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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Posts posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. 58 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I'm pretty picky about sofas & chairs; I don't really like too many styles.  Thus I get ticked when I find something I like and it is fairly low LI -- 7 LI for the couch -- but then I find that it has zillions of triangles and textures.  How in the hell does someone even justify making something like this couch?  


    because they can and chose too because they don't care if others don't like it, because they did after they were done with it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Annabella Atheria said:

    I have noticed some store creators use 3D type models in their clothing ads.  I am not sure if im allowed to mention any of the ones I have seen..But if so two I can think of are LSR and Scandalize.  Even Ricielli has very realistic models in their ads.  Does anyone know if its just an external program they use like photoshop or are those avatar skins real.  If anyone knows please let me know.

    usually its been photoshopped to make it look more realistic to try and entice you to buy it. It normally wont look that good on a normal pc. It would require running on ultra to even come close to the looks in the add.

  3. 16 minutes ago, RangiUtu said:

    Anger issues much or are you a Linden? I've been a first responder and know what it's like to work every holiday away from family. She/ he could be too. Why the 'tude mate? Chill.

    no attitude at all, just simple truth. not all companies do or have to require their employees to work the holidays even if they provide a 24/7 service. just because secondlife itself and the forums does not shut down, doesn't mean they have to have a full support staff available on the holidays. because a normal person will wait until the next day instead of panic or complain like an entitlement minded child.

  4. 2 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

    I do see your point if you have more than one avatar.  However, unless you're expecting the slex 24/7, take the dang things off.  Make a folder that is at the very top of your inventory and store it all in there.  I'm sure your partner of the day can wait a moment while you get it attached.  That's what foreplay is for, right?

    no, not all can or will wait, they want instant slexual gratification the moment they start the rp, it better be in sight or it ruins the immersion to some.

  5. 2 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    How do i check my level?  I never got a loot crate.. Nor is there plot or a storyline. What you are describing is ROLEPLAY within Second Life. That's like saying my house is a game because a bunch of friends gather on saturdays and we play D&D.. No, you can play games within it, doesn't make the platform a game. 

    My PC isnt a gaming platform, simply because i can play games on it. My father has NEVER played a game on his PC. The platform is simply that, a platform. What you do on it is up to the user. 

    to some that is the same as playing a game. there is no difference to gamers. table top, pc, console its all a game to them. so they will call it a game regardless what kind of platform its on or what others want it to be called.

    if you can play games on it or in it its gaming platform to a gamer.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    I can play games on my TV, does that make my TV a game? We played Monopoly on the porch yesterday, is my porch a game? Just because you can play games within a platform does not make that platform a game. You can play games on Facebook, which is most assuredly not a game. 

    For SL to be considered a "Game" in the popular sense, it must have rules all must abide by set forth by the creators of said "game." "Games" have goals, what is the goal of SL? How do i level up? Where are the loot crates?

    Second Life is a social media platform with pixel dolls. The sooner we stop calling it a game, the faster the Steam gamerkidz will stop coming here and whining about the lack of content and how badly optimized it all is. 

    its still a game to some people.. yes you can level up.. yes you can get loot.. yes it has a plot and story line and a goal in some cases.  just depends upon the rp, or the combat hud you are using.

    if you can play games on it or in it, it a gaming platform. so yes even facebook could be considered more than a social media platform. for there are some that go on facebook and only place the facebook games and do nothing else.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    It's worth mentioning that Oz Linden tore himself away from his sweet potato pie with bourbon (!) to TP into Ravenglass Realm and Belarus to see if they were working -- they are now because it got fixed about an hour or so again.

    Vix Linden answered my ticket.

    As I said, the Lindens are often nicer and more thoughtful than the forums geeks, although they are brothers from another mother.

