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Posts posted by PheebyKatz

  1. 25 minutes ago, Softcakes said:

    LL doesn't care really, I've reported many sellers for reupping the same items for example, removing my ability to redeliver as well as review'

    Some people are just odd' you point out a tiny detail, maybe overlooked in the product and the seller goes mad. 

    They're super, incredibly, uber fast to remove your review but not when it comes to punishing a creator that is doing everything against their tos, not sure why.

    Some artists and creative-type people are extremely sensitive about their works. Some aren't. I never know what I'm going to get, so if I notice a tiny flaw after I've bought something, especially after demoing it and not even noticing until I've spent the L$, I tend to just let it pass. I wouldn't expect everyone else to let it pass, but I do.

    When I like something, I leave a good review. I'm very picky, and when something pleases me, that means something to me. But I also try to remember that a lot of creators are very sensitive to even helpful or positive criticism. Not justifying it either, just saying it's a thing.

    I make junk. I try to make nice things, people say I make nice things, but once it's been uploaded and finished up, all I ever see is where I could have done a better job. It blows me away when I get a positive review, and I always dread the day someone (even someone who's just ticked-off and it's not my fault) leaves a bad review, saying my work is crap.

    I can see a person who values an image and strives to maintain it being pretty torn up if they got something as far as selling it and then someone mentioned, "oh, by the way, there's this one face that doesn't texture." Anyone under competitive pressure (even imagined or exaggerated), especially one in a creative occupation, would at least inwardly flip out.

    And it's the internet, so they sometimes flip out in all caps, and do silly things like unlisting and relisting things.

    I wish there was a better way of improving it than everyone simply shunning vendors who poop out the mouth or melt down, but things just sort of seem to work out that way, I guess.

    Anyway, I said I was going to bed earlier, so nini.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, Sid Nagy said:

    SL and the forums take already too much time of my life as it is.

    This is why he would be so good for it. The one best qualified is always the one least willing.

    I like to think of it as spending time, because usually I get at least something back. But as Sid already knows, and I can confirm myself, it's a lot of horse puckey to dig through to find a pony sometimes.

    I'm glad at least for what time I let you guys take. ^-^ I can think of far worse ways to pass the time in between Blender, building, and the bathroom.

    On that note, goodnight, SL. I got a lot to mesh out tomorrow.

    Remember you're awesome.

    • Like 3
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  3. 10 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:


    @PheebyKatz, Are you any good at herding cats? You do know how to build stuff, script stuff, and handle problem people with humor.

    I'll need to finish Hangman's Hill, and I kinda already committed to doing a themed, simwide build for Sci-Fi Con, but after that, sure. Count me in.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Every time I look at this thread again, my Spock eyebrow goes up and I catch myself saying, "Fascinating."

    I haven't even really seen any of this stuff inworld yet, but then I'm old-fashioned and don't get out much. It does seem complex enough to keep everyone busy for a few years, finding the proper-SL-balance between best practices and what works.

    This is a very informative thread, thank you guys for eviscerating the issues and displaying the entrails so artistically. I have a strong appreciation for this thread's content.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    I think some sort of display about the forums in that welcome center would defo be cool , but the forums are an LL product, so they need to do it. 😂

    Darn this post is totally off topic now.

    Someone should go start a new one in the general discussion

    This is why we need a trash section, so things like this conversation could end up there and we could continue them instead of it just being considered a derailment whether the OP was willing to see the thread mutation continue or not.

    I would love to see threads that "devolve" into really engaging group discussions have the option to just be okay that way.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    And be oh so careful if you make a joke or smart ass reply, or even better, just don't. 😂

    Sometimes I think it's people being oversensitive, and sometimes I think it's just that everyone here has very high and easily disappointed expectations for every post, just because we're all so awesome. XD

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Great ideas.

    There should also be an exhibition of some of the excellent photo's that are shown here on the forums regularly by forumnites.

    And some pictures of our two most favorite forum Moles.

    I miss seeing Dakota, but yeah, we got good Mole. I very much like Violet Mole, also, but she does the Welcome Hub.

    And personally, I think they could probably do a banging new forum banner with what I've seen posted by our regulars. We do have some real artists here. I actually really like that people have threads for all of the pictures and stuff, it's one of the best things about the forum. Getting to see what other people are doing with themselves is always inspiring.

