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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. LOL...Have YOU been injured by VR?! The really funny part is I still remember the OLD jingle with their old telephone number.
  2. I'm good never touching VR in my life (see above motion sickness - plus I find it hilariously ridiculous). I'd probably laugh if someone went through that kind of trouble in the first place, to be honest. 😂 Especially after seeing the kind of experience Horizon Worlds is pushing! Maybe once these metaverse things stop looking like Wii games, I'll stop laughing at them. Granted, Half Life Alyx in VR looks fabulous - but that's not at all what Facebook is doing, so. Oh and I still find it deeply unsettling that you have NO ARMS - just floating hands. And the motion sickness is no better. Ugh.
  3. LOL ear sweat. Yeah, just wait until the weather gets hotter. Then I'll be like @#$%!! who told me this was a good idea???? 🤣 Ohhh flying. Ughhhh yeeees the ear pressure/popping. Ugh ugh ugh. I never took rapid fire flights like that without at least a little time in between, so I never experienced that much. Man, that's the worst! I think I just got extremely lucky. I used to go clubbing a lot, and would park myself right in front of the biggest speaker on the dance floor and stay there dancing for houuuuurs. It's a miracle I can still hear so well, I tell ya. Now vision - yeah...too much staring at the sun as a kid I guess. *facepalm*
  4. That might be the one I saw! The entire phone call part was IN.SANE. See, now you guys have me nerding out. 😂 Oh man yes! For me, it's the possibility of changing entire environments. Like how we do that now with our skyboxes? LOL
  5. Oooh yeah that is rough. I tend to be the opposite, though. I like the feeling of the headphones "hugging" my ears. Mine are over-ear headphones, which tend to be more comfy for me than having things sitting on them directly. But it's all personal preference, of course. And having tinnitus is a whoooole other thing. With how loud I like my music, I'm surprised I haven't given myself that yet.
  6. See, that's exactly the type of stuff I'm more interested in. They can keep their VR metawhatever. Holographic tech is cool AF! Imagine the possibilities omg. I'm with you - there are a million different ways I'd want to use it!
  7. Yeah, it's going to be different for everyone. Some might not be bothered by wearing a big ole box over their glasses over their face. I sure would be! I'm someone who wears headphones 99.9999999% of the time. I've always got music on, or Twitch on, or something on, and I don't use computer speakers. I'm a bass fiend (dubstep for life!). Wearing headphones all day, though - that can be super uncomfortable! It took me numerous pairs before I found a pair that feels so comfortable (and more importantly - forgettable - no pain, no discomfort, no ear pressure, etc.) that I could wear them all day without issue. It's probably not quite as easy to do that with VR equipment, considering how expensive it is. Comfort matters!
  8. Omg. Now THAT is cool. I'm checking out the video. This is the stuff I wish they'd focus on. Yeet those VR glasses into orbit.
  9. Exactly! We don't all have perfect vision (I sure don't...everything's blurry as all hell without my glasses on). And that's a whole other issue. GLASSES. I wear them too and I imagine rocking them under all that 3D equipment wouldn't be entirely comfortable.
  10. Stoooooooooooop! Sign me up for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except...it'll be a loooooong time before we can toss that kind of equipment into our homes. 😂
  11. Never have, never will. Seeing as how I struggle to get through playing basic walking sims or FPS games for too long, I figured it's probably best that I avoid strapping whole screens to my face. 😂
  12. LOL, I assumed that's what the experience would be like with stuff flying into your face with a headset on! If it's not, then that's better at least. It's no better for me watching VR games with people walking all over the place either. It's that head bob and the sudden tilts and movements. Ugh.
  13. Seriously???? Mannn, you're lucky. I just can't watch it. The videos where someone is on screen and the action is slightly tilted on a slant are fine. But there's a video for example where everything is coming directly at YOU and it makes me want to faint, LOL. This one. Omg. Can't. Just cannooooot.
  14. Go to YouTube and watch someone play some Beat Saber for a bit. In VR. Full screen that ish. Come back in a few and tell me how you feel. 😂 I'm sure there's a good chance you'll feel fine, but man, that made me so woozy just thinking about it is making me dizzy again.