    Now, is this because I put a post on the forums, sent two tickets, and raised Cain? Yes, that's likely, because both of these Lindens know that I complain a lot and blog and everything else and I realize they barely tolerate me but that's ok. Oz, for example, whom I have met in RL in 2010 has stayed the distance and is a grown man, unlike that scripter I hired once in SL named "Meatwad" who told me he was late with the job because his mother hadn't picked him up from school yet, and no, he couldn't finish it tonight because he had math homework to do. AFAIK Oz's math homework has been finished for decades, and he has worked for real companies in the past. 

    Sir Vix I don't know at all. I think he's in charge of customer relations maybe? But then he's at those tech office hours. So who knows. Recently, I sent Sir Vix a painting by Earl Dinkins, no. c21, the one titled:

    A Lake Cottage Built Exactly to Shoreline Edge and Questionably too matched to Water Level

    Because I felt it had his name on it...If you don't know Earl Dinkins you must hurry on down to his gallery in Saimaa and elsewhere. 

    So I am grateful to the Lindens who fixed my sims, and those who came online to see if I had stopped complaining yet and everything was good.

    To be sure, it took more than 24 hours, and during that time I had one person come back and refund because they blame it on me. Two others haven't paid rent yet because they feel, why hurry with the rent when the sim is down?  Two took up my offer to go to my other rentals cheerfully. One is still screaming. But all in all, I feel blessed : )

    Just because x y or z happened doesn't make you any more special or important than anyone else. It's simply your ticket came up in the que and they finally looked at it. That's all.. nothing else.

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    Still incorrect. You even say so yourself, paying full price for half done product.

    Further, I can demand whatever I want, however I want it. If they don't meet those demands, they lose a customer. If they lose enough customers, they go out of business. They have to balance those demands with what they can deliver. It's called "free trade".

    you can demand all you want and threaten to leave all you want but that does not mean they are going to care now or ever, because you are not nearly as important to them as you like to think. go ahead and leave, I doubt they will say anything about but the customary we are sorry to see you go..  which is sent to everyone that leaves.

    no they do not have to balance anything out because you or anyone else says so ever.

    they will never loose enough customers because new ones join all the time. so the fear of loosing you is nothing to them.

    full time 24/7/365 support is not part of the product and never was even if you want to think it is or should be.

    they never said you will have 24/7/365 support at the very moment you want it ever..

    • Haha 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:


    Btw, regarding this photo? Taken at my own (rented) home. Guess what? I don't have a clue as to the complexity count of anything you see in this photo... or out of the photo. It rezzes fine for me. I like the way it looks/acts and my rental LI use is based on LI not complexity so... yeah. Zero effs given for whether the items could be made with more efficient design.

    As someone with an education in design (industrial/graphic) and mechanical engineering, elegance of design is appreciated. I get the low complexity ideal. I just... nope... not in SL... not if I don't have to.

    If, on the other hand, someone likes to derez everything that isn't up to snuff, won't purchase anything not ideally constructed, etc. etc. I tip my virtual hat to that, too. I get it. I'm just not doing it because, gee, I dunno, I'd rather shop and explore and dance and perv and chat and take photos and...

    stop making me agree with you.. this is not allowed..

  10. 10 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    Incorrect, in so many ways.

    But, clearly enough people like paying full price for half products, behavior like this has become common. I blame millennials that like abuse, personally.

    not incorrect in any way at all. You are not nearly as important as you like to think you are. You have no special rights or entitlements or anything about how the company has to act in what ever manner you like or want.

    the fact you cannot understand this, means you lack full grounding in reality and like to live in a fantasy world of your own making at times. where you think you are special or important and deserve to be treated in special ways.. your not.

    anyone that pays full price for a half done product has no right to complain about their own stupidity ever. as said before the customer is not always right and never was or will be. no matter how many arrogant or delusional people want to constantly profess this to be true. its not and never was.. so take a reality check.. your not in control over the company and how it has to make you happy at all. you are a number to them nothing more.

    they done owe you anything but what you agreed to, nothing more.

    • Haha 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    I haven't seen anyone in this thread ask for 100% uptime.

