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Posts posted by PheebyKatz

  1. 12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: Isn't this Forum Social Media?

    I don't consider it to be so. It's nothing like Facebutt or similar platforms.

    Social Media, in my mind anyway, is any platform used for the express purpose of advancing oneself socially. People use social media to promote themselves and their real-world businesses, as real-world people.

    I would not expect anyone on this forum to start posting RL selfies and promoting their Onlyfans, for instance. Nobody here (with half a brain cell anyway) is using the forums in an attempt to further their RL status as a celebrity, or get people to visit their Patreon.

    Most importantly, I think, is that while a forum is, indeed, a medium through which we do tend to be social towards one another, the forum's purpose isn't necessarily socializing. It has areas for people to post that they would like to meet others and socialize, but really the socializing aspect (in the sense of hanging out and having a good time together, or promoting our respective hustles) is secondary.

    Even the term "social media" conjures images of people trying to become media personalities in their social lives. I don't see that happening here. Some might try, but then, that's forums for ya.

    Social media, to me, is media used for social networking. This forum tends towards a different theme, that of talking about Second Life and the things we do in it, and how we use it and what we like or dislike about various aspects of it. It's not as pointedly egocentric as social media.

    Or at least it maybe shouldn't be treated as such.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I have a hard time understanding extroverts or those who don't seem to be introspective. I guess it's like them liking different food or music than I do. I can be happy working on a packaging line while my mind creates all kinds of ideas to entertain itself or lying in bed imagining conversations. I think my inner life is alot bigger than my outer life, but I'm ok with this.

    When I bake brownies, I stand in front of the oven and watch the entire process. It gives me time to think, and I never forget and let them burn that way.

    One of my exes, when asked if they ever just sat still and quiet, and listened, said they preferred noise and activity, because when they sat quietly and listened once, all they could hear "was the screaming".

    I asked what they meant, and they refused to discuss it any further.

    I do think SL is a good place to practice extroversion to some extent.

    Most of the time when I'm inworld, I'm hovering over a build, watching the dots on the mini map, all abstracted and at peace in my solitude, even if I have a few people in IMs. But, if I log on and the Opera House is full of dots, I immediately teleport down and join them.

    There's a slight expectation that people will attend events, even if not everyone on the sim does so, and that's enough of an excuse to get me out of my comfort zone and make me enjoy hanging out with other people.

    I actually enjoy it, too.

    And a couple of hours later I'm back in my hover spot, with a few IMs open, enjoying the relative solitude.

    I can live with that.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I'm the same. I prefer to shop on my own, then stand in my skybox sorting inventory. (I'm weird 'cuz I find that relaxing, listening to my music stream.) I like keeping a couple group chat windows open and chatting in them when something catches my interest. I like helping newbies from time to time, but don't like it when they expect my attention every time they see I'm inworld.

    From what I've seen posted on these forums, introverts love SL. 

    Some of my favorite people hardly ever talk to me. But when we actually talk, it's hugely satisfying, because we have things collected up to talk about.

    The hardest part of SL for me is being a recluse and having so many friends. Having a somewhat public image is weird for me, even having worked in entertainment IRL (a stage performance is a great place to hide, oddly enough).

    I see the introversion/SL connection as making perfect sense. Introverts, or better, introspective people, tend towards imagination. There's a great deal of boredom involved at first, but once the imagination is turned on, via books, etc., we learn to have an inner life.

    I feel terrible for people who don't have inner lives.

    Having this inner world inside of us, and looking for a way to bring it out into a more tangible form (though still ephemeral, at least it's more easily visible/audible), and finding others who are in the same network and who are doing similar things, we find ourselves in the weird position of being introverted loners in a community of people who share our gift of having an inner world.

    It can take some adjustment.

    I think it's worth it, though.

    • Like 3
  4. On 2/20/2024 at 4:29 AM, Gabriele Graves said:

    We are all RL people.  Some people see it as less or more real than others that's all, there is no universal viewpoint on that.  Being invested in SL tends to make it feel more real for some.  I would be very surprised if people who haven't invested themselves into SL would feel it was real in any sense though.

