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Miho Eton

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Everything posted by Miho Eton

  1. It's way to curvy to be considered teenage cartoons they don't look like that to me.
  2. We know that no one said that they don't exist.
  3. It's like that they hate anime styled avatar's jeez... Them people do sound alot like does twitter freaks. This doesn't even phase me theses avatars are cute you can't deny that cuteness isn't necessarily a bad thing I like cute avatars like this. Does Karen's seen to have this logic. Anime = Child = Report.
  4. I just noticed that I made a error no need to correct me.
  5. The Big Brother Idea reminds me of a book called 1984 like that would ever happen. The book 1984 paints a bleak picture of a dystopian society where individual freedom and free speech are heavily restricted there's even a movie based on this book it's a sci fi story that's more of a cautionary tale.
  6. Just threatening to report me because I have a avatar with a "stylised" head feels like a personal attack they can report all they want. There's really nothing wrong with having that style.
  7. Someone clearly can't tell the difference from a child avatar and a adult avatar it is a slippery slope I couldn't sleep because of this guilt tripping people doesn't help people neither. 🙃
  8. Again It's not my intention to hurt people and I would never would just got upset and I was dogpiiled on btw I don't care if people people if people think my avatar is a child avatar and I didn't want to be in the receiving end of it I would never do that to a dog or a person btw that seens worng.
  9. I just want to to be left alone that's all I don't really I thinking of taking a brake from the forums but I just want to let alone.(what's with dogpiile and bullying)
  10. Well It's not really my intention to throw a abusive insult or personal insults this is getting to the point it becomes harassment and I rather be left alone and not be hassled.
  11. Imagine reporting an innocent person for having a stylized face. 🙃
  12. Exactly some people seen to be missing the point my avatar isn't wearing any makeup though.
  13. How is it an condescending word term associated with cultures such as that of Incels? I'm not saying that they are dull, unenlightened, and un-hip.
  14. I'm sorry to say that logic makes no sense whatsoever.
  15. Some normies have this logic Anime = Child = Report I find that infuriating normie refers to someone who doesn't have a anime or manga styled avatar but seriously I didn't join secondlife for drama I join second life to make friends and meet new people and just have fun.
  16. That's a stupid question to ask ngl my avatar is just anime styled and is babyfaced simple as.
  17. I think it's easy to distinguish a adult body shape from a actual child one some women do have large breasts and some are flat chested irl and women usually have wide child bearing hips. (My avatar body shape as a average breast size and is actually based on that.)
  18. I think it's better to go after actual pedo's not ones that are not.
  19. I saw people on the thread who mention naked children a whole lot I think that's concerning.
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