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Kathlen Onyx

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Posts posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. 26 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    In RL you never blame the child because the child is always the victim, but in SL its half and half, pervo kids trying to hit on adults.

    If a strange kid ever asks you for a hug, runnnnnnn 😂

    Who do you think is running the pervo kids? Pervo adults.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    The Bellicosian Anti-Privacy Zone will become a problem. It's covenant expressly forbids security such as group only access banlines, or orbs that can actually keep people out, so no, Belli is not going to be a "safe space" for kid avi's, or a safe space FROM kid avi's.

    Belli compliant orbs cannot bounce people in "a few" seconds, and they can't auto-ban to stop the bounced coming right back in.


    The belli security orb has a setting where you can set it to only allow whitelisted avatars. Anyone not on that list can't access your Linden home and is ejected after 15 seconds but not autobanned.  How is that against the covenant?

    I'm sure LL can see if the avatar was on the land for longer than 15 seconds and if they did or did not get ejected after that.  Seems pretty safe to me.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Breast feeding a toddler = weird, but not sexual


    Not weird. 71% of toddlers are breastfed. (changed percentage cause I looked it up)

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a toddler is a child between the ages of 1 and 3. Some say that a child becomes a toddler when they turn one year old.

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  4. It is very simple to solve this issue. 

    Child avatars are only allowed on G rated land.

    If you need to go to a M or A for any reason, then you have to change into an adult or appropriate avatar (i.e. robot, etc)

    However, it should be noted that ***play can happen on any rated land, with any avatar (with or without a modesty panel) at any time of the day or night.

    Nothing LL proposes solves that actual issue.  I'm not even sure it CAN be solved.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Wincil said:

    Some people can't seem to tell the difference from a child avatar and a adult avatar there's no point trying to reason with them they act like they are right they would do anything to prove themselves right even if they're are wrong.

    Well, then place your trust in LL. If you get AR'd and you are confident that you are an adult then nothing to worry about right? If you don't trust LL then nothing anyone says matters.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

    I would have to find a security orb that bounces people in a few seconds or less. It's also a hassle to have. Plus you can't put any lewd things out in your front yard or back yard. What if I wanna go full tentacle pit theme for halloween? Or setup lewd looking statues that may or may not be grabby.

    I know having a kid barging into my linden home is an extremely rare scenario, but I have had strangers barge in. So while it is very unlikely, the fear is still there in the back of my head about it. lol

    First, in Bellisseria the orb MUST be set not to eject people for a minimum of 15 seconds. Secondly, your full tentacle pit theme and lewd statues wouldn't be allowed on Belli as that would be against the covenant.

    Do you even own Belli land because you seem to not know the rules there.

    As far as a security orb being a hassle? whine whine...next.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Theresa Ravenheart said:

    And I do, but I would be much more comfortable and happy if my Linden home was on A land, so I could be around others and be able to feel like I live in a neighborhood and not have to stop people from seeing me on my front lawn. Having to hide and block things so people can't see or hear you, to me, defeats the purpose of living in a neighborhood setting. I have a Linden home that is currently setting empty because it doesn't really serve a purpose since I live on an adult island. 

    You have a really good point there and a legitimate reason for the advocating of A rated Bellisseria land.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

    There's a lot of fear of people trolling one another in attempts to AR people. Linden homes could be a spot where that happens. You can't put up ban lines with linden homes either. You would have to individually ban people.

    No you don't. Use a security orb that just allows people in your group to access your land. No need to ban people individually.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Theresa Ravenheart said:

    I would be head over heels to have a Linden home on Adult land, so I don't have to sanitize myself and scramble to make sure everything is covered up. I hate the idea of being in my home, relaxing in my front yard,  and having a kid avatar or family with kids living right next to me, walking by or being anywhere near my home. As much as kid avatars should not (and cannot per the TOS) want to be around adults being naked or participating in adult activities, as an adult, I never want to be around child avatars; no offence to them, but they are insta-blocked for my comfort. 

    But if you have your settings set right that child avatar won't even see you in your front lawn.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

    I realized something today. LL will need to provide us with linden home options on differently rated sims.

    You can easily have neighbors with child avas, all while you re-enact your worst 50 Shades impression in your RedRoom.

    Why? I'm allowed to do that. Unless the avi is ON my property then it won't affect them at all. I have my settings so you can't see or hear other avi's. Even if they cam in they won't see anything going on.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Codex Alpha said:

    Ok, but that's why I used the word 'could', in the sense that just because they're standing there doesn't mean they're participating in anything. The TOS clearly states 'activity' as a determining factor.  The nude adult who even warped to the child, for any reason, and if they purposefully took a screen shot, would be the ones trying to 'engage' with a child 'while nude', and THEY would be banned.

    Better read and interpret that TOS again. Because that is incorrect.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

    No, because they could be afk. A lack of response or action is not participation.

    If they engaged in anything else, then they'd be breaking the TOS.

    Technically, the naked adult (in a M sim or not) is actually breaking the TOS by trying to engage in inappropriate contact or situations with a child avatar. So again it is THEY that would be inappropriate and at risk of disciplinary action.

    Good luck with that. If I was a child and in a M rated region, no way would I go AFK.  That's just stupid. If I was going to go AFK, I'd TP myself back to my G rated location or shut SL off.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Codex Alpha said:

    Ok so no child avatars in a Mature area.. I'd hope that it would be more cut and dry.. just have General areas, and Adult areas.

    Adult areas can only be accessed by users with credit cards on file as a first resort, then apply the TOS regarding child avatars not be used in those areas. Solutions are quicker than people think

    Well, of course they are but LL won't use those solutions. LOL

  14. 7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    The more this thread unfolds and people throw out their opinion about reporting, the more convinced I am that this is no longer a safe place. The newest hobby/game seems to be "How many can I AR today!". Regretting the L$ I bought last month for the year. "I want my money back!"

    You could always go to opensim where this stuff is much easier to get away with.


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  15. I think people are forgetting that you don't have to worry about the person doing the AR. You need to worry about who is reviewing and taking action on the AR.

    Now, with that information, age your avatar as if you will pass it with LL not a random SL user.

    If you are not confident that LL will take the right action then nothing anyone can say will matter.

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