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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. I think I see the problem - eureka moment on my part. It sounds like the sliders on some clothing is less responsive than your body. You therefore adjust your shape further to compensate for this. Some made up numbers to illustrate this: say you have the butt slider on 30. You reduce the slider to 20. On the naked body, this results in a 20% shrink in "real" butt size. But with the clothing, this results in only a 10% decrease in "real" size. You therefore reduce the slider to 10 to compensate. Does that sound about right? If so, it just boils down to the sensitivity of the rigging. The butt slider is clearly rigged - you can see in your photo that there is a clear difference between 0 and 100 on the butt size slider - but that the 0 and 100 slider settings don't match up with the 0 and 100 slider settings of your naked body. It just means the creator needs to get better at rigging... and as rigging is a tricky skill anyway, it's hard for me personally to be too critical of this.
  2. I'd like to take this time to remind people that anything which happened more than half a page ago might as well not exist. Expecting everyone to have read every letter of the previous hundred+ posts before joining in an ongoing discussion which has stretched over days is not practical. Having that unrealistic expectation and then flouncing out of the thread dramatically with some vague passive-aggressive references to being misunderstood and having "already addressed this" (whatever "this" might mean) just makes you look like a tool. Don't be a tool. Edit: As pointed out by Beth below, I am doing precisely this by posting this pet peeve here. So in this case, I am the tool. Don't be me.
  3. I honestly can't tell if there's a communication error here, so apologies if this sounds patronising: Fitted mesh clothing responds to your shape sliders. As you increase and decrease a slider, both your body and the clothing changes shape. Otherwise identical shapes with the Butt Size slider at 0, 10, 20 etc will all result in different shaped clothing, and a different shaped body underneath. This is true for the skirt you are wearing; the preview clearly shows a much larger butt in the 100 size preview (marked "Big Butt") compared to the 0 size preview ("Flat Butt"). I'm therefore highly confused as to what you mean with statements such as "Clothing that does fit my slim shape is usually set at around 12 on the buttocks slider, or if it's a little too big for a small shape, I usually have to set my buttocks slider to around 5 and it fits." By definition, changing the slider means your body shape has changed.
  4. This photo is meaningless by itself. How big is the Maitreya ass with your current slider settings, and Butt Size set to 0? Is there a massive air pocket between the edge of your body and the edge of the clothing? If I had to guess, I'd say the clothing is actually adapting to your slider settings perfectly, and your main gripe is with the Maitreya body itself - but that's just a guess, we'd need a side by side photo to know for sure. I'm also not sure what you mean by creators zeroing out the butt. I'm struggling to see how that relates to a rigged mesh that responds to weight sliders. What do you mean by that?
  5. This might be true on a theoretical, academic level, but it's not how things play out in reality.
  6. And for another pet hate of mine: People who cannot distinguish their justifiable nostalgia and often legitimate complaints about the current state of SL, with nonsensical Luddite-ism. It's completely legitimate to like things that are older, and arguably obsolete. It's okay to like something that is flawed. 100% okay. It's also completely justifiably to discuss the aspects of these things that are arguably better than their newer replacements. Often, those thoughts would be totally accurate. System bodies are not better than the main brands of mesh bodies. Flexi hair and skirts are not better than the mesh equivalents. Modern SL avatars look better than their older counterparts - who in turn look better than their predecessors too. That's how progress works, and there is no point lying to yourself and pretending otherwise. On the other hand, it's perfectly fine to lament the loss of the low-skill barrier that came with system layer clothing, and to miss the movements and motion that came with the (almost always hideous) flexi hair and skirts. Yes, many new creations come with a performance cost that can be a struggle. Those downsides are a) perfectly legitimate criticisms, and b) do not invalidate the overall and undeniable progress that has been made. Deep down I think everyone understands this. I just wish a certain segment of the userbase would admit it.
