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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I haven't had TP problems. I've run into horrible lag issues though. Although that could just be my internet. I've ended up as cloud that won't rezz on occasion.And strange RLV issues that can't be traced back to a specific cause. My group chats have been fine though.
  2. I've only been in the adult scene, so I likely haven't met her. I wish i could have from the way you describe her. I somehow get the feeling she and I would have gotten along.
  3. This made me think. How do we let people here know if something happens to us in RL?
  4. My most sincere condolences to all who knew and loved her.
  5. And sometimes other people's posts who point out something.
  6. I would rather see a pic post 5 times repeated than miss it once. Thank you for the beautiful pics!
  7. And I wrote back: I have no idea what you said, but I have an idea. I'm still smiling about our exchange!!!
  8. I was waiting for my partner to log back on after some issues, so I set the table and put food on. That's really what I did!!!
  9. I was waiting for my partner to log back on after some issues, so I set up the table and put food on. That's really what I did!!!
  10. LOL!!! My post was an indirect response to an indirect statement. Sometimes I prefer subtlety.
  11. Why would anyone do that to purposefully annoy? That's self defeating. Attention I can understand...but only of it's attention to the pics. Which should be the entire reason for posting any.
  12. I actually wanted a shot of tequila lol!!!
  13. Lol, I double post...but only pics. Because who knows if people look at both threads. Of course that goes on the assumption that people actually want to see my pics...which isn't always the case!!!
  14. I don't mind when people double post, because that way I know I won't miss anything.
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