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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Translating for Tiggie: "I allow my human to escort me to blues clubs where I enjoy dancing and looking up skirts......." Okay, now the little beast is in trouble!!
  2. I barely have time to do more than dash inworld and change clothes these days, then dash off to dance at a blues club with Tiggie. We are a pretty boring pair, LOL.
  3. Silver linings, indeed; that is the right way to see the whole process. Thank you for all the hard work; I upvoted the feedback. 😄
  4. LOL, I like the shot very much but I hope the conversation was friendlier than it looks!!
  5. I love that little beach shack! Adorable.
  6. Looks like you might be roasting buns too............
  7. Your book is becoming one with your table...... if this is not intended as a coalescing event, perhaps you should turn the pages a bit faster.........
  8. Wow, is it possible to explain what you are all doing in less than a book?
  9. Why, oh why do I keep volunteering for too many things? But at least I have Millie to help with spreadsheets:
  10. Italian Sweet Cream all the way, sugar free these days.
  11. Very cute and good on you for resisting those cupcakes or yummies of some sort behind you!
  12. That whole series of photos is lovely! Were they all taken at Notre Dame? Where is that?
  13. One more question, if I may: my fave Lel heads are one brand new one and one older one that is still in the new line. Is there an advantage to buying the newest head?
  14. Thanks for that; the Lelutka Flickr shows sales as they happen.
  15. Does Lelutka ever have sales on its heads, as opposed to the Xmas freebies? Oh, I see that I have missed some sales.
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