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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. ITT: People who think it's even remotely plausible to funnel enough people to bring the MP to a halt through inworld regions instead
  2. Daily reminder that your radiation exposure will be lower swimming in the coolant tank of a nuclear power station than it is living within something like 20 miles of a coal fired power station. So long as you keep 5-6ft away from the rods. Okay, so serious post: You cannot run a national power grid on intermittent power sources, like solar or wind. That's just an unavoidable fact of life. You need a source of power that can intentionally vary its output to meet demand, irrespective of the environmental conditions, else you are entirely at the mercy of factors outside your control. As an example, in the UK we have had a few individual days where our coal fired power stations went dark. Our demand was met by the handful of nuclear power stations we have churning out a baseline load, natural gas stations providing a large portion, and renewables (especially wind) providing the majority of that day's power. But only a handful of such days. Those coal fired stations are required for the other 350 days a year, varying output to meet demand and the variable output of our renewables. Remember that power networks have to produce electricity that almost exactly matches demand, within tight constraints. You can't just overproduce for a while, and build up a surplus for a rainy day, that's not how it works (and no, the vanity project that is Telsa's battery farms do not count). Traditionally, load following power has been met with fossil fuel powered stations. Modern nuclear power stations can now also fill that role. So can geothermal power, although that's heavily restricted by the location of hot water reservoirs; I don't think we've worked out how to do that with hydro, but hydro causes an ecological disaster every single time it's been attempted, so is not without cost anyway - and entirely reliant on geography. Even if you do choose to fully exploit geothermal and hydroelectric power, you will still need a load following power source to fill the peak gap between your geo/hydro baseline and the lower output of wind/solar. And currently, your choices are nuclear or burning stuff. If you care about the planet, the choice is simple. Burning non-fossil fuel power sources such as refuse is killing the planet too, and astronomically more dangerous for nearby people than even coal. People need to stop suggesting this as a solution. It's not. If we can solve the water problem, biofuels where absolutely necessary (eg flight) would be fine and a massive upgrade over fossil fuels, but it's not viable for mass power generation. And on the nuclear waste issue; coal fired power stations produce more weight of nuclear waste per unit of electricity than nuclear. Unlike nuclear, that waste is not kept in solid fuel that is easily contained and stored, but pumped into the atmosphere, into the air we all breathe. Sure, storage is a problem that we need to tackle... but as it stands, a single facility in Finland can easily cope with all current and past nuclear waste and still have a vast amount of capacity left over. There's just... not that much of it to deal with. Oh, and modern nuclear power stations literally cannot cause a disaster like Chernobyl, Long Island or Fukushima. The fission reaction collapses rather than spiralling out of control when things go wrong... sure, someone is left with one hell of a repair bill, as the reactor itself gets tanked in the process, but that's a worthwhile tradeoff for obvious reasons. And I haven't even begun to mention the fact that we don't, globally, produce enough rare earth metals to actually transition to solar, let alone to electric cars or battery technology, even if there was the political will. Because, you know... rare earth metals are rare. And the California mine is pretty much dead, so we're reliant on China. So yes, we do need nuclear power stations as part of a broader approach to energy generation. There is no "one source fits all" approach, and while nuclear is not a perfect source of power generation, it's by far the 'least bad' option for that part of the chain. ...but what we really need to be doing is dumping a boatload of money into fusion research. If we can crack that, we solve the energy generation question and the waste generation question in one go.
  3. If you'd looked at the hyperlink for even half a second, you'd see that this petition is not made by Wendy nor is it SL specific. She's merely drawing attention to a wider petition that has a vast list of high profile signatories already, alongside significant numbers of ordinary people. But let's be real here: your post had nothing to do with the content of what Wendy had just posted. It was "grrr Wendy bad, OC good", tiredly played out yet again. And it's kinda tragic, to be honest.
  4. I agree, but with one caveat: intentionally driving a thread off topic to the point where said thread is at risk of being locked is not acceptable. Here's the thing. Our views on the reasonable limits of a thread don't matter. Linden Lab have put in place rules governing threads going off topic, even if said rules are a tad vague, and enforce them regularly; and that's what matters. So while I agree the people who are overly-restrictive about what's "allowed" in a thread need to do less talking, the same goes for those that drive threads off the rails to the point of locking. Neither extreme is okay.
  5. Related peeve: (usually submissive) people who call everyone Sir John or Miss Jane, including complete strangers. Miss me with that. If a particular relationship dynamic makes that kind of title appropriate then that's totally fine, but not as a blanket approach. Just as cringey.