  7. I'm one of the people that does this! Well, kinda. For my own sanity, I wait until the area has almost entirely finished loading before trying to move. I'll move when I can see where I'm moving to - which I do, of course, just not for that first 30-60 seconds. Spending an hour at the landing zone? Hell yeah that's irritating. A pet hate of mine is the sims which have obnoxious flashing signs demanding that you move off the landing zone immediately or be cursed with bad kisses for the next seven years (or some similar nonsense). Bonus points if you have an obnoxious host/bot (what's the difference amirite?) who IMs you to demand that you move off the landing zone. Just put in an unobtrusive landing zone clearer that moves avatars to the side, that's all that's needed. I have a present for you: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Camera-View-SaveSetup-HUD/5647480 and it's sister HUD: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Move-Camera-HUD-For-precise-small-to-large-movement/5825932 As a piece of advice for these: manual camera control overrides the HUD. You have to reset the camera (ie, hit escape once) to get the camera control to kick in.
  8. This is not the case. Creators rig clothing to fit a mesh body. Alpha slices are an integral part of that mesh body which cannot and should not be separated from the body itself. Regardless of their academic origins, alpha slices are now intentionally taken into account in the design process, and it would be intellectually dishonest to accuse creators of rigging stuff badly when their creators are designs to incorporate these features. Exhibit A: a creator I often wear does not like the extremely prominent nipples that are featured on the popular mesh body brands. She has three options to dealing with the issue: Build in nipple bumps into her tops. This often detracts from the design intent of the top, and can be particularly nonsensical with certain fabrics and styles. Inflate the breast area to compensate for the raised nipple. This can result in a noticeably larger bust than the naked body should possess, particularly at smaller bust sizes. Set up the clothing to alpha out the nipple, and follow the contours of the breast. She went for option 3. That is an intentional design choice, which ensures her product is more faithful to the body than the alternative, while keeping true to her design. Trying to argue that this hypothetical top is somehow not designed to fit the body just seems wrong, and disconnected from reality.
  9. Depends really. If you are derendering everyone who isn't your friend, then you probably aren't going to see enough residents around you for imposters to matter. And there's rarely a reason to use jellydolls when imposters can kick in instead. I'd say there's only really a need to do one. I personally use imposters at busy clubs, and de-render non-friends at shopping events.
  10. I'm not sure how you can claim with sincerity that you want an honest discussion, while posting such categorically false statements. You're either wearing glasses so rose tinted that they're opaque, or you are posting in bad faith. I'd like to assume it's the former. You are however right to point out the lag issues. That's the consequence of creators with no real oversight structure producing content without guidance or restrictions. Many mesh creations these days are simply gorgeous, and far above anything you would have found in 2012 - but that beauty and detail comes at a heavy cost in terms of system resources. While it's hard to objectively measure this, I think it's fair to say that growth in demand on computer resources has outstripped growth in the capacity of your average new PC by some margin. This hasn't changed since 2012. If you could deal with it then, there's no reason why you can't deal with it now. (I've made my thoughts on creators who don't include a vendor ad texture with their products - so you can see what the clothing looks like without wearing it - quite clear in other threads. It's a pet hate of mine.)
  11. A much better option to either of those two extremes is to lower the "max non-imposter avatars" setting. Imposters look like a low-rez clone of the normal avatar with jagged animations, but they are considerably better than jellydolls to look at - barely distinguishable from normal avatars at a glace. And as you move the camera around, the non-imposters will swap, so you'll always be focusing on full avatars while the crowd takes up fewer resources.
  12. Product boxes that are needlessly complex and so dial in at 14 LI. This needs to be illegal.
  13. We prefer to consider ourselves as somewhere between a mercenary and a 'lady of the night'.
  14. If it makes you feel any better, I work for the government. I'm supposed to be a soulless bureaucrat
  15. That's my clothing sorting setup. Every time one folder gets too large to use (even with the .Unused subfolder for stuff I'm unlikely to ever wear), I add another category; which is why I have "Jewellry" and "Jewellry, Chokers/Necklaces". And yes, I'm aware that's not how you spell Jewelry/Jewellery. But replicating this for decor and furniture is hard. And my brain isn't powerful enough for this. Also; I think I've now got more stuff unsorted but unpacked than sorted.
