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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Thanks!!! I didn't know there was a link in the date. So here it is, to my post in tastefully naked:
  2. A shot of a new friend I met just recently. I absolutely love her hair!!!
  3. A shot of a new friend I met just recently. I absolutely love her hair!!!
  4. Again I'm linking to the "Tastefully Naked" page. I had just replaced a bed in the bedroom across the hall from ours. It was a real pain. We are still waiting on the unfurnished textures, but here the leftover floor shadow seems to work. The new bed had night tables which didn't match our decor. The issue was unlinking and deleting them. The bed requires a prim for each sitter, so nothing can be unlinked or deleted. So....I simply made them transparent. No one can bump into them where they are, so it worked out just fine!!! Cat hasn't seen the newest version yet, but hopefully she'll like it. She was the one who discovered the issue with sitting, We had enough prims for the two of us, but we had to sit on the invisible prim in the middle to be posed correctly. Go figure .https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/489954-tastefully-naked/page/41/
  5. I would have come if I wasn't so busy working on the new house.
  6. That's just awful!!! I hope you get credited for the money you paid, or have it refunded!!!
  7. Look in the thread I linked to, to see a new feature we added to our new house today. Cat isn't fully clothed in the pic behind the falling water, so I had to post the video clip in that thread.
  8. Our gallery is!!! The house will be soon, when Cat is ready for the open house.You'll find some things in a bit of disarray though. Some of the old tower things are still floating in the air, so we can sort through what we want and don't want, and delete when we used them or don't want them. A warning though. Some of the art I make is explicit. And our island is "A" rated. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreamworld Ibis/37/146/23
  9. Cat loved what I did with our gallery Sign!!!
  10. Well, our Gallery is mostly back together. Moving it didn't do anything more than give me a placeholder. I rezzed 4 prims at the corners, for placemarkers, and made a whole new one. Moving it broke the scripts in it, and in our Tipjar. I fixed the floating art on the right, after I noticed it in this pic. and now to fix our Tipjar!!! The work never ends!!
  11. We moved the Art Gallery, and renamed it "The Wren Gallery" Well, I did. Caitlin supervised some of it. Hell, buying a new house is a lot more work than just getting the house!! Our entire SIM is getting a makeover. All because Archangel's is so gorgeous!!
  12. Oh Lord LOL!!! That pun is worse than some of mine!!!
  13. LolL but at least Swallow knew the bride the bride and groom through their whole relationship leading up to the wedding!!! And still does!!!
  14. Thanks!!! It would be fun to come!!! We had an official planned wedding with guests. We lost our minister, and Nal didn't think she could make it on time, so I ended officiating as Swallow, from a second PC (to keep frame rates up). I think Nal and Permaruthed were the only ones there from the forums. OMG, it was a year ago come April 4th!!!
  15. If I had known when it was, Cat and I might have been able to come. Assuming, of course, you would have wanted us there!!!
  16. Congratulations!!! I wish you both a long, healthy, and happy marriage!!! Tip to the groom: Happy Wife, Happy Life!!! Make her happy!!!
  17. Did someone say "Brainwashing"? That's always fun!!!
  18. Gravity? Isn't that just a warping of space/time?
  19. Cat's been doing a lot of thinking about the new house. She is already thinking about the open house, and what she should wear. I liked the fur, but she wants to have her back showing, for a sexier look. I don't know about everyone else, but to me she looks pretty damn hot in the T-shirt too!!! Yes, all of this is actually happening in our SL lives!!! And our planning doesn't stop when we turn our computers off!!
  20. Cat and I with the Creator of our new house. We had a lot of questions. The house is furnished and mod, but if we remove something, like a bed, the shadows still stay. He is going to give us textures without the shadows. We are impressed by his support. And that he would take the time time come and visit us.
  21. Cat and I JUST have to come and visit again....
  22. OMG. You didn't tell me it was a "G" region!!! I'm mortified!!! What will Cat say when she finds out what kind of region I was in? /me hides his head in shame.
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