  15. Oh yeah, people do definitely buy the equipment and stuff. But how much it's used and how often (in the gaming arena - I don't know about any other industries) - that I'm not sure. VRChat is big. Other VR games I know of - nowhere near as many players.
  16. I agree with everything you said, and this right here is pretty much why I wrote off VR a million years ago. I was just being cheeky making fun of the ugly equipment. To be honest, I never saw VR going anywhere in the first place, so I really don't care what it looks like. Companies have been trying to push it for years - even SEGA gave it a go in the 90s (though theirs never fully released). And yet - they still can't get over the motion sickness hurdle. I've not used it myself, and there's absolutely no chance I ever would (I can't play normal first-person games for too long even, outside of walking sims with very slow movement), but I've watched streamers play games in VR and it looks absolutely horrid. The streamer himself looks completely disoriented after a bit. And honestly? Even watching games in VR for longer than a few minutes makes me nauseous. Can't do it. All the tilting and bobbing and flashing colors - ugh. And there are a whole lot of people who have trouble playing in first-person, too, so I imagine they won't be thrilled to strap on a headset either. It's gimmicky - that's about it. I can't see widespread usage of it until tech advances far beyond where we're at now (teleport me somewhere and really let me walk around a whole new space - not just bump around a living room filled with furniture). And since *that* will never happen, I'm just wondering how long companies will pump money into this stuff - or if they'll even try to solve the physical sickness, anyway. Meh, I'd be surprised if it goes anywhere. I'm making bets with myself over how long it'll take for companies to get bored with the entire thing and move onto something else.
  17. Ohhh Cocteau Twins - they were on some of my old goth compilation CDs, lol. And yeah, don't even think about the price. Even new releases coming out on vinyl are super expensive like that. And oooooo if you like Prince, you should get on the official mailing list - https://store.prince.com/ His estate goes nuts from time to time and releases things he'd probably strangle them for. Yeah I felt kinda bad buying knowing how he felt about stuff like that, buuuuuuuuut - they released a completely unheard acoustic demo recording of his and I couldn't resist owning a copy. Just him and his guitar - no studio. Just jamming out. Limited run. This is so off-topic...sooooooo about them VR boxes!!! Wait - can we get Prince hologram concerts in VR? Asking the real questions now...
  18. Oh yeah, had those, too! I used to rock out with the Smurfs on vinyl. 😂 They're still around, though. I just bought a limited edition Prince vinyl a few years ago when his estate sold limited copies of one of his unreleased recordings. Because of course I did. More for collector purposes than actually using it, though. No way am I ever taking that out of the packaging. But yeah, they're still in use. Brand new releases and everything. Can still buy turntables and all that. On Amazon even.
  19. Lol, they were technically before mine, too. My mom just had a collection of old ones that I used to look through like...what the heck is all this?! 🤣
  20. Lol. I lived through the tail end of 8-tracks, cassettes, Walkmans, VCRs, LaserDisc, CDs, MP3s, Napster, Limewire, BitTorrent, a gabillion versions of Windows and Mac, a ton of consoles and handhelds, Teddy Ruxpin, and freakin...Furbies. Don't even get me started on the entire evolution of landline to cell phones with that entirely pointless detour through beepers/pagers. VR headsets are just taking their sweet time I guess. Living their best box-on-face life. 😂
  21. Ohhh, I am not a Gianni fan at all. It's just so...muscular lol. Legacy is decent. I have my issues with it (hate the HUD and both my home and photo platform are way up in the sky, so the mesh is always glitching where the alpha cuts are). I got it for half price, though, which made it the cheapest male body at the time. Right now, if the Belleza sale is still on, that would be Jake. Jake also now comes with a mod version - if that's important to you. The male Slink body is soooo nice - love the shape. But yeah, you likely won't find new releases for it.
  22. Funniest part to me is I had assumed the tech would've evolved much faster than it has. If you asked me years ago if I thought people would still be wearing face hugger VR systems in 2022, I would've said no way.
  23. Gah that looks so ridiculous. Am I the only one who finds that totally ridiculous? Better! Still kinda ridiculous, though. Wake me up when they invent a portal we can jump through that will automatically teleport us into the metaverse.
  24. I still can't take any of this seriously. Wake me up when we progress far beyond whatever this is.
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