bit*hing about the youth and whatever was new in that century.  It has always happened, and it will happen to you too!

    At some point you will look at something silly that the youth is doing, like eating laundry detergent, or planking, and you will think to yourself, that the time when you were young was better.  And all the kids that survived eating detergent and planking in dangerous places, will grow old some day, and say exact same thing.... eventhough they ate laundry detergent for a tik tok.

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, Sid Nagy said:

    They simply make use of what the system allowes.
    One tries to rent out private land, another sings every weekend in a bar and a third one tries to make a dollar with land flipping.
    It is one of the few jobs available in SL.

    YES! I think we are about to agree!  It´s what the system allows, and it has become unhealthy, so changing the system to prevent practices that harm it in the long run should be a good thing.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    To be honest I don't see the problem.

    This is okay, but it doesnt mean that a problem doesnt exists, it only means that it hasnt affected you personally, or if it did, you havent noticed it yet.

    Of course Scylla would make a better post about it while I was typing

    • Haha 3
  13. Always on the ground, always on mainland, always next to a road or water that connects to the ocean.

    Right now and for the last couple of months ive been living in that big island, with the canal in the middle, that leads to likr a big round pool with high walls. I think it was originally greek style, but it´s hard to tell.   And I love watching all the racing boats go by, I wouldnt trade it for any private sim.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    That's assuming that everyone is a rational actor. That is not always the case. For example, Putin has said that Western sanctions "amount to a declaration of war." If he feels his country is going to go under economically, he may decide to hit back with a nuclear strike. He is on record as saying that if there is no Russia, he doesn't care if there is any rest of the world or not.

    Yeah, he said a lot of things, but I think that is just posturing because he knows that NATO doesnt want a shooting war with Russia, so he will milk that as much as he can.  Im not sure he would be willing to die over economic sanctions.

  15. Ive never reached the limit, but Im guessing the limit is for 38 linksets, so you could theoretically merge a bunch of items to save "wearable slots", as long as the items are rigged mesh, and dont have scripts that need to be in the root of a linkset.

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