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Everything posted by Chastity77

  1. I bought a house to set on my new property but there is no instrucions on how to rez it. Can anyone help me please?
  2. That is what I was told also but went to its site and its 44 usd a year.
  3. I am watching on you tube supposedly Beginer Lessons for Blender but the person making the blender so confusing because they are acting like everyone has run blender before. I have not and I cannot find a blender tutorial that shows how to get a avatar for second life in it. I know my age is showing through on this but I amc completely lost on how to some articles that I have made in gimp that I would like to get set up ere in 2nd life. Thank you all in advance for any help you can give me. befpre anyone asks I cannot afford on social security to buy the avistar avatar work bench. Chastity
  4. ok I had it up for sale but dd not know if iot sold during the month that I was still [paying forit until the first of the month my bad Thank you for the help both of you!
  5. My land ees are being charged 4 monthly for land that I can not enter anymore. The land hs someone else living there now and on land fees shows that my price for that land is in yellow and my fees land is showing I have 512 https://gyazo.com/9cb686d513df190b4a41a9753859fdbb
  6. Thank you very much! I have downloaded it today and will try to get used to it now thanks again!!!
  7. I do have photoshop so I tried aving image as a nng ans it worked. Thanks for the help!
  8. Great thanks that worked great! Both answers
  9. How do I lay a flat piece of of my sky over my property on land I own for me to do clothes try on
  10. Ok I have noiw bought some full perm dresses and outfits how do I find the forms for the outfits to download to my computer to work on texturing them for myself? I have also downloaded the free ruth and roth avatars but unable to open them where am I screwing up?
  11. Is there someway to download a mesh body or to find a mesh body to use in my 3d AI program to adjust clothing before sending it to 2nd life?\
  12. I just went premium and chose a house boat in Translucensea. However when I go to the spot in 2nd life I end up underwater. How do I find my home underwater lol.
  13. I have recently since the new build of Firestorm come across a bug that whenever you walk, tp or turn around your camera goes directly to the feet/ I have tried resetting the camera angle but nothing seems to help anyone have any idea what is going on?
  14. I want to auction off some land how do I go about it?
  15. ok great what is the coordinates I will jump there and pay you. I am known in SL as cherry Hill
  16. I have a 1028 hine abd the house I have for it hangs over on both sides. How do I go about resizering the house and its contents.
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