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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. The societal tension between the white, culturally Christian/atheist population, and the sizeable south Asian predominantly Muslim population. That's our greatest challenge. Not saying we don't have an issue with racism towards black people; we absolutely do. But as per your cartoon, we focus on the house burning down the fastest first.
  2. I am not showing support for black lives matter because I am not American. I am British. The hands of my ancestors might not exactly be the cleanest, but we have walked an exceptionally different path to this moment, and the state of race relations in the UK is very different. And our greatest problem to overcome regarding racism has nothing to do with black people. We are far from perfect, for sure, but that doesn't mean we should just import outrage over from the colonies. Especially when we have our own burning houses that need putting out first. So while I wholeheartedly agree that the BLM movement is both appropriate and necessary in the American context... that does not mean the rest of us have to jump in or face shame.
  3. Rinse and repeat every 2-3 days. I need to stop occasionally accepting friend invites from strange men.
  4. I just want to pick up on this point for a moment. As someone who has struggled, mostly but not entirely successfully, with both introversion and social anxiety, text-based interaction can be a wonderful thing. If you have no problem holding a vocal conversation for hours on end, you probably don't realise just how precious and valuable it is to take 30 seconds to compose your thoughts. That mental breathing space is possibly why so many of us are here; because it's orders of magnitude easier to be the literal comic genius that I am (cough) if I can think things through before saying or typing them. So if, even with all of that, you're still stuck unable and/or unwilling to progress beyond the "hi how r u" dance... you ain't right.
  5. People that disingenuously and intentionally take a comment to mean something entirely different to its obvious intent.
  6. Pet peeve #1: When someone asks what you're up to as part of the "hi how r u" dance, and you answer... and then six minutes later they ask that same question once more. Pet peeve #2: When your brain skips a beat and you end up saying "I'm fine thanks, yourself?" even though you've already asked that question before. Pet peeve #3: When both of the above happen within the space of 3 minutes and you realise just how close to the inevitable mental breakdown you are.
  7. I can confirm I am not crazy! This button does indeed open up your default text editor. Making changes in said editor and then saving said notecard also does update the live notecard. Don't ask me how, but it does. I don't think there's a way to intentionally do this while the viewer is closed. Or at least, 60 seconds of digging around didn't turn up an obvious solution. But that's okay.
  8. Can you even imagine the response if a female artist consistently churned out lyrics like those of The Weeknd?!
  9. So am I chalking this up to my version of Seicher's substance funtimes? Highly possible.
  10. I'm fully aware that the following post is going to sound like peak technophobe-boomer vagueness. I'm just gonna own it, and say that I was distracted and a little bit tired and ordinarily would have been able to figure this out myself, but the below is going to sound like drivel. Soz. I was viewing a full perm notecard last night, using the Firestorm viewer. It's full perm, thus I was editing the contents in the viewer as normal. I hit a button - my hazy memory tells me there's a huge "Edit" button on the notecard reader/editor screen, but I wouldn't want to put money on that - and this notecard opened in Notepad. The file name was an extensive string of characters, I believe broken up into chunks separated by hyphens? My assumption was that this file was buried in AppData somewhere, but I didn't look to check. I was able to edit the notecard in Notepad, and the saved changes were pushed to the viewer's notecard. Is it a) possible, and b) plausible to edit a saved notecard outside the viewer, without logging in? And if so, how do I (intentionally) do this? Or am I just borderline-crazy (it's possible)? I'd look myself, but this morning I checked my work inbox and immediately started comparing the width of my shoulders to how far the window opened, so...
  11. Pet peeve; when the forum hiccups, so you kill the tab rather than refresh in an attempt to avoid the infamous doublepost, and it happens anyway.
  12. I sometimes will fix a typo or swap words for ones that would be seen as less hostile, within minutes of posting. Anything more substantive, and I mark it out as such with an "Edit: more words". I think it's far, far better to leave the original words up and add a correction/redaction below, than to remove those words. Better for everyone involved.
  13. Hey guys, I've heard that some uses have had troubled uploading snapshots direct to Flickr. Does anyone know if there's an issue with the Flickr API?
  14. When people are faced with a problem, are handed a simple and straightforward solution that costs them nothing but five minutes of their time, and said person then refuses to even entertain said solution but instead just turns it into a "it's not my fault so why should I have to do anything?!" entitlement-fest. I wish it was legal to slap people through the internet.
