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Everything posted by StrayWanderer

  1. More Videos. Oh well. Text and images. Use Stills or Short, 20 or so second long, Video clips to show the 'Click here'. Subdivided into sections and subsections. And... Update it. Not just videos. Sitting thru a 'whole lecture' is BORING! Because... They, just like me, Want to Go PLAY! Use all formats. Have a 'Manual', comprehensive and digestible, in short sections, subsections, sub-sub sections, etc. Write so that one gets the initial overview of any concept, the steps to perform that action, with the associated background information. Associated Background information, too. There is going to always be a point where they 'Just have to Figure it out', because there is no way to cover it all. It is not just viewer controls in the viewer, it is controls in world, too. HUD's, dialogs, all that. That is UI as well. Text and images is not just a Wiki format, and not just a FAQ list. Both of those methods presuppose that they 'Know what question to even ask'. Textbooks may not be as shiny, but they do have a tendency to work. It is textbooks and lectures. So.... 'Here is manual, come back, looket more later' Then... if I am feeling generous with MY TIME, I can give that link to LL's Customer, to help LL's Customer. Then maybe... LL can get Mo Money. It's their Customer, not Mine. --------- Actually teaching SL to someone is very time intensive task. Other that warm feels, it has no re-numeration. So make it as Stupid Simple as Possible. Then I will be able to rapidly point someone in the right direction, and go on with what I want to do, with My Entertainment Time.
  2. Thank you Whirly! Good. I figured that it would be the case that final control of the inworld view would be in the hands of the end user. Just nice to know for sure.
  3. Well the screenshot was an extreme example but I did use off the shelf windlights in Firestorm as examples, implying is not hard to find a template thingie. And while not very probable, Gee... it would be a pain if a previously accepted grid wide experience could 'change it's mind'. If it worked like that. Would make it fun to disable them all one-by-one. An additional thought was for the other more extreme use case of end users that may need some different lighting. Something like needing high contrast / super bright, etc. Because they are visually impared. So manual end user override is just a case of not being mean. So as long as end user can opt back out / override without a lotta effort, is good enough. And a lotta effort is spending more than a min to be able to see what you could last time you were logged in somewhere. Ima not saying its 'Not a Neat Thing'. Ima just used to breaking stuff.. Um.... I mean stuff breaking. Oh and of course now we gotta see if 'that may break the experience' is gonna be a thing that is about as Evil as cheating outta RLV 😄
  4. Hmmmm??? Can ya then go back and set your own manual adjustments? Or is that considered breaking the Experence? I was just thinking. So with Grid Wide Experiences eventually in the mix, what tricks are gonna be needed to force this? Avatar Animation Info is Displayed for contrast, Both Images have ALM enabled, Option A - Firestorm Orac-Drawing red, Option B [TOR] SPECIAL - USE with full bright (oops, no full bright around) And..... What tricks are gonna be needed to undo it? Is it just gonna be Unaccept / Block an experience? And Grid Wide Experiences, aren't they supposta be set up to be already opted in, so you gotta opt out? Or go back and figure out what to opt out of? Or can I just clicky and make the lighting on my screen back to normal boring lighting without having to negate the entire experience? Eh... Probally Ima just wondering about nothing.
  5. Because of how it is made, one must enter thru the portal park portal.
  6. Well I had fun. The Me's played it a again and again. I like that it is mostly Questing with some crystal farming along the way. Makes ya want to not just stick to the shortest distance between quests. Nice that some little bits of the old LR are stuck in there as lookets. /me pouts because I gotta wait a week to quest again If Greens at low rate, might really need to rethink needing a green to complete Quest One: Forest. Exploration is fun, but I will be there to Play. Not to spend 20 to 30 min on 'The Hunt for One Green'. There is OTHER stuff to do. Especally if ima hafta compete with confused non PIOF's that are busy farming a crop of Nada. I do like that can map tp back to the basecamp. Stray Explorers do get stuck in some of the mesh mesas.
  7. The Why Groups are Capped. The permanent paid for groups not the short term Ad-hoc conferences. Even though it looks like the reason for a group is the chatting. Think of it like this ... Groups are Land permission management thingies with a chat tacked on top. It is more about setting who can do what on what land and all that stuff in the setting group roles and permissions on a per role basis. So Yup... Avatars logging in and out and moving from parcel to parcel means: Do a buncha server stuff and check who can do what now, and who can now talk to who, and the real killer... tell everyone else who in the group is online at a given time . They did tinker a while back with adjusting the frequency of doing the checking. Reducing that helped fix some of the chat lag issues. So that's the why groups are capped. But is a different thing from the short term Ad-hoc conferences, which can have their own lag issues.
