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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. LOL I get them confused all the time! I was even sitting here for a minute like wait - is it Bumblebee?! But yeah Addams has quite a few things in that style. I love em for that. I want to say other stores do it, too, but I don't even remember. Check all the biggies - heck Blueberry is so huge now, maybe they've got some, too!
  2. Addams has some things in some of their older lines (possibly newer, as well). Shoes/socks, tops, sweaters, pants, skirts. Check in store for a wider selection, but here are a few examples. You might also find some things at Kaithleen's, Tres Blah, and mayyyybe Seniha.
  3. Yeah, I figured bot moderation was handled differently (probably automatically) as they seem to disappear in groups. But someone sitting down and reading through tweets and making judgment calls on what to remove/keep who to ban/not ban on a regular basis? Not happening. They're lazy as hell over there. 😂 It's why social platforms and games keep trying to train up AI/bots to handle that sort of mess. Nobody wants to spend the time or resources doing that manually. Now if a big big big verified account breaks the rules over and over and over, I suspect it'll trigger something. But again, Twitter favors labeling misinfo and stressing context and transparency over removing content entirely.
  4. Twitter doesn't permaban lightly. Moderation is too inconsistent/lazy for that. It takes repeated TOSbreaking to even get your tweets deleted (bots not included - those do get yeeted on occasion), let alone entire accounts flushed. If someone got banned, chances are they were doing a lot more than tweeting an opposing view. The big, big bans I know of and personally saw go down years ago had to do with inciting actual violence and spreading deep, deeeeep conspiracy theories.
  5. This too, yup! But generally speaking, it's pretty much the very same thing that happens whenever a company gets acquired, really. Employees tend to hate that sort of thing on the whole. The main difference here is they have very legitimate concerns that they'll lose the massive brands that helped support the platform all these years. And yes, like you mentioned - his reputation.
  6. The employees are worried about advertisers pulling out. And their job security (understandably).
  7. Yup, also a long-time daily user (it's open in a tab on my desktop damn near 24/7), and I'll co-sign on all of this (though I actually did not know about the socks...I probably shouldn't find that hilarious but I kind of do). I do my best to avoid the deepest, darkest, sweatiest pits of the platform and keep myself mostly tuned in to superficial drama Twitter, stan Twitter (as a curious observer, not a participant), business Twitter, art Twitter, Black Twitter for the hilarity, meme Twitter for the memes, politics/activist Twitter to stay aware of current events, and gaming/nerd Twitter for the culture. I'm aware of the shadier sides of the platform, but there's no way in the world I'd touch even half of those hashtags when they occasionally show themselves.
  8. Technically, they're already allowed by the current moderation policy. The only info I've ever seen labeled and/or removed is Covid-related misinfo. Supposedly, there's also a policy against manipulated media, but there's still plenty of that floating around on there. Twitter seems to favor labeling tweets as potentially misleading over outright removal. They claim they'll remove if the potential for offline harm is "severe." When do we take action and what actions do we take? We manage the risk of public harm in many ways. The combination of actions we take are meant to be proportionate to the level of potential harm from that situation. People who repeatedly violate our policies may be subject to temporary or permanent suspensions. Depending on potential for offline harm, we limit amplification of misleading content or remove it from Twitter if offline consequences could be immediate and severe. https://help.twitter.com/en/resources/addressing-misleading-info
  9. I think so. I posted right before you and nothing seemed questionable in there. It was fully related to Twitter. I saw your posts pop up just below mine and they looked fine, too. I think it was just a forum glitch - especially since everything I'd read went unread again. Soooo rather than repost it all again, I'll just respond to you this time! I know you're mostly worried about the politics side of the Twitter buyout, but I wouldn't be, and here's why - I don't think the current climate is sustainable over the long term. Brands are super important to the platform (in its current form - he says he wants to change that but we'll see), and Elon's got one of the biggest voices on there. Hop into Coca-Cola's mentions and what will you see? Doge memes, Elon memes, memes about drugs - now imagine being the person who has to monitor and manage that account and respond to questions and comments and complaints from customers, etc. Do you want to be filtering through that mess all day? Probably not. And that's just him making jokes that aren't even negative. That said, he is not the only influencer on there with a massive "stan" following. He is, however, one of the biggest ones who is very hands-on (other celebrities don't tweet nearly as much, and with something like the Beyhive - she rarely tweets at all - the last few being from 2020). So any company pile-ons those fanbases engage in aren't really directly influenced by the celebrity - most likely it's just organic through breaking news. So yeah - if that continues...Twitter might struggle keeping companies engaged with the platform. I just can't see that working out over the long term. Short version - stan culture might destroy the platform far faster than anything else at this rate.
