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Aya Sweetheart

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Everything posted by Aya Sweetheart

  1. I don't know why people play as kids... I'd never want to be a kid again... but I think its just fine if they want to. There are a lot of things people do that I don't like or want to do, but everyone is different. Its just there was some disagreement if it mattered if you ran dedicated child avatar accounts or not. I just tried in a few posts to point out its easy to make some small mistake, even if you have no ill intent, so its safer to run a dedicated account for that. I only play as an adult and all my depravity is no secret to anyone 🤣
  2. That is nothing to do with LL. Third parties make bot networks and collect data tracking everyone and public groups over years... can pull up avatars and almost every group they have ever been in, and much more... This data can be (and has been) weaponized against people...
  3. The point is about splitting accounts being safer, not about the person who got suspended a day a couple years ago... Whoever may read this, if you want to try a child avatar, be safe and do it on an account that is completely PG, its safer from messing up like joining a new sex group and forgetting to hide it. Yes it is against the rules to be using a child avatar and being involved or seen as promoting sexual activities, which would include what is seen in your profile. Maybe you misunderstand when I say "adult" group.. I mean highly sexual and vulgar group names that are clearly 100% about sex. Seeing those in a profile of a child avatar is against the rules, as it should be. You think its against the rules to be nude or near sexual things, but its ok to have picks of sex places or groups showing in your profile of sex places? You may want to look at bullet point 2 and 3 here, and the last one in the second section. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay
  4. nothing to do with the account, it was a normal account by an adult. I just said her avatar she was playing was a teen, she would switch back and forth. Having anything that appears "adult" (aka sexual) related with an avatar that is, or looks like, 17 or under is against the rules. That apparently includes just text in profiles or groups that are showing. Yes that was the reason she was temp banned, she got an email where LL told her that. I am just saying I suggest not trying to switch between child avatars and adult avatars on the same account, its safer to make a new account and keep the account you want to use a child avatar on completely PG related in every single way.... profile, picks, groups, whatever.
  5. You should split accounts. I have a friend who was temp banned for having a teen AV on and having an adult group showing in her profile... easy to mess something up like that, better to keep it all separate accounts.
  6. Thats a weird way around the rule... a bunch of skinless kids running around like its Halloween.
  7. They just say "educate" in the FAQ Q: Will Residents be immediately terminated if it is determined they are violating any part of the new policy? A: Not all violations of the policy will result in an immediate termination. Depending upon the nature and severity of the violation, Governance has a suspension tree that is utilized to make attempts to educate the Resident first. However, if those attempts fail and the behavior is continued, it will result in termination. For the more severe offenses, the immediate action will still be to terminate their access to Second Life. (https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000173097-child-avatar-faq/)
  8. They said they may reeducate first... it depends how bad they see the infraction as and what evidence they have. Perma ban can be the first step
  9. 3 days? She barely knew him... I seriously doubt they banned his account just because someone made a claim. I'm not trusting of LL or other peoples claim about them
  10. In many countries like Canada and UK, its illegal... even if the USA allows more.
  11. The size is relevant. They said that height and gender won't the the sole factors investigating ARs... they never said it wouldn't be a factor.... so it'll just be part of it.
  12. local laws are often overriden by federal laws... but none of that RL stuff matters here. in SL, 18+ is adult and there is no sexual anything allowed for anyone or any character under 18.
  13. I have a time delay for pre-caching set too, but maybe my connection is just too fast I've never noticed anything crazy
  14. The only protection LL cares about is protecting themselves for legal ramification of CP. This is not for protection of Child avatars or anyone else, or finding pedos or anything... its to prevent RL laws from being broken. Do you see that all like that if you leave the option to only rez avatars who finished loading? I thought thats why they added that option and leave everyone as smoke clouds until they load.
  15. Bad actors will not be limited by that... they'll just use/make a viewer that still allows it. I don't see how you could block this server side.
  16. That is already the rule. In SL, Adults are 18+ and anything under is a child.
  17. the words "with" and "without" are opposites... so it reads opposite of your meaning, so I just wanted to know if it was typed wrong, because I don't think hate has any place here
  18. I am 22 and I would not wear much more than half the fashions in SL. Its hard finding decent outfits, I seem to roll my eyes at 90% of what I see shopping.
  19. what does that mean? a typo? They will not remove private sexual and nude things from being done in M, they are talking about removing nudity from publicly being allowed on M and keep it in private areas like sexual things are now in M.
  20. So what would you call Asian Americans with varying shades of colors from whiteish to very dark? I seriously doubt that is accurate... would need to see how they got that info, and if it even applied to users of SL, or just assumed characteristics from browsing history from the main website.
  21. Don't expect this level of fairness. I would bet money they look at all previous times you may have been reported and investigated. Their goal is not being fair or just, its in getting rid of troublemakers She isn't the one that brought up ghetto, she is just repeating back, its not the same.
  22. It says engage or participate in an event or location. Just shopping in a store is participating in the location. It doesn't say you have to engage or participate with the naked avatar.
  23. While I agree, not everyone does... some people tell me its expected if not explicitly forbidden, and others say the opposite. LL just needs to clarify it if I can get a lot of people to not agree.
  24. That's how it should be, but that's not what the rules actually state, which is why they should clarify... because what it actually states seems incorrect. It says a child avatar cannot participate in a location (like a store or shopping) if nudity is expected... and everyone says moderate land allows nudity, so its always expected.
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