  8. I could envision this, is even a serious thought.. At one price point have a Premium membership that has Stipend & Tier. At the same price point Premium membership has Larger stipend & no Tier. Call it a Shoppers package, something catchy. This would appeal to people that want the more groups, more event access, but would just wanna rent land from another resident. Might be worth looking at since Lab gets the money upfront and doesn't have to fiddle with processing the transactions on as many incremental Linden Dollar Purchases. Could do additional packages based on larger weekly stipends, something like that. And I buried this lead earlier... Can make some Pricey Premium type accounts, with or without included tier, but the benefit there is lower per transaction fees, or expedited payouts.
  9. /me settles into comfy chair, checks thread ... EEEP! worde Phil? Oh Phil? Look what you did! Is just like High School... Now the Principal is on to us! But .. but .. pages of speculation got loverdag to show us NEW SEKRET TRICK! NEW SEKRET TRICK is good, right? So.... And.... How will the Piggyback rides work?!?!
  10. YAY! Yup. Just don't forget to leave room for the Piggyback rides. one of them nice simple tables to be able to point to and say. "See I am confusing! But giving LL money is not confusing!" "There is the options and all the cool stuffs!"
  11. Then ... AHA! *tacks on more words* Mostly just clarifying that a Valid PIOF would be like payment info used. Whatever names used, just do it and make nice table to explain it. So we can all be on the same page, and make it MUCH easier to explain to Potential new residents. So can avoid the .... "I wanted to give you money, but now I am super confused, and I seem to have developed a eyebrow twitch" Basic-Basic (no verified PIOF) Basic (verified PIOF) Premium (verified PIOF) More Flavors of Premium (verified PIOF) Even More Flavors of Premium (verified PIOF) SUPER-DUPER PREMIUM (verified PIOF) & Piggyback rides! -- I might not have waited so long to make a Premium me and be all "Take Mai Money" "YAY! I have HOUSE!", but had to get that eyebrow tic seen about.
  12. Maybe Just clarifying... But that is what we already have. Basic-Basic is you when ya first sign up. The Basic-Basic 'life' is what made ya decide to give money to LL for More Stuff and things. They can't buy L$ and can't cash out L$. Governance may in some cases have to do some Fraud investigations if a Lot of L$ go thru a Basic-Basic Account in a short time? So maybe a cap on the total amount of L$ per period of time? But A hypothetical reduction in the in World / using / playing with the platform options for Basic-Basic could be a VERY BAD THING. Remember we are used to using the platform, we are involved in the platform... Eeep! A horrifying worst case scenario. Try explaining to someone - and add in a language barrier - "No you can not use that car someone gave you (no rez rights for Basic-Basic), or No you can not wear a pretty thing someone gave you (too much avatar complexity) .. unless you pay more (to LL)". Ya.. maybe. Hope not. Because pretty much anyway that gets sliced is ... tier goes back up. My thinking is that the $72 USD/year is the 1024m2 mostly, b/c you kinda roughly equate that to how much you would pay to rent that many LI from another resident for a year. Not negating the other things with Premium, but I'ma also assuming that most are gonna spend that stipend on 'Stuff and Things', even if can in theory squirrel it all away to cash back out. But I do see a logic to a cheaper than the current premium option with no tier in the bundle, for the folks that don't ever wanna deal with mainland .. or *gasp*... think a Linden Home is all Icky. Is a ... Here is your stipend and you can have 60 shopping groups and get first access to buy more things and LL can auto-bill your credit card. Maybe have with a Premium Plus for the store owner types. Pay a larger set fee to cut down on per transaction costs.
  13. I want SUPER-DUPER Premium! Piggyback rides. No more having to press my own up arrow to walk. Even SUPER-DUPER-DUPER Premium! Can hang on to Oz's Mustache so I won't fall off when getting my Piggyback ride. But I REALLY don't want a big price hike for what I have now. Like Really Really... like seriously Really. But I might pay more for a bigger stipend, pay more for more tier bundled with the premium. All easier ways to pay LL directly on a yearly recurring basis. Some may even wanna pay less just have a stipend and no tier bundled. But not me!
