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Miho Eton

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Everything posted by Miho Eton

  1. Then again how can you know if you don't know the definition again I know what the definition means like I sad I looked it up before and the Internet is full of that information and that can include stuff like dictionary's.
  2. Well that's what's Google for I have googled it once.
  3. I do btw it can mean a poor urban area occupied primarily by a minority group or groups.
  4. Im sorry to say your wrong I'm not cancel culturing Kupra and how did I said anything racist or any ageist hate speech? Again with the false accusations btw I never tall shamed anyone.
  5. Yes that what I was trying to point out is not everyone sees anime in the same way.
  6. Again this just my opinion and not everyone sees it that way.
  7. I just don't see how it is from what I can tell it isn't really.
  8. Well aslo adult avatar's can be falsey AR'ed btw and I'm pretty sure that can be addressed.
  9. Tbh I wouldn't agree with that being a part of of life.
  10. Why would there need to be distaste with the current rules and how they were worded anyway?
  11. Someones avatar Being based on an anime style does not get that avatar "free pass" seens kinda silly and not everyone is gen x and sticks with anime from the 2000's looking youthful doesn't always equates to a child and anime is fictional some people don't seen to get that.
  12. Then again I didn't say stuff like "all fourm users are like this..." or "all child avatars do this...".
  13. Tbh from from what I have heard the grids largest population demographics are millennials and Genz Most of them are well aware of anime. These fourm boomers mostly live in a bubble.(No offence to does who are gen x.)
  14. I'm just gonna ignore her at this point like I would agree with her.
  15. Well there could could be people who would disagree with you and think that you are incorrect I would aslo think you speaks in such becasue you have a bias.
  16. I'm not the one starting culture wars btw and I would respect all cultures again how is this ture and how the world works? Again things can be misinterpreted.
  17. Again people can get banned for no apparent reason it can happen.
  18. Imagine starting culture wars I think that's Pointless and Needless.
  19. There's is some truth to that? How so? I don't think there is that seems that seens like discrimination to me.
  20. Forum still going and not stopping anytime soon.
  21. Ngl some people severe case of experience bias or cultural bias and not this isn't a fraudulent claim people who say things like that don't know anything about the real world or how it works.(what's so funny or confusing about that?)
  22. Btw The average height of adults is different in certain places in the world like other countries.
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