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Evil Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Evil Littlepaws

  1. Thank you! I feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
  2. Is there anything for sale either in the MP or online that can kill people who are not in the group when they enter the land? Where they can take damage and be killed? Like an evil spirit guarding a cave killing and sending them back home?
  3. I used to get so many as a man, so i simply became a cat. But then again thinking about your decision seems to be a simpler solution.
  4. Why did I read this subject as Pabst Blue Ribbon?
  5. There are Sims that are built towards the way Tuscany Italy, A Norwegian beach, even Japan. I believe that doing something that is focused in Korea is good. Even if you don't get a lot of comments in community. I think that doing so is going to be great. I always advise people to follow their dreams as long as those dreams don't hurt other people. And while I am not a huge K-pop guy I do love the food and the community of your home country.
  6. Wait, did someone say something about a toy *perks his kitty ears* can there be catnip inside of this toy? if so I can throw a HUGE tantrum for some catnip.
  7. You need to also realize that there is a global economy going on here. While the company might be based in United States and there are a lot of people who make things here for profit. There are so many other people throughout the world that would be unable to afford things per those costs. When it comes to something like this where there is a global market they can't price the money as such as quite a lot of people will stop being able to afford it. You would lose a large population of the community. 6K lindens bought in-game at a flat rate costs approximately $26.83 which is a realistic rental in the land, for those in Brazil without additional taxes would cost 127 BRL, where a wedge of cheese is 12 BRL. For those in India 6k lindens at the current exchange would be 2,235 Indian Rubles, putting in perspective a litre of milk in India is 32 Rs. But I do understand your desire to be paid more for your service. in cases like this, there is higher value for the global market to have a better exchange rate. It might benefit you if you maintained the same sales, but for some that will simply price them out of the market. Though if it ever does make that scheduled change let me know so I can buy $10k of lindens the week before, lol.
  8. I wonder how people deal with Griefers on SL. I love taking pictures in Second Life. Whenever I move my picture location (left), someone next door always puts up several empty boxes (right) to block my sunlight and impact my photos. He has been here for over 15 years, and I am unsure how to ask a griefer to stop politely. I have asked a dozen times, and he adjusts it every time I move it. Do you have any recommendations?
  9. I have been here for well, 8 months. What does Fetid mean? Nevermind, looked it up in the game, decided I didn't care. But you are right sometimes look do matter and change the game.
  10. I agree with this that there are is a lot of people out there that genuinely try to take advantage of new people. Why, for the life of me I don't understand, but they do. I tend to try to talk to people here the last month and try to be as welcoming as I can be. I don't know what the female avatars go through as much, but I have heard horror stories. I am part of a poly family and if someone has questions I usually point out my girls and says here are my girls, on average, though various alts they have been here for 10 years. To listen to them, heed their advice. Then asking people what interests they have and trying to point them in a diction to accomplish those things. Mainly tend to point people into groups that are active, like cheerleading, school, arts, drawing, or their other interests. I tend not to talk about what it is that I do, or involved in unless they ask, as I never really want to lead people down a path they wouldn't want to take themselves. But I think having helpful advice from people who have been there before can help.
  11. My suggestion is find something you are interested in and go to that area. There are people with interests in everything from space exploration, to beaches, to art exhibits, to everything in between. I would suggest trying to find a friend in something that you are interested in. This way you have some things in common.
  12. Join groups, or going to places really help as Questess said. What I found in first coming to SL a few months ago was that I went to a beach. In going to a beach I met a lot of new people and was able to be approached by people of all types on there.
  13. Welcome to SL. Know that you are not alone, there are a lot of people with different social anxieties on SL. It is okay to be feeling those ways or to feel lost, most people find ways to connect with some way in small groups. I sent you a message on SL, if you ever want to talk or see some of the more secluded areas like Waterfall of Dreams or other peaceful areas I can show you some places where you might be able to go to relax.
  14. This might sound strange but you don't actually need a home in SL. Having a home is for more or less entertaining people and engaging in things privately. If you don't do adult things then there isn't really a need for it. Find something you like to do, perhaps you like the sounds of waves? Go to a beach and let that be your outdoor office. There are cafes around you can work from and get to know people. There are places you can rent your own space for L$40/week. So there isn't a need to have a place where you share with people. If you want someplace out in the open to talk to someone, you can try merely finding a park or a place to talk to others.
  15. I had the opposite experience. First day on SL, wandering around aimlessly, Found a beach, couldn't figure out how to swim, walked across the bottom of the ocean. Someone showed me an amazing place she loved, and then she told me about her picks. Chose another place to go to, talked to people, made friends and it just grew from there. It all depends, I guess, on how you approach the world. None of the people I came across owed me anything and they were just fun to talk to. Hell, I didn't have a bento or anything beyond a brand new Avi until months after I joined, I think all of that isn't really needed at first. It is just about having fun. Look at the world as bright and new and great things will happen.
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