    I work in a 24/7, 365 industry myself. We have someone there, 2 AM on Thanksgiving morning (up until recently, that was me), to make sure if something does go wrong, we can handle it. Because we're charging for the whole year- not the whole year except days we want to take off.


    Attitudes like yours are why software companies got into the habit of releasing unfinished, broken stuff for full price.

    If they can't staff holidays, they should be giving us discounts during the months that include holidays. Since they don't, then that puts this squarely on them, not us.


    your not entitled to any discount just because they are not there 24/7/365 just because you think they should be.

    no it puts it on you and your complaining that the company wont act or behave how you think they should, when they don't ever have to no matter what you think is right or fair or not.

    just because you work in a 365/24/7 company that does not give holidays is your own choice. Other companies do not ever have to be how your company is, no matter what sort of service they provide.

    if your dumb enough to buy an item at full price when its not finished that is your fault and no one elses. wait for the reviews, dont just jump the gun and buy just because you want it nowz and cant wait a few extra days or weeks until the reviews come out about it. people who do that have no right to complain at all for their own stupid mistake of buying early or not doing proper research before buying something not finished.

    • Haha 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       If you have your own region, knock yourself out with putting whatever you want with it. I was lucky to get a Victorian Linden home pretty early and was very happy with the location - until my neighbors began furnishing their homes. I cammed over to derender clutter several times, yet as they kept rearranging stuff, changing stuff, and one neighbour moved out to be replaced by another one doing the exact same thing, I was just done with it. I lived right next to a car rez zone, and about a short walk from a boat rez pier. 

       A lot of people don't live in a private bubble, but next to popular roads or open water routes, or in neighbourhoods with other people in it, whether it's renting a small chunk of land or in Bellissiera or the old Linden home regions. In my current home, the neighbours are largely the same way, this time around I've just popped a skybox high up to get away from it all. 

       I'm on a .. Let's call it 'fairly decent' gaming PC. 

       Oh and I have an average of 150-180 FPS in my home, in ultra settings, with all the bells and whistles. So, no, that's not the issue. I also have basically the bandwidth to download a double feature film in full 1080p in the time it takes me to go brew a cup of tea.

       Yeah, that's possibly true - I wouldn't know as I haven't cared to set foot in that store for ages, nor do I feel enticed to do so at the prospect of there being a horde of people there. 


       New peeve: when you have a perfectly reasonable pet peeve that's based very much on just plain facts, and people try to argue against it because they feel as if their world view is endangered by it. Let me hate that trash heap in peace. Geez. 

    You refuse or fail to understand that no one has to care how their actions affect your play at all. They don't have to care if you think their items are too complex and it is causing any visual lag for you in the slightest. Your not entitled to anything from them ever. You have no rights over how they use their land or items ever even if it affects you at all. your only choice is dont go there or deal with it.

    some of you people are so self absorbed at times that you think others have to care what you like or don't. well here is a clue.. that's not how it works. doesn't matter if you think it makes them rude or selfish or uncaring, they more than likely don't care what you think or feel about them and never will. so complaining about it is pointless for its not going to magically change anything.

    the people you complain about, the creators or neighbors probably don't even read the forums, so they are not even going to see it or care in the slightest they made your fun or enjoyment less by what they did.

    tough if you don't think its right or fair either. deal with it.. or find another place to live that suits your desires.

    'omg my neighbors are rude or uncaring; but im going to stay here and just whine about it in hopes they will change their ways' seriously....

  13. the cloud keeps changing my avatar and my clothes on my avatar everytime I log in. my collars settings are being reset by the cloud all the time.. my personal sky and water colors have been changed by the cloud. my rlv is not working right because of the cloud. the cloud is making the world a stinky place.

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  14. 10 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Peeve: Asshats who whine and complain about people peeving... in a peeve thread, while having the highest post count in said "annoying" thread. 