    • Like 3
  8. 57 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

    I bought some sock clips. They go through the laundry and stay stuck together in a pair until I wear them!

    I always just turn one inside-out with another one inside of it, but then I'm weird.

    Also I know where they all go.

    The coathangers come out of the closet in the night and sacrifice the socks, in a misguided attempt to free themselves from their closet rod prison. You can sometimes find the dead socks at the bottom of the closet, or hidden away by the coathangers.

    I tried getting them all to see the light one time, but only one of them really got it. His name was Ned. He's free now.

    • Like 2
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  9. I'm down with all of these ideas, serious or not.

    If we did a thing for an SLB, I would want a panel discussion with Rowan, at very least. She very much "gets it" all from the standpoint of someone who found SL and just ran with it and became knowledgable in things a lot of new people could probably benefit from.

    Some of the Scripting Section people are so amazingly overloaded with useful knowledge, a panel with some of them would be as good as a six-week class anywhere else, probably.

    Just about every part of this forum has people who, in my opinion, should be known all over the grid by name. For good things, at that.

    • Like 3
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  10. 15 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Personally, I find the SL forum not a very nice place at all, it's very cliquey, and oh so biased in one direction.

    Sounds like a challenge, to me. I'm up for it. I like a challenge. I'm not the only one, either.




  11. 29 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    It's the new(ish) Rebel DCT. Changing the bars on that means disconnecting all those DCT computer controls and running new wires and cables, plus bleeding the entire brake system. It's a job that I'm not sure I have the tools, time, or space for.

    As for scripts... I'm somewhat confident I could do my own. Tracking down sounds and animations though...

    Scripting my own bikes was easy, and you're smart enough I know you could do that all to suit yourself, if you want to spend the time on it. Still willing to help if you want to do any particular thing and it snags on you, because I've been mucking around with various features and making them work for a while now, with a lot of success.

    Sounds and anims, I make all of my own sounds and animations. Sounds are easy, find a recording, edit it into shape, upload it. You'll probably (you already know this but whatever) want a startup, revv, idle, running, and shutdown sound, at very least. I always just stick them in the script via UUID, because less clutter in the Contents tab.

    As for animations, as long as I have something to pose the avatar on in Blender, I can make them to fit inworld. Even a plywood box model of a bike at the proper proportional scale, and I could make you anims if you'd like.

    I have some big projects I'm working on currently, but I always try to fit spare time in to work on things like my motorcycles and stuff, so just know you're welcome to anything I've got that can help. It's a biker thing.

    • Like 3
  12. I had a thought, also. Partly because someone mentioned same old threads for twenty years.

    The majority of people that I ever even mention the forums to ask me, "what forums?" I don't think that many people really even know this resource is here.

    If they did, sure, we would probably get a lot more posts by people who just need to learn to use the search function, but there'd also be a lot more actual SL related activity by those who really could use some of the knowledge the people on this forum are able to give.

    Without as many people asking questions about things to help them learn more about SL, the people here who have active enough brains that they can help might not feel they have as much reason to look in on the forums as often. So maybe rather than trying to find more ways to keep the forum regulars from going bonkers or getting bored, we could find ways to get more of the newer userbase to actually look here and learn stuff.

    I know it might sound dumb, but maybe bringing people who need help and people who like helping together with this awesome resource we have here would actually help improve the place overall.

    In general, I think the forums are way nicer than they used to be. I just kind of wish we had more opportunities to share what the community here has.

    We have some of the most knowledgable people here, and not just SL-related, either. And people new inworld often can't figure out how to wear an alpha. Finding the forums was one of the best things that ever happened for my SL, because so many of the skills I make use of inworld, I learned here.

    It kind of makes people want to stay around and be here and pay it forward, when they get something like that.

    • Like 6
  13. I now have every post ever made by the OP archived in triplicate, and stored in globally separate locations, known only to myself, and my secret cabal.

    If not for this thread, I would never have realized what a fortune I stand to make in the future, having this valuable information.

    If anyone else wants it, it's on archive.org.

    I don't think you have anything to be that paranoid about. I'll bet I've made far more embarrassing, disturbing, even wretched posts on the internet for a couple of decades now, and I'm fine.

    BRB, someone's knocking really loud on the front door... We didn't order takeout, so I wonder who the heck it could be.

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