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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. We were checking out a new SIM. Looked great, but no people.
  2. I didn't know this until now, but @Cinnamon Mistwood has some very serious background credentials for the National Blab!!!
  3. We were just online together and I told her you said "thank you". She said she always enjoys your work!!! I do too!!!
  4. I took Caitlin (in her Alt) to Scylla's exhibit. We didn't know where the new Kondor Center LM was until I took it from Scylla's post. This pic was one of her favorites. Mine too.
  5. I went to @Scylla Rhiadra's new exhibit. Godot sent some texts earlier saying he was coming, but I didn't have much time, so I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get back to RL.
  6. Pet peeve: Directional ATV tires that work better in reverse!!! And YES, they ARE installed correctly!!!
  7. Scandal? Did you say Scandal?...Cinny, get your pen out!!!!
  8. I spent my evening with my old friend Sheri. I met her through Caitlin. She was dancing at first, but the club was empty, so she wanted to experiment taking pics. The first pic is one she took. She wanted some help with it, so I did a quick adjustment on some shadows for her. Badly, since I didn't want to be afk too long. The next two, I took. They are a little bit of a contrast LOL. I don't know when she took the first pic, but mine are at a photostudio she took us to. She had a blank background on when I took the portrait pic.
  9. I am NOT judging you or Cosette. I don't have enough information for that. I AM judging Linden Lab for having allowed child AV's years ago. There has been too much consternation because of that decision. Cosette sounds like a wonderful person, and I DO understand why she chose that AV from what you have explained.
  10. Sorry Bill. but I can't approve of child AV's. But that's your decision on who you hang out with.
  11. I saw the eyes for a second LOL!!! I wanted to take a pic, but that's when Cat popped in, and you had them off by the time I looked again. I would have posted the pic if I had a chance to snap it!!! Cat and I had fun looking at themes, but we are nowhere near ready to put in something that we think could work. Really, I think I will always capture your feminine side, unless you are actually in a male AV.
  12. I got a closeup after you popped in beside me on the Island in the living room. I didn't notice you were there at first, because you didn't say anything. Caitlin came in shortly afterwards, as you know, and she thought you had a sad expression. You were afk, so we went to see what kinds of things might work for a theme for parts of the island.
  13. He SHOULD be singing "Got to hide your love away", by the Beatles. I'm not being mean by saying that. That song helped me feel better when I was a teenager when things didn't work out with a girl.
  14. Autocorrect...Now there is something that could cause serious trouble!!! I once texted someone about a RL business matter. I typed: "In case I need to reach you". My autocorrect changed it to: "in case I need to REAR you". I didn't notice until until after I had sent it. I was about to explain, when I got a text back telling me how she couldn't stop laughing. Did I ever breathe a sigh of relief. Had it not been someone I knew well, it could have been a very nasty situation.
  15. Well...Your use of the word "stink" suggests to me that you are against adult content. I know I wouldn't be here without adult content. Personally, I spend much more time on creating, decorating, and photography than engaging in it. But without the adult content, I would simply leave. And I know my SL wife Caitlin would too. Could it be because Sl simply isn't a game?
  16. Cat and I trying to figure out what kind of extra theme location to put on our island. it's not easy. I want traffic, but not too much. Caitlin doesn't care if we have traffic or not. @BillFletchermay recognize Caitlin's outfit in the background pic from something in the past.
  17. Other than building or occasional inworld shopping, I rarely do anything inworld by myself. It's hard to fall asleep when I'm spending time with people I enjoy being with.
  18. I was an active participant in the discussion, so I wasn't going to fall asleep. Plus I went with @Cinnamon Mistwood. Maybe I'm coming across as overly negative. I DID enjoy the discussion. I would go back again. I just don't like pompousness.
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