    Peeve: Cognitive dissonance

    Peeve: Asshats, because of their asshattedness, use moderation to get perfectly fine threads shut down

    Peeve: A moderation system that allows for that

    Peeve: Someone to stupidly perverse and childish who pretends not to know the difference between short, friendly off topic side threads that are inherent in a friendly community (there's the concept they can't/won't abide) and relentless, multi-thread, agenda driven BS off topic bullies whose sole purpose appears to be to shut down threads and/or cause dumpster fires

    Peeve: A moderation system that allows for that

    off topic is off topic.. period. You want to complain about when things go off topic then it applies to everything and everyone in that topic. side banter is still off topic. 

    its by the graciousness of the mods that its allowed to go as far as it does. they don't even have to allow that if they wanted to be strict as they could be about staying on topic. So be grateful they do allow side banter at times instead of complaining about it, thinking that it has to only go how you want all the time.

    my post count means nothing to me.. sad if you think it does.

    peeve/rant threads are pointless and a waste of space, they do nothing to improve anything but let sad people stroke their ego about what they dont like and think others have to care about it or be nice or agree with them in the thread or else they are just a bully or troll.. pathetic.

    everyone including me is allowed to express their feelings here even if it is in disagreeance with others. I dont have to agree and I dont have to shut up if I dont agree.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Let me point out that Vix Linden is working today, and sent me a polite note explaining that my sim is up and engineers worked on an outage yesterday and it should be good to go now. So while they may have less staff, and may not be as instant as they are when at full strength, and may take 24 hours etc. some do work on the holidays, contrary to your claims and your expectations and your justifications.

    As Linden Lab ages, I find that they are so much better culturally than their geek fan base. Not always, not consistently. But generally there has been a rise in their business culture unlike that of the people on the forums who may be unemployed for all I know.

    just because some are working does not mean anything at all. does not mean your complaints are any more important than anyone else ever. you were gotten to when they had the time to do so. not because you were important or special or entitled as a customer.

    • Haha 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    True. But ACI has had an impact. 

    When I first set my ACI limit at 150k there were plenty of Jelly-Dolls to be seen. I had LOTS of outfits in the 100k+ range and had to modify some to get them below 150k.

    Now I am surprised if an outfit comes together above 80k. I only see the occasional Jelly-Doll, unless I am running Black Dragon.

    So I believe the ACI-million avatars are rare. I also believe those people who totally do not care are a minority. I also think many of us are on a sliding scale between looks and efficiency. Some set there ACI limit at 50k and others at unlimited. The rest of us are somewhere in between. I think we are the majority. 

    There are special occasions and photo ops where people consider appearance more important. But I suspect most residents have some personal balance of appearance and ACI.

    I very seldom see designers turning out high ACI products... well the body and head people are exceptions. But even they have been pressured to do better.

    pressured doesn't mean they will change. some creators do not care and wont ever, same as some users. Not everyone here cares how their actions impact on others even if told about it or asked why they do it. they may be the few but they exist and always will.

    to some people this is all about them and they don't care if others are having the same level of fun or enjoyment. and no amount of complaining or explaining to them will change them either.

    and that is what my point is about. Not everyone cares or will or has to because someone else thinks they should. and nothing said or done will change it. even boycotting their store wont change it, for others will still go and buy because of the eye candy.

  17. Just now, Prokofy Neva said:

    Well, if you read my search-strings more closely, comrade, you will see that I pointed out that even web sites that are not open 24/7 -- and secondlife.com is a web site -- still have options that are open 24/7. And if something like their service being down NOT for routine maintenance was going on, they'd get on it.

    I have an idea. Instead of me going to the Taco Bell and asking for a new car, here's a shopping assignment for you: Go to the store and buy a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen.

    I'll wait.

    PS It's "don't" with an apostrophe.


    easily done, because that is what they carry, not because they have to carry them all the time. for there have been times I have been to the store and it had neither eggs or bread that day. did I whine and complain like a entitlement minded brat? NO. I simply waited and came back another day when they did. same goes for this. You dont get to have everything the very moment you want all the time no matter if you think you do or should. You are not nearly as important or special as you might want to think.

    grammar nazi's are hilarious when they get bent out of shape because you didnt add in one silly what ever..

