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Aya Sweetheart

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Everything posted by Aya Sweetheart

  1. The trials and tribulations of giants... 🤣
  2. 60% to 70% ... has to be super exaggeration. Everything runs pretty much the same for me with barely a noticeable difference if I set the graphics to look similar as before. People are running higher settings now and surprised it runs worse. Instead of changing the presets, maybe they should just add "Super Ultra" and a "Mega Super Ultra Max" settings or something since people think the slider is the same as the old versions... and leave low, medium, high, ultra the same as before.
  3. If I set the settings in Firestorm to look very nearly the same as they did before PBR, the load on my system is hardly any different at all. I think people think "Medium" and "High" and "Ultra" still mean the same thing, but they are actually all higher settings than they were in older viewers.
  4. My friend was running Windows on an AMD GPU and it was running horrible for her, bad stutters and all types of stuff.... she redid the whitelist Firestorm says to do with Windows built in antivirus (removed and re-added), and rebooted, and then it all cleared up and she said its running great. They run better with Linux though, but even my nvidia runs SL faster in Linux than Windows
  5. I don't get it... with the right settings I got it looking identical (besides water) to the old viewer... took maybe 5 minutes, runs great... on my 3.5 year old laptop.
  6. oh no... people can't use their 10+ year old low end computers any more... what ever shall we do? I think PBR stuff looks good, besides some water issues that can be worked around so far.
  7. People with diaper fetishes have been ARed before, and I'm sure again... I have a feeling the governance team is well aware of a lot of fetishes. Usually those of us that enjoy things with diapers don't go around sticking them in peoples faces, as most people do not understand. People are usually ignorant of the topic at all, think badly, and AR or harass quickly, not understanding anything to do with diapers at all. Adult diapers are much more common than you may think... and a multi-billion dollar industry rivaling baby diapers. There are many diaper and diaper related products and brands in SL. This is all well known by LL. I think there used to be a lot more on SL, but there are still many around, its just something you'd likely never see unless you were looking for it. ABDL stuff is about adults... I wouldn't want to have a child avatar in any kinky play like that... not because of any rules, but because its disgusting. Its about adults with diapers and cute/kawaii stuff and it gets into Dom/sub BDSM type things. Not going to involve the look of a child and ruin any actual sexual attraction with adults.
  8. Yes... this was confirmed by Lindens last meeting. Partners can be any type of partner, even business partners. but... but... are you sure there is no buried treasure down there?
  9. I put confused on both, and its to do with the furry AV and I just cannot tell what age someone is trying to be off any of them... the diaper isn't an issue for those of us who are into, or know about, kinky stuff
  10. I'm 5' and living in the USA and almost everyone is taller than me... even lots of kids 😂 I struggled a lot figuring out the interface, and I had someone helping me. I think it could probably be designed with a more user friendly way. I have tried a few MMOs, and pretty much all of them ended up having ERP going on, and it wasn't hard to find.
  11. That makes sense. I guess I don't run into that because I don't manually change clothes parts except when creating an outfit... once its saved I just click the outfit I want to wear and let the viewer change everything... the most I have to do is hit the save stick to apply my body changes, like alpha layers if needed, in an extra click. I don't have those extras on with outfits they aren't needed on... though I mainly only use ones for toes.
  12. Guess I don't understand the problem then... I've never ran into any issues at all and its super simple and I never have to manually adjust anything once its saved for hundreds of outfits. Its fine though, everyone does things different ways.
  13. A lot of people find identity in a lot of things... including height. Asking someone why they just can't be taller... its no different than only have 1 color of skin and asking everyone why they can't just be that race...
  14. If it wasn't for SL being able to make anything, adding in Mesh and stuff... it would look horrible though. Just look at the default avatar and hair and all that stuff that looks absolutely horrid... lol
  15. Why would it be a wasteland? Almost everyone using any of those bodies are adult and keep on as normal. If Maitreya or any other brand sees a reason (like profit) in making child compatible bodies, then they will. This won't affect anyone but those wanting to make child avatars. Why would you fuse it and have it controlled with a hud? I like having a separate items I can attach, have textured the way I want, and saved as part of an outfit so it can just swap out, no HUD or anything needed. So much easier to swap outfits with push of a button in outfits.
  16. They are asking questions clearly answered... not because they don't understand, but because they are trying to make some type of points in the arguments. It clearly says that creators of children content has to follow the rules. Maitreya doesn't make child content... they don't have to worry about it. They also said (in the meeting) the the modesty layer has to be part of the skin. The skin can be changed, but the owner then cannot put a naked skin on it, or they'd be violating the rules... the creator is fine in that case
  17. I think people should look like they want... but I do agree I roll my eyes a lot of avatars, but I am sure some do that at me too
  18. I've seen some terrible avatars lately in SL... some people need a maker over, but at least most are updated and looking better than most 20+ year old games
  19. a minor is a child... what do you think it means? Minors are Children. Children are Minors.
  20. carded at a liquor store in the US is beyond the range we discuss here. You have to be 21.. but they card if they think you may be anywhere under 30, or more sometimes.
  21. I think several look 30+ and I wonder why they even asked lol... Its talking about an avatar that depicts a minor... as in a child. You don't depict an avatar, you depict something that exists with your avatar.
  22. Being petite and liking kawaii type looks, have to be careful because people have more problems perceiving computer graphics vs reality, and they have enough with reality. Sucks for me because I don't want to be big, fat, and/or dress like an old person... or dress in a the more *****ty type of outfits that seem prevalent.
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