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PJBear Bitey

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Everything posted by PJBear Bitey

  1. I was also at Hippiestock, and I wandered. Found the Hippiecow.
  2. hmm. Interesting. I used the exact same image as the one you used and got a different result.
  3. Okay, so, I used that PicTriev website and it said that this is 43 old Kaley Cuoco who is 5% masculine.
  4. Clothes, hair, and the part wherein the pants do not fit on one of them. I don't mean them being undone, I mean the gap that allows people to see the alpha (or something) in between body & pants. Turning that tiny bit of pants see-thru (well, seeing through to what's behind the avatar). And making it look like the pants should immediately fall down, since they are undone and are not tight enough to stay up without any other support.
  5. I have a new friend. He darted into the huge place in Chippewa Junction before I could get them to stop. No books were eaten or harmed.
  6. Thanks. I had a vague thought that might be what was going on. So, with that in mind. I believe 5, 10, and I think 17 & 21 are free bodies (at least I think I've seen moments when eBody Classic & Curvy were free). I've seen a body called Ruth that was free on Marketplace, but not sure if this is same Ruth at 18. I've seen people mentioning Belleza could/should/somethingsomething give Belleza Freya/Isis/Venus away for free. I can see why they might not since all three are still in top 50 of bodies (Freya - 14, Isis - 27, Venus - 46). And the two GenX's aren't even in top 100.
  7. So, I looked at the list. Well, as of 2022.12.15. Some on there I wouldn't have expected near the top of the list. Top 15 Woman bodies (the missing bodies are men bodies): 1. Maitreya Lara 4. Meshbody - Legacy female 5. MeshBody - classic (female) * Not sure what this one is - don't think it's the original TMP, but the new version is Legacy, then variations of that include Legacy in the name (like Legacy Perky), so what's Classic? 6. Inithium Kupra 7. eBody Reborn 10. LucyBody Atena (this one was completely unexpected to see sit at #10) 12. Meshbody - Legacy Perky 14. Belleza - Freya (not unexpected on list, but unexpected so close to top) 15. Utilizator - Kemono (not sure I've seen this one in the wild, so to speak) 17. eBody Curvy (I see Atena mentioned a lot on threads on here, so not unexpected on list, just unexpected at #10. Curvy? I didn't expect on list) 18. Sweet's Ruth (eh? What's this?) 19. Slink Hourglass 21. eBody Classic (see #17) 25. Slink Original (not sure what this means; there are several Slinks on there that I'm unsure about, like this one, and #76 "Slink Mesh Body") 26. Altamura Jenny (I own: 1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 34 (Rebirth Eden, I think, it's also listed at 252), 39 (Kalhene Erika), 42, 46, 70, 98) I've seen mentioned in threads, not yet mentioned in this post: 102: SP Peach; 105: Belleza Gen X Curvy; 124: Belleza Gen X Classic Non-human: 36 - Dinkies Cat; 54 - Wolf; 56 - Mare; 59, 63, 71, 73?, 82, 84, 87, 92, 109?, 114, 117, 121?, 122?, 125, 129, 146, 147?, 148?, 149, 153, 154, 156, 158?, 159, 160, 161, 162?, 163, 167, 168, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 196?, 200?, 201, 205, 208?, 210, 214, 215, 217, 228, 231, 233, 236, 238, 240, 242, 244, 247, 250, 251?, 253, 254?, 256?, 259, 260, 265, 266, 267 ........ etc.
  8. Do you have your own system, or are you looking at something? You keep mentioning where bodies sit on a list. Is the list viewable by others? Sounds like a neat list to have access.
  9. How does what you say correspond to what Rowan said? Or, in otherwards, why, neccessarily, would the intervert be the one not interested in sex, and the extrovert be the one interested in sex? What does being sex positive or sex negative have to do with whether or not someone is chatty/friendly or not chatty/friendly?
  10. Is that Kalhene Erika Seins or Kalhene Erika with deformers? Seins is Erika's Petite/small breast version. Finding clothing for Erika isn't impossible, but semi-hard. Finding clothing for Seins? I think I've seen one item of clothing offering it that wasn't put out by Kalhene.
  11. So much so that I've seen Belleza Jake versions, on rare occaions, in outfit packs I buy. And I don't buy male clothing. I noticed, but didn't get it imprinted in my brain very deeply, so I can't recal style of clothing, or who all did that.
  12. Reminds me of one of the few bodies I demo'd and didn't buy - that Eve body. I don't think I even took a pic of it and I take a pic of everything. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EVE-Pulpy-mesh-body-BENTO-Ruby-BOM/6165728
  13. People's posts have signatures? I don't think I've seen any signatures on SL Forums. ETA: Clicked on the Settings link. Is signatures off by default? I found that it was turned off in my settings, though I don't recall turning it off.
  14. You do not need Lelutka Evo-X head to wear Evo-X make-up. I wear Evo-X make-up while wearing Akeruka head. The AK ADVX version. AK got permission to use Evo-X UV map.
  15. I think the balloon animal comment was about the other body called Peach. I could be wrong.
  16. Hate when bodies use the same or similar names. Like Petite, or Classic, or, well, Peach. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peach-Female-Mesh-Body/23585647?page=11
  17. The day the new bodies were released, I looked inside the Belleza store and was sad to see that the bodies were gone from the place they had been, I believe, for years. Then I noticed, and I'm not sure why I continued to look, that the older bodies had been moved to the opposite side of the store (the men's side). If I recall corectly, they weren't hidden so much as they were further into the store, so if you just glanced in that direction, you wouldn't have seen them. There was a new(ish; new I think; well new to me) sign that said "Bodies".
  18. I was noticing that also - that ad boards either had both Gen X bodies, or just Gen X Curvy. Then last weekend happened. And I kept running into events & stores that had only Gen X Classic (along with other bodies, but not Gen X Curvy).
  19. Thanks! Yeah, I see that in both. In my second image there's a kind of Picasso "Starry Night" effect going on with the second one. Neat how aspects of one artist (Picasso) can be seen in another (Van Gogh). The image I used is one of Van Gogh's "Self Portraits". First image kind looks like it was mixed with Picasso's "Field of Poppies".
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