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Remi Alpha

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Everything posted by Remi Alpha

  1. Oh my word, I’m so sorry for the silence – thanks for all the replies. I will have a good read through. Literally minutes after I posted the question a very kind person replied to me privately in world and he spent a good 30 or more minutes explaining in great detail about optimising LOD levels, how LI is calculated, the physics factor in the calculation and more. It was so helpful and I got all my items down to 1LI, that I forgot to check back here on the forum... then after that I wasn't in SL for a good few weeks. So I probably came across as ungrateful. Off to bed now but I will have a good read through over the weekend. Thank you! Very grateful for all the replies. Amazing SL community as always
  2. Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, a search did not bring up an answer... I am generally modelling with prims in SL then joining them and exporting to collada / DAE. Then in Blender I am converting to mesh and using 'decimate' to simplify them, then I am reimporting those back into SL. I am having varying levels of success. Sometimes the LI is really high even though I have supplied lower triangle count LOD versions. An example here is is a tube with one end capped off - like a cup. And on one side I have a cube that joins with the tube. So this is 3 prims in SL. My purpose is to get the LI lower than 3, and using mesh this seems to be possible in some cases - but in other cases I end up with an LI quite a bit higher, like 7 or so. I am then deleting the 'inside' faces in Blender that are not going to be seen. Then I optimise it and export as a two dae files - one with more decimation for lower LODs. To achieve a low LI Is it generally be better to use 'join' in Blender first and then decimate the whole combined mesh model as one, and then import it as a single mesh object. OR... is it generally better to keep these "mesh equivalents" of the original prims and optimise them separately then import those into SL without joining them? I guess there is probably no rule as such but from experience what would people suggest?
  3. My payload is 2.8KB but only 728 Bytes over the network with gzip (and just 408b with Brotli... but I am assuming that is not supported Edit: confirmed as not supported) As a side question - can anyone clarify if the header Accept-Encoding is sent by default (As: deflate, gzip) ? Headers are listed in a table under llHTTPRequest but it’s not entirely clear if they are ALL sent. Edit Having now tested, setting this request header: HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER, "Accept-Encoding", "deflate, gzip" ...does not remove the issue (without HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH set, which does solve it) so this demonstrates that regardless of whether gzip encoding was already accepted by default, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH is the uncompressed size and not the size of the network transfer, which is a shame.
  4. Ah... Earlier Google threw up this document which says "(Setting HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH is not yet supported)" So I had discounted that. But it does indeed work so obviously that document is out of date. Thank you! I guess I never came across an http client that capped the response body size before. Though it makes sense given that trying to load a very large document could adversely affect the sim server running the script. Given we have such a limit I will work to further compress the data, and build in pagination too.
  5. I am loading JSON data from my API (which is private) but I have made some publicly available and redacted sample files here: [Edit: I removed the URLs from the post because a. the issue is solved and b. medium-term these test files will be deleted so they will just return 404 errors] The format is: {"status":true,"agents":[//array of objects]} ...where status would be false if the server returned any non-code 200 response. On load I check for validity by not only checking the status code but also checking the JSON value of status using llJsonGetValue(response, ["status"]); It was working fine until I had about 6 or so agents in the list then it started failing but with a code 200 so I looked into it and found that llJsonGetValue was determining the data to be invalid. The JSON itself is valid (checked with https://jsonlint.com/) but the longer example is giving me: "Status 200" and then "JSON is invalid". I am seeing the metadata list as: [0, 2048] Is there a maximum length of 2048 on the http response that can be handled? This is only a very small amount of JSON data and would be extremely prohibitive. //string test_uri = "REDACTED"; string test_uri = "REDACTED"; key req_id; api_get(string url){ req_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD, "GET", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], ""); } integer checkHTTPResponse(integer status, string response){ if(status != 200){ return FALSE; } llOwnerSay("Status 200"); string json_status = llJsonGetValue(response, ["status"]); if(json_status == JSON_TRUE){ return TRUE; } else if(json_status == JSON_INVALID){ llOwnerSay("JSON is invalid"); } else if(json_status == JSON_FALSE){ llOwnerSay("JSON status is FALSE"); } return FALSE; } default { state_entry() { api_get(test_uri, auth_list); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string response) { llOwnerSay("metadata: "+llDumpList2String(metadata, ",")); // output: 'metadata: 0,2048' if(checkHTTPResponse(status, response)){ // continue as ok } else { // handle error } } }
  6. 3 years hence... is it still the case that you cannot dynamically set / change the *projector* texture UUID in a script? I can think of some workarounds but I just wanted to check.
  7. @Mollymews Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for! Perhaps when I searched the forums for this I was using the wrong keywords. I had made a start trying to line my textures up in world but it wasn't very precise, so this is perfect right now. Many thanks!
  8. I want to make a simple six-sided prim box and use a single texture image mapped in SL so that each face appears to be different (not six identical faces) but just using one PNG "net" texture rather than six separate ones. Preamble / Conditions I don't really want to go down the Blender -> Mesh route + making a UV map because a simple prim is only 1LI and so there is no optimisation benefit of replacing it with mesh (plus I don't know how to do UV Mapping in Blender) I know how to use the Build tools in SL and the texturing panel - and I know how to apply a different texture to each face. And I can see there are mapping options (default or planar) with scaling, offsets and rotation etc, which can of course be applied globally or per-face. And I know how to make a texture in Photoshop, measure out areas accurately and so on (been using Photoshop since about 1992) Question Is there a simple or "standard" way to arrange my box texture image in Photoshop (e.g. a 512x512 square) and then map this in SL so that the different faces of my box show the correct part of the texture, each offset and rotated as required? Presumably I could get there eventually with painstaking adjusting by eye of offset and rotation for each face but I wondered if there was a tried and tested way, or a template that people often use or similar (that comes with, say, a text file of how to offset each face) Also – I don't fully understand the offset units or whether to use Planar or Default mapping p.s. If the answer is "use Blender" then yes I’ve already lost WEEKS battling against its insane learning curve, and following YouTube videos that no longer help because they keep changing it. I just want to put a texture on a prim.