  15. Unfortunately, you cannot attract or keep that market by offering an all-in-one avatar with almost no clothing variety, who will very quickly run into offers of clothing that will not work with their body. These potential residents aren't going to stay if they spend money on an all-in-one only to find it was just spaffed up the wall a week later. And this is the same reason I detest the habit so many have to pointing new players to the free mesh bodies as a matter of routine. Wasted investment of time or money drives people away. People don't actually want a vast range of options. Not at first. They want their hand held at first, they want to be shown what to do, and only then do people want the freedom to exercise their choice when and if they want. The problem with modern mesh avatars, and especially most advice that people give, is that it throws too much choice at people too quickly - and when that concerns the base building blocks of an avatar, that can drive people away. When people ask "what mesh body should I get?", that's precisely what they are asking. What should they get. Not what can they get. They want someone to either give them the one correct answer, or present them with a tiny number of valid options to choose from. What's needed, desperately, is a high-profile set of "Build your own avatar" resources. Each would be based around a complete avatar with a specific body+head combination, with a photo, so that a new resident can go "I want to look like that" and pick the set they want. They'd receive a package including a shape, a skin in a range of tones, a hair and hairbase tattoo in a range of tones, one full outfit, and a set of underwear/swimwear, and maybe a basic AO. They'd also receive a set of detailed instructions, that would serve as both a "modern avatars 101" lesson and a "how to assemble your avatar". They'd be hand-held through the process of buying the relevant mesh body and head, unpacking everything, and assembling their avatar. Once that is done, they'd have everything they'd need to get started in SL! The instructions would then also provide a number of pointers on what the next steps for customisation should be, such as a few examples of hair stores and clothing stores, with an advanced section on changing shapes or getting a new skin etc. All of these sets would be for the actually useful brands, which means Catwa/Lelutka/Laq/Genus, and Maitreya/Belleza (Freya)/Legacy/Slink Hourglass. The goal would be to a) give them a functioning avatar that provides a solid foundation they can build on, and b) give them the skills needed to customise themselves further. The exceptionally vital goal is to avoid the tyranny of choice, avoid people investing time and effort in a system avatar they'll later discard. It's a pipedream, of course.
  16. When you finally finish sorting a section of inventory and realise you've spent over L$5k over the last two years on 75L sale items from a single creator. And that you've used them in about five photos max.
  17. Yes. No really, thank you. This is the first time (I might have missed it elsewhere) that someone has broken down the legal arguments in detail, and in a way that demolishes my previous assumption. I am being genuine when I say that my view has changed here - and please remember that I've said from the very start that I'd like you to be right, but didn't (previously) think you were. I would just like to clarify two things though: Your argument is that the female nipple/breasts are not considered sexual, both legally and culturally. It's a point you've made repeatedly. If that were true, then this hypothetical example could not be considered child p0rn. How could it? Why would a non-sexualised photo of non-sexual body parts be considered p0rn? The answer, of course, is that the breasts of any woman or girl are sexual. Your own words make that clear. Which is why it's quite illegal, and immoral, without question, to be showing them in this context. And I must stress - I never suggested that you intentionally called for LL to allow this sort of thing on their platforms. Please don't think that, I would never accuse you of anything so low. I brought it up to try and point out what I thought was a flaw in your logic... but of course, I was blind to a flaw in my own. Namely, the vast and essential difference between whether or not the female breast is considered sexual, and whether it's considered obscenely so. Being of consenting age is absolutely and unquestionably a deciding factor in that - and I can't believe I didn't see that earlier. My mistake. Full agreement on the infuriatingly inconsistent application of the rules by LL. No question about that. Arguably they should instead look at writing better rules... as the rules as written would involve the purge of more residents than could be justified. I feel like this is one of the moments where I need to point out that it's literally my job to disconnect my own opinions and emotions from a situation when looking at the legal and technical arguments involved. And trust me when I say that it requires a hell of a lot more control than anything we've discussed here. I have opinions - strong ones - about the appropriateness (or lack of) of a large number of the examples you've listed. Those opinions align very closely with what you've posted here. And my argument was always that I wanted you to be right, but didn't think you were. My legal argument is now in tatters, and that swings the balance back towards agreeing with you here.
  18. Bumping my own post because I'm doing another redecoration round.
  19. No they have to wait to post at a time convenient for me! How inconsiderate...
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