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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I know I don't look at region ratings when shopping. I don't look at other people either. I wouldn't notice 10 men in a daisy chain (well OK, maybe THAT I would). When I'm shopping, I am there to shop. Not people watch. I'm willing to bet the creators don't care what someone is wearing either. As long as someone buys their product, they're happy. If it was that much of a concern, then there would be a greeter telling people they will be banned if they don't follow a dress code. And ejects people with a warning if their complexity is too high. That wouldn't be very good for business though.
  2. LOL, I have all the women I want and need. I don't (gasp) want any more new ones.
  3. And to be honest, if I actually DID have a tale of woe, I wouldn't post it on a public forum. Only my closest friends would know about it. That applies to both SL and RL.
  4. In this case there isn't any actual woe. I was referring to @Cinnamon Mistwood's post: The "woe" is about RLV restrictions Caitlin and Lady put on me.
  5. In this case it was a handheld GPS. I haven't needed it since last summer, so I forgot all about it...until now. I looked everywhere I could think of. Then, yesterday, I'm cleaning out my vehicle, and there it is. On the bright side the new one has more features, and I have a backup!!!
  6. Well, my tale of woe and women is PARTIALLY over. I can dress and hide my "parts" now. Caitlin has decided that. BUT the cage HAS to stay on. She and Lady have both decided that. They are in cahoots with each other!!! Bad Girls!!!
  7. Pet Peeve: Losing something, buying a new one, and then finding the old one!!! Especially if it's something expensive!!!
  8. So, if I am understanding this correctly, downscaling outside of our viewers is better than simply uploading a texture at larger than 1024 and letting our viewers downscale?
  9. Right, outside of SL. But it is INSIDE of SL that I'm referring to. Does it look better when SL downscales, or when WE downscale with something like PS and choose our own algorithm, and upload as 1024 instead of higher? By better, I mean more true to the original higher resolution version.
  10. OK, so you are saying that if I downsample outside of SL, I will get a superior result? Assuming of course, I use the correct algorithm.
  11. It would be an interesting experiment to compare a downsampled image uploaded at 1024, and a 2K or larger image uploaded, and letting SL do the downsampling. I have no idea if it's the viewer, or SL itself that does the downsampling. I am tempted to try this!!!
  12. That's an interesting question. Does anyone know the answer to this? I know textures outside of sculpted prim maps are not lossless when uploaded, so how does this affect an image texture uploaded at 1024 vs 2048?
  13. Yes it does. a downscaled 2K texture will always look better than one uploaded at 1024. I've been using this technique in video for years. https://www.blake-uk.com/image-resizing-what-you-need-to-know-about-upscaling-and-downscaling.html#:~:text=When you downscale from 4K,it would at native 1080p.
  14. It's not that we can't upload 2K textures. We can upload even higher. I can upload 8096x8096. It's just that they get downsampled to 1024x1024. The point of 2K is to be able to DISPLAY a texture at 2048x2048. Since a 2K texture is 2048 both horizontally and vertically, it effectively increases texture resolution by FOUR times!!! So we can stretch a texture out to 4X what we have now, and maintain the clarity. It's like having a seamless tile of four 1024 textures (2 on top, 2 on the bottom), with each having 1/4 of the full image !!!
  15. @Cinnamon Mistwoodwas working on one her alts, when I got this pic of her wearing some fun cyborg glasses. I thought it might make a fun pic, so I added some effects!!! I think it was last week.
  16. Sorry, my last post shouldn't have been as a reply, but a standalone post.
  17. I usually use "shared", and even with PBR I have to change lighting depending on the location, and whether I'm inside a building or not, and have shadows enabled or not. Not necessarily to Mid-Day though with or without PBR. What setting did you usually use, that you had to change to Mid-Day?
  18. I took a random pic Cinny really liked, and she wanted to use it for her Alt's profile pic, so I did some quick cropping and minor adjustments before sending it to her. It was getting late, and we both needed to logoff, so I only had a couple of minutes to work on it. And of course she is Insane...She hangs around with me...That's a well known cause!!!
  19. I like PBR too. Not for every single object though. I find some things look better using Blinn-Phong textures, while some look better with PBR materials. I'm using the Firestorm Beta, and that gives us a choice of PBR or Blinn-Phong, and it can be converted back and forth. I don't know if the official viewer does that. I find the overall image is better on the FS PBR Beta, than on the non-PBR version, even with Blinn-Phong textures. So, I definitely DO like the changes and options. and especially the look!!! I haven't tried it on an older system yet, and I really should on an old i7-980 tower I have with Windows 7. I have heard from some of my friends with older systems, that it really does cause a performance hit, and now from Simo as well.
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