    Many many years ago, a friend showed me Second Life. He said he had never seen or participated in anything like it, and tried very hard to get me to see what was so cool about it.

    He showed me the map, homed in on a dot, and we watched someone dance in a club. He seemed to have trouble finding the right words to explain to me that there was more to do than spy on people who were alone in nightclubs.

    I was like, okay, you can look at people without being seen, so... voyeur box. Oh, and it's probably a guy, not a girl. Big whoop.

    A few years later, a transgender friend of mine tried explaining to me how fantastic it was that they were able to make a living building 3D models of houses and selling them to people who wanted to live in them online. I thought to myself, how stupid, they're spending money on things that could just go poof if the servers went offline, but I said nothing. Said friend is now also a successful professional artist IRL, using what they learned while marketing their art in SL.

    A few years later, an artist/historian friend of mine who was into supernatural roleplay lured me into joining this sandbox/chatroom thing so we could play vampire dress-up dollies together. We went to Freebie Galaxy, where I transformed my starter avi into something more closely approximating my true self. My enthusiasm was immediately engaged, and I've never looked back.

    The rest is history.

    TL;DR: people who "got it" tried to share it with me, and I held out for years. It took someone getting me inworld for me to "get it". And not everybody that ends up inworld "gets it", either. It's not for everyone, but for the ones it's for, there's something for everyone.

    As for what's real to whom, reality is what you can get away with. I've had experiences that were only real for me. They were still real. Even imaginary things are real.

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  5. I'd say right offhand, it reminds me of hair by Magika (at least their more recent work), but I know there's more than one maker who does similar quality hair. Might be Rezology. Sure looks like a Magika do, though. I'm tempted to go look and see if they have it.

    Edit: I tried a reverse image search on Google, and it only looked for the necklace, because it didn't want to show people's faces, lol.

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  6. On 2/17/2024 at 5:21 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

    I guess people shouldn't have to take personal responsibility.

    I don't think it's this at all. I think some people simply prefer to keep social life and personal opinions separate from business. It's actually considered by many to be more professional to do that. The same way a professional lecturer with a successful Youtube channel might not want to go around using that account to talk trash in the comments of stupid videos.

    Just because the average person can talk trash using their only name and social accounts without anyone going to their job and taking out personal issues on them in a business setting doesn't mean everyone can. And there are a lot of petty people on the internet who like nothing better than trying to harm people they disagree with in whatever way they can.

    Good thing I don't care if people on the forum don't all buy a baby diaper or a hat from me. Saves me making an alt.

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Nah. Bots are obviously clones grown in vats. How else can you explain how they all look the same?

    This is actually a darn shame, really. The level of caring the masters show for their bots is deplorable.

    At least some of them use the cool witchy avatar.

    But really, I mean, even if I had 50 bots, each one would have a unique name, look, outfits. Unless you're a delivery service or a plumber or something, why have an identical fleet? At least give them some personality or something.

    • Like 2
  8. SL is like a library, or a circus, it has something for everyone. It's big, and spread out, and you'll have to take some time to go everywhere and see everything. Then once you find your favorite subjects/amusements, you'll want to spend time engaging. Like finding the right section of interest, then finding the books you want to read, then sitting a while and perusing them until you decide which ones you want to check out and read for real.

    SL is also like a library or a circus in that there are lots of people hanging out because they simply have nothing better to do, don't feel like engaging in anything serious, and can simply be there so they're somewhere. Like a circus, there are even scammers and con games, and hoochie-coochie dancers, and people who pay for things and people who want it all for free, even the hoochie-coochie show.

    What you get out of it and take home with you is up to you, whether it be warm memories, friendships, a good book or twelve, a social disease, mental anguish, empty wallet, broken heart, etc. It's what you make of it, and that is influenced by your intent, for better or worse.

    I can't think that having LL do more of it for people would be of any real benefit. I think it has to come from within.