  18. 13 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    This is the sort of ridiculous, fact-free statement I expect from the forums.

    The Lindens TOS or Service-Level Contract (if they have any with big business, which I doubt) doesn't promise 24/7/365 service. But it is *open* 24/7/365 with all the sims running so you expect that someone looks after them. That's normal. Like in anything in RL or virtual life that is open. Notice that a lot of things on the Internet are open obviously because they are web sites. But banks, the IRS site the Social Security site etc have hours when they are closed, i.e. they won't answer queries. But you can still use the site. Bank sites may be closed for maintenance in the middle of the night when you try to see your balance, but if you go to their ATM terminal in real life, that's not closed.

    The idea that being a customer is somehow a status that requires that you "shut up" and "never protest" and "have normal expectations" is one that only the geeks of the forums have -- it's not the norm in many places. In fact when you hear them yell and scream and carry on like banshees about something wrong with Apple's phones or their app store, you realize what hypocrites they are. They protest over nothing.

    The customer is always right. That has been true since the days of Johnny Wanamaker and the Woolworth's stores because it is meant as a mindset, an attitude, and approach to business, a willingness to provide compensation or due what you can to make it right. Only in our age where the incredibly dense geek who has made his brain like an 0/1 computer and looks for literal search-strings and literalness everywhere and guffaws at it can imagine that this statement isn't right. Really, our world has become so terrible now because of people who made themselves like computers in order to code them, pretending that the computers became like them. They didn't.

    Just now I checked my sim -- I can teleport to it. Who knows why. My tickets are not answered. I've been checking every hour because you never know. If it persists in this "up" state for an hour I'll tell my tenants to come back.

    just because it is open 24/7 does not mean they have to keep support staff on hand 24/7. not all companies do this or ever will, no matter how unfair or unjust or wrong or improper business performance, you might think it to be.

    the customer is NOT always right and never was. Try and go to a bmw store and order a cheeseburger you will be laughed out of the store. Try and go to a fast food store and demand that they offer you a new car, you will be told to leave. Go to a grocery story that doesn't carry or sell a particular item you want and demand that they do, you will be told its not going happen. go to a retail store that doesn't carry xyz item you want and demand that they get it, they will laugh you out of the store. try and go to a car sales place and demand a new car for a used car price. its not going to happen.. why.. because the customer is NOT always right no matter how much they might want to think they are.

    Only arrogant egotistically delusional people think that the customer is always right or always in control. You are nobody special and never was or ever will be. You are a number and that is it. tough if you dont like that.

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  19. 2 hours ago, Orwar said:

       Pet peeve. Creators who become really popular because their stuff looks pretty, when the meshes and textures are unnecessarily complex and high resolution, but people either don't know or don't care. They have teacups that require more VRAM to render, than my entire skybox build. That's impressively poor quality.

    they know, the just dont care how it might affect your performance on your possible potato of a machine. they more than likely made it on a higher end pc that could handle it with little to no problems. so went for as complex and detailed as they could for the better eye candy effect.

    not every creator or avatar wearer cares about arc or complexity and never will either. i have seen avatars with complexities near 1,000,000 before and when told, they didnt care at all. It looks good on their screen and that is all that matters, not if others can see it too.

  20. never assume anything about any company or any service provided by said company as to what level of support will be around 24/7/365. If you do this it only makes you look stupid. just because abc company works or has support on holidays for problems does not mean xyz company will or has too.. even if it provides a 24/7 service such as gaming. People are allowed to have holidays and not work. Just because some companies don't provide for that doesn't mean all companies have to act like that company just to keep its customer base happy. tough for anyone that doesn't like that answer, you don't get to dictate how the company acts and never did.

    You may be a customer but you are not in control and never was or will be. You have no special rights or entitlements or privilege's ever and never did. The customer is not always right in what they want, when or how or why ever.. that is not how real life works. Only egotistical people believe in such manners.

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