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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Then your problem is with someone else because I didn't do that.
  2. To put it in the simplest terms I can, if you have a problem/issue with "a race", your problem is you are prejudiced or bigoted. If you can't see anything wrong with that, there is no hope for the continued survival of the "human race".
  3. It wasn't the word race itself. Read your sentence again and get over your own self.
  4. THEN DON'T WEAR TRANSPARENT SHIRTS/TOPS/BLOUSES/TANKS/DRESSES/WHATEVER. Wearing something underneath a transparent dress defeats the whole purpose of the dress being transparent.
  5. If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand.
  6. Create a new thread to continue a current conversation so the old conversation in the old thread dies a slow agonizing death. Seems pointless to me. Especially when there can be several conversations going on in the same thread. Do we really want to clutter up the forum with tons of two-page threads that will just sink into oblivion forever or contain it to just one thread that people can jump in or out of at will? Personally, I prefer to not clutter things up. It makes life messier than need be.
  7. I see Rat Luv answered that one for me. Thanks! @Rat Luv
  8. I thought it was a typo and they meant fupa. Do not ask what a fupa is. I will not tell you. I don't want to see them either!
  9. Not in my house. I do not eat what he sets aside for himself without asking him first. Rarely is what I set aside for me still there when I go to get it. There are many things he can eat that I can't. There is nothing that I can eat that he can't. I won't get into all the times he gets on my case for not eating.
  10. I disagree as that is what happens in every conversation. They always drift away from whatever topic started the conversation. Sometimes they drift back to the OT. More often than not, they don't. Because everyone wants to put their 2cents in. Maybe the real problem lies in the fact that some want to discuss things while others want to debate them. I don't see the SL forums as a place for debates.
  11. Would you like to know how many "worlds" I've had to watch "disappear" over 5 decades? It's a wonder I've stuck around this long.
  12. I'm not used to it either and doubt I ever will get used to it. This is the only forum I have ever been a member of (there's been a lot!) that actively inhibits normal conversation drift. Although I'd probably draw the line at resurrecting 10-year-old threads. That's a bit too rank. It would also depend on the subject matter.
  13. [I] Need to make one that says, "Nothing to see here, move along."
  14. I don't. But I am willing to make accommodations for those who do.
  15. If there weren't so many horndogs in SL, I wouldn't have a problem with people running around with naked pixels. It's not like it's their actual body.
  16. Those are cookies ffs. No human face in the frame. The one I think you got in trouble for was the Trump one wasn't it. Now you know why I never posted it no matter how much it fit with the discussion. I knew without doubt it would get yoinked. Just because it was hilarious and would have deeply offended the ...
  17. The problem with that is the discussion tends to drift from one thing into another eventually drifting off course. That is the course of a normal conversation. We are being forced to go against what we have been doing as a species for thousands of years. You betcha we're going to kick and scream about it.
  18. If everyone stuck to the law, we wouldn't need cops, judges, juries or jails. I didn't mention or imply anything about moderation. It is a simple fact that if people would behave like decent human beings, we wouldn't need a lot of things we must have because all it takes is ONE to screw it up for ALL. And there is always that one. Because humans are "dumb animals", in general.
  19. Only other thing you can do is go naked and I don't think that is going to be a good idea in many places.
  20. Maybe they decided to be nice and give you a chance to have some before they inhaled it all like mine does. 🤭
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