    It's not television, you don't just lay there and watch the drip, and press the button when you need something. And LL can't make friends for people. They've given us tools for making all sorts of things, even friends. But the end result is up to us, and what we do with it all.

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  9. What do you set in your Preferences (in whichever viewer you use) as far as movement controls and such? Does it just happen out of nowhere, or when you try to do things? Or when typing?

    And how do you normally control your movement? Do you use mouse clicks, or the arrow keys, or WASD keys?

    If it isn't some stuck animation permissions like we've seen before, or some sort of RLV nonsense that got stuck on you, it might be some sort of conflict in how your movement prefs are set.

    Knowing only that your avatar rotates in place and goes the wrong direction a lot doesn't give us much else to go on. If you can think of any specific things, like when it seems to happen most, if anything seems to trigger it, or if it's just out of nowhere and such might help to narrow it down some.

    Also, knowing if you have a good connection speed, and that it's set right in the Network prefs helps. Setting maximum bandwidth to what seems right is often a source of problems, in my experience. Setting it to much lower than I thought it should be made everything work a lot better.

    It's obviously not your computer. Knowing it's not your computer means it can only be network related, settings related, or interaction-with-others-picked-it-up-by-contagion related. Either way, it can probably be solved.

    Honestly, I would try to narrow it down more by making an alt account (on a free email or something) just to test and see if it affects both accounts. Then you'd know it wasn't something caused by another user.

  10. On 2/18/2024 at 12:47 AM, Persephone Emerald said:

    Ok, @Zalificent Corvinus

    What's your sign? I'm sure you can contribute to the thread with a humorous example, rather than just mocking other people's posts.

    I've known a lot of embittered Geminis who expressed similarly, but then some Taureans can express almost exactly the same. Usually, it's Taureans who are with Geminis for prolonged periods of time though, in my experience. I've also known a bipolar Scorpio who turned out to be lying and living under a false identity, and it turned out they were a Gemini on the run for murder.

    This is the internet, however. And for all I know astrology is just some made-up bullpoop used by the Chaldeans to explain terrestrial phenomena in terms of celestial signs and happenings, as a cover for using numerology for everything because everyone thought numerology was just some bullpoop made up to explain people being so irrational and seeming to change from day to day in a predictably unpredictable fashion.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    ..it's a "sign", get it?

    I would laughingly use the confused emoji as if I know nothing of astrology, in an attempt at deploying layered humor, but I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of being all Scorpio at you or anything, because I'm not a Scorpio. Not that I have a problem with Scorpios either, it's not a judgement or anything, besides, they're very compatible with my sign, and would never think of going all Scorpio on me. It would violate the Code of Astrological Compartmentalizations and Associations.

    • Haha 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    You're reminding me of an old Aggie joke (my college, Texas A&M - they were like "Polack" jokes, but about "naive farmer recruits"):

    Why did the Aggie not want to play Texas Tech?

    Because they had "TT" on their jerseys.


    My favorite was always, "How do you fit a hundred Aggies into a single Hot Wheels car?"

    Soooooooo many Aggie/booger jokes...


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  13. 12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Anyway, due to the confusion (and possibly some embarrassment on the company's part), they are sending me a brand new unit and I'll send back the "demo".  I get a new unit and save $400...because they forgot the power supply.

    That is a major win.

    Way better than free muffin mix, or peanut butter.

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  14. 12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I think you have illustrated well what I meant by my answer "yes".  IMO, the "main" is whatever the avatar user says it is. One year you may decide to mostly use what was previously your "alt".  If you tell everyone that is now your "main", no matter what they think, it's what "you" think that matters since it is "your" avatar. (Regardless even if you use the "main" more or less than another, they are all "your" avatars, so "you" get to say which is your "main".)

    My current main is my former alt. My current alt is my former main, who is 99% inactive, because my SL changed, and I ended up having more reason to develop my get-away-and-build account, and not so much reason to use my other.

    I ended up being more active in the places where everyone knew my builder account, basically.

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