  14. Improve the whole SL Experence! Noobs! Fresh Noobs! If ya catch them early, you can train them.
  15. Yup! YAY! Nomenclature! *slams head against screen, gets yelled at by that screen's owner, sits at own PC* Proposal: Basic-Basic Basic PIOF Premium Not neenering y'all. Neenering the SL documentation
  16. Yup. But as a anti-griefer measure, spoofable. Ima thinking that LL might need to figure out a fast lane way to have governance sweep and clean particle and rez cube trash. Just consider users from other places in the world where it is harder to get a credit card, not impossible to arrange legit payment.. but harder. So can ... look at it like this maybe. The more a Basic-Basic can do, the more likely they get all ... "HERE TAKE MY MONEY!" So if it is place that is harder to arrange the payment means, they are more motivated. Of course... no PIOF on file means no Cash Out, b/c where would the Money go.
  17. KK.. Ya dunno? From the standpoint of the customer researching the 'Do I go Premium Question'? All I had to go on was some posts, possibly made by very dramatic people that can't work a credit card, but they all said ... with variations of leet speak "U R Locked out! No FAIR! Boo Hoo!' I can see why if LL makes a habit of working with customers in arrears, they don't wanna be super specific... is smart to avoid people taking advantage of that. The why I mentioned a seeming super strict deadline. A deadline however harsh is better than silence from the people that I wanna give money to. As I said earlier, Ima weird. I read fine print.. kinda, mostly.. okay... well I do skim it! And not knocking the replies a few people gave on blogs, etc. that were actually reasoned explanations of what happens if you do go into arrears.. is just y'all the needles hiding in a VERY big haystack
  18. Another part that was mentioned in the town hall was ..... fixes to what happens when payment lapses regarding Premium Accounts Of course the first reply was a rhetorical "Provide what we sell for free?" To which I'ma reply... "Nuuuuuu! Don't be silly!" But.. Yup! Autodowngrade v/s the current method of a locked account. That would be another VERY GOOD THING! Now I do have to ramble on adding a coupla thoughts to that. In regard to Land currently owned by an account in arrears. I don't know what happens to private islands in the case of an account in arrears. Ima just assume it is locked then taken off-line or something... but that is a whole other ballgame. When it comes to Premium's... is mainland. And... this might get tricky If payment lapses on a Premium Account: After 24 hours automatic downgrade the Premium to Basic If any of the Land held is Linden Home, after 24 hours autoreturn all the stuff if land is Regular mainland, Auto banline everyone and lock the land, but don't wipe it .... yet. Provide a grace period to get payment info squared away. Do this to prevent a buncha "Warrgh! Mai land got resold out from under me b/c I was in hospital getting Rabies Shots (or something)" But.... you only get one grace period fix-it for free, after that.... charge landowners that keep going in to arrears some real money to not get their mainland sold out from under them - maybe a sliding scale dependent on the amount of land. Or just say 'Neener Neener.. buy it back at auction'
  19. My thinking about the removing abilities of just Basic-Basic (non PIOF) account to rez and create has a coupla reasons: SL is just awkward, confusing, and weird. But .. I Likes it enough to be Premium. But ..... awkward, confusing, and weird. So a Basic-Basic is a test drive. It may be a two - three month long test drive, even. But.... if they turn into a person that says "TAKE MAI MONEY!" is a good thing. A User may be a Basic PIOF, and decide the want an alt for Stuff and Things. ( but not griefer Stuff and Things). So they buy the L$ on one and handoff to the Other. Now.... sure makes sense to ask, "Why No Make It PIOF too?". But I dunno? I'm weird, maybe they are too? But that is still a Customer saying "TAKE MAI MONEY!" When It comes to a basic that is just a Roleplay Alt that never graduated to PIOF... to me they are still a VERY GOOD THING, and this is the why they are a important part of the ecosystem. Non-land Holding Basic Accounts are a big value added to a Sim. It may be a multiple region Roleplay Sim. Which means.... Someone wants to give LL a whole Lotta Money each month, because Basic-Basic's are there and chatting visitors up. And ya kinda want them to be Basic-Basic, not off renting houses and stuff. Ya want them adding value and providing 'AWESOME FUNTASTIC UN-SCRIPTED' fun on a big spenders sprawling multi region place.
  20. Yup. I started Listening closely when that was said. Basic Account + Payment Information on File = Paying Customer. The Customer that buys L$ and rents land from other Residents. While I understand something like that as a hypothetical anti-griefer countermeasure... For me.... I never would have considered buying L$, much less going Premium .. If I was not able to do that from the start. To see if I even wanted to be a Customer Maybe. But again. Basic Account + Payment Information on File = Paying Customer. The Customer that buys L$ and rents land from other Residents. So might have to draw a distinction there.
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