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Miho Eton

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Everything posted by Miho Eton

  1. Well it can be difficult to tell age by just looking directly at the face.
  2. If something is subjective it actually means its based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions If it's actual facts it would be non of does things why would it be based on age influence or background?
  3. Well what I was trying to point out is that not everything is subjective.
  4. Utterly confused with what some people are trying to say.
  5. Again Not everything is subjective I wouldn't act like it is.(I don't get what so confusing about that)
  6. Tbh I don't see how that's subjective since I can the difference between a child avatar and adult avatar some people aren't very bright.
  7. Some people can't seem to tell the difference from a child avatar and a adult avatar there's no point trying to reason with them they act like they are right they would do anything to prove themselves right even if they are worng there is no reasoning with people that far gone unfortunately.
  8. It feels like people are trying to repeat themselves no point trying to reason with them.
  9. Again faces alone cannot approximate age I doubt it is subjective and no faces are not a good indicator.(Don't get my word's twisted)
  10. Faces can tell age but bodies can't? What even is that logic? Faces alone cannot all bodies are different even adult and teen ones. People who think that don't even know how the real world works.(A youthful appearance can sometimes is tied to cuteness and can be a evolutionary trait this isn't necessarily a bad thing.)
  11. I think some people's views on anime avatars is skewed they think that a stylized anime avatar is the same as a child avatar and that's not exactly ture. I wouldn't be the one to police people's avatars.
  12. I would agree with there because it would cause confusion.
  13. I dont see how saying 7ft Kulpa Karen is a fraudulent claim that's just plain dumb.
  14. I wouldn't go around assuming that every person on the internet is a child the mental gymnastics though.
  15. Unfortunately that tends to happen a lot in the forums.
  16. Tbh I could care less if people get turned of by unrealistic facial features there's no right way of saying this.(I flamed someone by mistake not my intention I got pushed off the edge.)
  17. Ngl unrealistic body sizes is a huge turn off for me
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