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Everything posted by nostalgicmemories

  1. Hello! I won't be on tonight but if you don't mind having a female friend I'd be happy to hang out with you sometime. I wouldn't mind exploring some SL art Museums. That could be fun. I am more of a Role Player but if you care to try finding some Art Museums together we could talk about the art. Or if you'd care to try other things we could possibly talk about it. Like going to shoot some zombies sorts of things ~Azalea (nostalgicmemories)
  2. Wow 17 year old account! Happy Rezz day Cris! I'm on the east coast as well if you want another friend. I came back as well after being away for a few years. I can relate to sl isn't as fun unless you have people to hang out with.
  3. There are actually 3 HP schools in SL that I found. Representing house hufflepuff if you care for another friend 🙂
  4. I agree I want to sign up for beach and tea parties!
  5. To be honest I am not sure exactly what rp I want to jump into. Its been a while. I like anything from Post Apocalypse, Paranormal, Fantasy and Sci Fi. Been looking at sims to see if anything catches my attention.
  6. Thanks ❤️ I'll message you three inworld today 😄
  7. Hello! 😀 My SL name is Azalea Everly Moore aka "nostalgicmemories". I am looking to make friends and Role Play. I use to play SL several years ago but FL(First Life) took me away. I currently have a lot of time on my hands but once COVID has settled down I might not be around as much. ATM I am on at all sorts of hours until FL work calls me in to do my job. Live in the US. A lot of my favorite shop places are around but not a lot of my hang outs. I am not sure exactly what role play I want to dive into, role play is better with friends. I love anything from sci fi to fantasy. I can easily be a tomboy or a girly girl. I'd love to have an SL family but I know that takes time. I love horseback riding and dancing. I like taking photos and shooting zombies. Occasionally go clubbing or gacha shopping! Interests Gaming Harry Potter Anime (Fairytale & The Seven Deadly Sins) Likes Cats (Especially love black cats) Lions Watermelon & Strawberries Fantasy (Unicorns & Mermaids) Music (Vocal Trance & Pop) Examples : Above & Beyond, Hillary Duff and Katy Perry Role Play Looking to RP ages between 19-29 Avoiding Conversations about Religious beliefs (You believe what you want so will I) Politics
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