  6. You need a containment pit for that kind of conversation. Keep it all in one spot, so those that want to discuss such things can opt in to doing so, while those that want to discuss Second Life may do so in peace. The alternative is what we have here; it spills out into completely unrelated threads, with the usual suspects making everything about their pet political hate, driving everything off the rails, just so they can feed their addiction to outrage. And as a preemptive rebuttal; "politics" in this context does include broader socio-political topics, and it has never been suggested that this be restrained to just party-based politics. Yes, this includes anything about race and gender. Into the containment pit it goes, keep it out of threads about shoes.
  7. The marketplace is almost useless for shopping. Perhaps in 2011 it was okay, but now? No. You have to wade through oceans of long-outdated garbage, irrelevant nonsense padded with keyword-bait, and 27 copies of the same item in different colours. They should bring back corporal punishment for anyone who suggests "have you tried looking on the marketplace?" to any post or thread asking for shopping recommendations. Edit: Second pet peeve; the forums don't give you a 2-3 minute grace period where you can edit to fix typos without it being marked as an edit. Others do have this, and it's really useful.
  8. If you listen carefully, you can hear the frantic clicking of keyboards as they look up wikipedia articles to support their latest hot takes.
  9. With every word you post you continue you demonstrate your significant ignorance about this topic. It's quite remarkable.
  10. Sim = region. A region can be split up into different parcels, and each parcel can be sub-let out. If one 512 m2 parcel is A rated, the whole region must also be A rated, even if every other parcel is G/M.
  11. While this is the correct answer... it still does generate a raising of the royal eyebrow by half an inch, no?
  12. Just quoting this in case you try to hide your admission of guilt later. The raw arrogance of some people...
  13. I have a couple of male friends who have used a different head and skin with the Aesthetic body, to produce an avatar that actually looks good and avoids the common problems with the Aesthetic look while keeping that gymbro body shape they wanted. So while I don't have any suggestions for a skin creator (sorry!), it's definitely something that's worth the effort of pursuing.
  14. Pet peeve: the puritanical "anti-lag" crusaders that will never be satisfied unless SL can be run on an etch a sketch. Yes, SL has a problem with unregulated content leading to optimisation problems. But some people take this to a ridiculous and unjustified extreme; all mesh bodies are forbidden, everyone has to wear a single prim cube with an 8-bit sprite for a texture, if scripts must be used then they must be simple enough to be sent by telegram, SL is a chatroom and if you disagree then you are Satan. Like... just sod off already. And grow up. Get a sense of perspective, and focus on the things that actually matter... rather than being an obnoxious turd over the most marginal of marginal gains.
  15. As with Perky, V-Tech, the anime boobs addon who's name I forget, and the minor Belleza bodies; the clothing support will never be high enough to make this addon viable, for me. Not everyone needs a large wardrobe of course, so your millage may vary.
  16. 1k isn't a huge price to pay for a fatpack. For most people, a fatpack is a waste however, and 1k for a hairstyle you would only wear in one shade is far above what most are willing to pay and are routinely paying. Most hairstyle 'single colour' packs are in the 200-350 region - usually they come in a pack of "blondes" or "reds" rather than literally a single colour. You don't seem entirely convinced by the hairstyle in question, judging by your own posts. This combination of high price and lukewarm feeling towards the hair suggests to me that this hair is not for you, and you'd do better if you kept looking. (I'll leave the pseudo-philosophical non-answers to everyone else :P)
  17. The forum crowd is not representative of the wider population, and tends to be far more hypersensitive around complexity and script load than most. Scripted stripables sell, and sell well. Demand is generally greater than supply in this area, and so stripable stuff gets snapped up quite fast. Vanilla Bae is probably the major player in this field. I'd check out some of their stuff, particularly around their menu and the way they handle multi-stage stripable outfits.
  18. Bonus points when those people are Americans who talk about American politics or American socio-political dynamics as if that somehow applies to the majority of us here.
  19. 1) Wear makeup 2) Wear the almost any mesh hair, including the one in your profile (which I also has!) 3) Move the camera until the wisps of your hair partially covers your makeup, particularly your eyes 4) Zoom in, and have a little cry at what you see Exhibit A: My eyeliner is an applier, because I'm lazy. Notice how the hair overlap removes that slice of eyeliner entirely? My eyebrows and freckles are BoM tattoos. Notice how these are fine? The thing to remember about BoM is that once it's set up, it's considerably easier and more straightforward than appliers. Objectively so. Want to wear a makeup layer? Right click -> Add. Want to remove it, but only it? Right click -> Take Off. No need to fiddle with appliers, no need to wipe a layer so you can reapply. Different makeup sets can be saved as part of outfits, for instant swaps. And if you could get your head around appliers, you will be able to understand BoM. Even if the transition is initially bumpy.
  20. I took a 'real' one of these... but had to censor it for the forums. Flickr link in my signature below for all the pervy pervs.
  21. When Americans forget that, while they're certainly the largest single group of residents, most of the userbase is not American, and America is not the world.
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