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Everything posted by portexploits

  1. ShyMisho makes some great animations. I would highly recommend him. He is also quick to respond.
  2. I was trying to buy Lindens with my TIlia account. I removed all payment methods so the payment can't use any of my cards or PayPal. When I try to buy lindens, this is what I see at the check out. https://prnt.sc/Y7LMISJdPh4a I might as well mention that I was hoping to buy and sell lindens to gain a little profit. Is this possible?(like the stock market/cryptocurrencies) Please let me know if I am wasting my time with this idea.
  3. Someone had my map rights. They were turned off some how. Meaning, the person can't teleport to me anymore. I had to turn them back on. What can cause map rights being turned off?
  4. Four days ago I got a reply to my ticket and it just said that my case has been escalated to a specialist. I haven't heard anything since then. @animats I'll keep it in mind. Thanks
  5. I have been trying to send my lindens to a paypal account for months. I get this message. https://gyazo.com/42a07a1271f92cd44132fe084d3b252d When i click on "here" it gives me information about tilia. When i click on, "Provide Additional Information" It just tells me that my KYC application is being reviewed. Here is a gyazo of it. https://gyazo.com/7809fefcda214996d0d14d9427c1e9b1 How do i get past this or fix it? As I said, it has been like this for months.
  6. Thanks, that's great. I see a major difference in how you're iterating the SetVelocity(vector, int). You're using a loop, I was doing it in a timer. So how would I break out of the loop to stop it? I know a trick to do it, but if you have a suggestion on how to do so, I am open ears.
  7. I have used llMoveToTarget() the speed for that is the same about 197m/s but I'll look into llMoveToPos()
  8. Hello, I have used this HUD that made my avatar move at 250m/s. I am trying to make my own HUD that goes at that velocity. I have tried llSetVelocity(vector,int) but it is instantaneous. It gives a little push then stops. When I put it in a timer, the velocity flutters, goes up and down, even if I have the timer at 0.01. I do see it hit the velocity 250 m/s, but as I said it flutters. When I do llSetForce(vector,int) at the maximum force, I get the maximum velocity of about 197 m/s. How do I make my avatar move at a consistent velocity of 250 m/s?
  9. Ha, by definition those are HUDs too. But yes, I'll agree with you that it's an unimportant distinction.
  10. A floater doesn't present data to a user without the need of the user to look away?
  11. Ha, the definition from wiki spells it correctly. "A head-up display,[1] also known as a HUD (/hʌd/), is any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-up_display The funny thing is, HUDs in SL are not transparent. Thus by the formal definition, HUDs in SL is not even HUDs.
  12. Okay, it seems like the keywords here are "context of SL" and "attachment." I posted a more global definition above. It mentioned that a HUD presents data to the user's viewpoint. Thus they don't have to look away to see the data. This fits the definition of a "floater."
  13. I haven't seen any mention of code in the discussion. Maybe I missed it. If you're implying that it's new code. That is possible, but it's not common practice among professionals. I don't know how the pop-up at Welcome Island was created. They could have built it from scratch, but highly unlikely.
  14. "A head-up display,[1] also known as a HUD (/hʌd/), is any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-up_display Both of those HUDs(Heads-UP Display) are from linden lands(guides/welcome centers) whatever you want to call them. Honestly, it probably modified code from the Social Island HUD. Thus, both of these HUDs are made by the same company, and more than likely have the same issues or bugs. It's fair to compare them the way I did. Thanks for your feedback on my Firestorm. But I have known many people who have had the same issue that I have had with the Social Island HUD. I doubt it's a Firestorm issue.
  15. I was demonstrating how those linden HUDs are not always responsive. Yes, it should detach when I leave the island, but there have been many times it has been stuck on my screen regardless of where I am. I have to restart to get rid of it. My point is, the HUD in the OP and the HUD from social island are both linden HUDs. They can be problematic. Because I couldn't get to the next step, maybe the person who I was helping couldn't go to the next page or step for the same reason that I couldn't.
  16. I clicked this one about ten to twenty times and it's not responsive. https://gyazo.com/3153f589067298cd5277c8bf7b8b6350
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