  16. Emphasis mine. This is the reason why the contests aren't "opened up" to those without social media; it would massively dilute the self-replicating advertisement they are hoping for and so undermine the entire raison d'etre of the contest itself. In terms of how the merchant can address everyone else - that is what group gifts are for. Likewise with seasonal gift cards that many high-volume creators run. If you're not willing to share adverts on social media, there is very little you can contribute in terms of advertising to the creator. What you can contribute is your own wallet; and if you can get people to stand next to a vendor to receive free stuff, a not-insignificant number of those people will also stand next to other vendors to buy stuff shortly afterwards. Everyone wins! These contests do not exist in a vacuum, they are part of a creator's holistic marketing strategy. The nature of SL's economy is that creations have no per-item costs, and only overheads and upfront costs (ie; it doesn't matter if a creator sells 10 or 1000 of a thing in a set period, the costs are the same). Smart creators will be liberal shovelling free stuff at their customerbase; in ways that ensures that customerbase shovels cash straight back at them.
  17. These contests are not charity... despite the endless amounts of ass-licking they tend to generate. The creators are paying for advertising with a couple of printed copies of their product. The way you "enter" these contests is through social media activity, which spreads awareness of the new product enough to increase sales by far more than the tiny opportunity cost of the giveaways. It's a smart thing to do, and I don't hold anything against them for it - but it is not generous, nor is it worth praising creators for. It's a simple transaction. And if you can get your head around that, it becomes much easier to ignore these when they appear.
  18. So I gave it a go and lazily used the raise tool with a wide brush to get most of the height then smothered it with the smooth tool. It now fits the overall slope of the hill, but lacks the bumps that default mainland hillside has... eh, close enough. Thanks all.
  19. That photo doesn't do a good job of showing this, but the lower right corner of my parcel is flush with the adjacent parcel, even though the upper right corner (and both left corners) have this dip. And I'm bad at terraforming.
  20. I have a small cliffside parcel of mainland which I use for a skybox flat. The land is cheap and the angle of the terrain makes it hard to use for anything other than skyboxes. I've had this parcel for about 18 months now, and it is surrounded by abandoned cliffside land. On a whim I decided to check out ground level, when I noticed this: Somehow, this slope has been reshaped and raised ever so slightly, with the exception of my parcel. My parcel's slope meets the seafront naturally, as does most of the surrounding area (with the exception of the sudden drop you can see near the rocks. Yet for some reason my parcel boundary is marked with a sudden drop like this. I never come down here so it doesn't affect me at all, but I feel bad for the seafront properties that have to put up with this monstrosity as a view. Any idea how to fix it? Is this something the Lindens look after?
  21. I mentioned the UK's daily press briefing graphs a few days back. I grabbed a few screenshots of today's, just so everyone can see what our government is doing in terms of daily progress checks. The graphs are presented and interpreted by a senior scientific adviser. (Apologies for the low res shots, and the occasional arm of the sign-language interpreter.)
  22. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-patients-ins/recovered-almost-chinas-early-patients-unable-to-shed-coronavirus-idUSKCN2240HI
  23. Linden Lab's zero interference policy towards fraudulent gacha sellers is unjustifiable and immoral. Their spiel about how "the transaction between the creator and the customer is a personal one -- direct and without a middleman" is objectively false. To combine that all with a ban on "naming and shaming" of scammers is to deprive the community of the only defence against a free market - the free speech required to collectively keep the worst instincts of some in line. On the other hand, those resellers who are prepared to check for errors and quickly resolve the problem (despite having no legal obligation to do so, making it effectively an act of charity) deserve all the praise in the world. And Linden Lab don't deserve those people in their community.
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