  10. Gaaaaaaaaah. That's about when mine died, too. Or a little earlier. I posted a reply in here and got a Bad Gateway error, waited, posted again, it seems to have stuck, saw Luna post a few posts after me, went back to the forum homepage, everything new disappeared. When I checked the rest of the forum, everything I'd read this morning was unread again, and nothing much newer than 3-5 hours ago had been posted across the board. *shakes fist*
  11. I could probably find a good 5 or 6 incidents if I cared enough to look. I honestly don't, though. There's only so much mean girl behavior I can take from a grown man.
  12. Just wanted to point out that it's not the only incident. It's just the only one that was linked here (honestly I don't feel a need to link any others - I'm not wanting to drag the thread even further off-topic, but there were other tweets made since then and articles floating around). Hell if I know. I find Dr. Musk tweets a lot more concerning than his silly Kanye-esque ones.
  13. The only thing I'm going to say re: pronouns - how many people that you personally know use something outside of she, he, or they? I had a guild leader years ago who used zie (or sie...I'm a terrible guildie and it's been years, so I forget now - bad me). That's it. One person in my entire life - one person in an entire LGBTQ+ guild of hundreds. Did it take some getting used to? Yup (and we all got it wrong - on voice, too...oof). Did it suck? Nope. Did any of us tweet that it sucked? Newp. It's a such a non-issue, I have no idea why he felt the need to complain about it (and apparently neither did Grimes).
  14. You can already see some of what it's going to look like. Current moderation has not changed (yet), but take a dive through the comments on either his tweets or someone he's targeted. Then again, it's always been that way. I do expect things to get a bit more cleaned up as time goes on.
  15. Yeah, it's unfortunate. He's done that several times. I remember when Grimes came on Twitter to beg him to call her and stop tweeting.
  16. Don't forget the meme tweets after it came out that Grimes started dating Chelsea Manning.
  17. I found the tweets in question. They're from December 2021. I won't even bother linking them here. They aren't much more mature. Here's Warren's original tweet though, if you want to brave the comments (his show at the top for me so they might not be too hard to find if you want to read em) - https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1470415896053227522
  18. I dunno. I feel like he could easily make his points without resorting to grade school humor. I should add a disclaimer: I definitely do appreciate goofy, childish humor - like a LOT at times. It's just that when you've got damn near 90 million followers and you're in talks to buy the very platform you're tweeting on, it's not a terrible idea to act like a grown-up on occasion. Maybe at least when tweeting to US senators and other elected officials. Or am I just being too grumpy about that? 😂 Oops quick edit: I mean all of his recent tweets, not just the one posted above. That one could be pre-purchase...didn't see the date.
  19. Lelutka upgraded the old Evo classic heads to Evo X. Alain is one of those that got upgraded. I believe the included BOM accessories stayed Evo in those cases. For the newer "default Evo X" heads, the included accessories should be Evo X (someone correct me if I'm wrong pleaaaase).
  20. Your hairbase will also need to be Evo X. Basically, if you're in Evo X mode, all of your worn BOM face and head items must also be Evo X (hairbase, beard, eyebrows, tattoos, etc.).
  21. Did you see what he started on there last night? I honestly wonder how long before companies start packing their bags. Even I was like welp that's enough social media for me for one day.
  22. Oh a lot of people think it's already done. There are people on Twitter who already think Elon's got control of moderation practices and whatnot. It's still got what, at least a few months before the deal closes fully. If...if it closes. *coughs*
  23. Thanks! I'll read that after I'm caffeinated. 😂 Btw, did you see the article in Reuters yesterday about the Twitter meeting that didn't quite go so well? Not the part about employees worrying about job security (normal in any acquisition I'd imagine), but the part where they're worried about not having a plan in case of advertiser pullout and having to face them at a big advertising event in NYC next week. https://www.reuters.com/technology/twitter-ceo-faces-employee-anger-over-musk-attacks-company-wide-meeting-2022-04-29/
  24. Was my first thought. Well, second thought. First one was "Wow, why does he remind me of Kanye...?" I'm biased, though. I saw the Azealia/Grimes/Elon drama go down live on social media years ago. It...was definitely something.
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