  9. Thanks @Qie Niangao @KT Kingsley @Rolig Loon - I tried to reply earlier but this page was having problems. Checking out FURWARE Text!
  10. Replying to an old thread here! I’m building a texture-based character display. Yes there are lots on the MP but I want my own ‘look’ and font. Making a grid of characters is fine (I’m used to working with CSS sprites in web development) but I’m curious about what you mean here by “8-material mesh subunits”. Could you possibly link me to any material on getting started with this? I’m stronger on the coding side than on the mesh / Blender / UV-mapping side of things. Basically I know how to apply a texture to a face using the IW tools. And I have some basic experience with converting prims to mesh. Many thanks!
  11. Oh cool, I’ll definitely do that! Thanks
  12. 👋 Just over the 40 mark here. Recently joined SL. Tiny violins at the ready as I don’t have any friends yet. It’s OK though, I'll get out to some events in good time. I have some stuff I can be getting on with like some kinda houseboat hermit. Anyone here into landscaping and building? I want to get into that.
  13. Haha yeah no matter how hard we try the drama always gets us in the end right? 🤣
  14. I’m Rem (short for Remy). I’m not new to SL but I’ve not been here for a few years. I registered my account a few months ago but only recently got around to using it. It didn't take me too long to figure out how to work everything again which was cool. But... most my old landmarks have gone and, well, so have my old friends. I’ve spent a few days checking out Bellisseria (which is loooovely ) and just earlier I finally got myself a houseboat which seems like a pretty good base for the time being. So yes, making a fresh start. I have some ideas for building some stuff and doing some scripting with the aim of making a kind of gallery / art space / experience that incorporates sound (I produce electronic music as a hobby in RL) and interactivity. And maybe I’ll make some stuff to sell too. However I only really know prims, Blender seems pretty difficult to get into! I’ll be sure to check out those forums anyway. People... well I’m not looking for a relationship here, I’ve done that before, and it started to take over my life. But of course I hope to meet people and make friends. I’m sure there's plenty of groups for that, I just need to find the right ones. As always with SL there is too much to take it all in and sometimes it's a case of finding a needle in a haystack. I’m not online lots but I am lostware Resident in SL and always appreciate a chat. Also I’m on Flickr although so far I’ve only posted 3 pics. Anyway hi 👋. Hope you all have a great rest of the week. Hey at least in SL we are safe from Covid-19 right? Take care x
  15. Ohhhh, so you have to Rez your own train. I was wondering why there were no trains traveling around on a loop. Mystery solved!
  16. I meant unofficially, i.e. "a lot of people waiting to get one" rather than some queuing system (which evidently does not exist) But yes my language was vague so worthwhile point.
  17. Sure, and none of that need change. Just a confusing interface if you're not aware of the context. If refreshing a page *directly* hits a bunch of complex tech *and* there's an incentive to refresh it a lot then it's no big surprise it started falling over when it got busy (before they put in some kind of timeout limit). I gather they were a bit surprised by how popular the new homes turned out to be to be fair to them. Which is a nice problem to have, but hey Hindsight is a wonderful thing etc etc.
  18. I do take on freelance development work, although I don't know what their tech-stack is and people (me at least) tend to be quite narrowly specialised these days.
  19. Ah by "this page" I meant the premium / Linden Homes signup process. I was implying that it would cost them $$$ to upgrade it massively, $$$ they possibly don't have allocated, especially given that the current system -works-, if not perfectly. And (natch) there's a good case to be made for any budget to go into SL itself as in IW stuff. No real issue with the forums they seem to work pretty well (on desktop at least, not tried mobile)
  20. Yes I can see that they don't want lots of page refreshing (no web developer ever wants that). However speaking as a web professional it is bad usability – when considering a new user – that there is no clue offered that other options might even exist (even if not available now). Merely hiding the fact that you can refresh it is a cheap cop-out that doesn't really work – people can quickly figure it out from the forums. The only likely outcome is that some new users pick the old-style Linden Homes because they don't know that better ones exist. With a little technical ingenuity they could build a system that auto-refreshes at a reasonable but limited rate, where refreshing the page itself gives you no advantage. Rate-limiting the API by IP / session and using client and server-side caching it could work a lot better AND show the unavailable options with a notice to explain that availability status will update every 60 seconds (or whatever). In fairness it looks like this page hasn't been rebuilt for years! And also maybe my suggestion would spoil the fun of the now-established GoH 🤣 [*Source: I develop web/mobile applications that handle very high levels of concurrent traffic]
  21. Game of Homes 😆Hopefully I will not get killed off too soon ! I read a blog post a little while ago saying that there was a big waiting list for the new homes. But maybe that was out of date. It sounds like things have changed over the last few months and now it's more about people chopping and changing to get the best location. Good to know! I will read the rest of that post in detail. Linden Lab could make the fact that the list might change when you refresh the page a little more obvious for us first-timers. Anyway, thanks so much.
  22. Oh thanks. I thought I would have to wait till the next batch was announced on Patch's official thread.
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