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Louise Vandervoort

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Everything posted by Louise Vandervoort

  1. It states your Premium account would need to have been created before July 21, 2006. Since you say you are considering starting again, your premium account starts when you start premium again. You only get that kind of stipend if you have been premium member since before that date.
  2. They deserve to be insulted because of their kink.. That is insulting. That.
  3. Yes, if you are entitled to your beliefs, whether they are insulting to people or not, then so am I. Some of my best friends do like extreme kinks like snuff, dismemberment, dolcett. And I know for a fact that they are female. You said that women enjoying snuff are men. And that females at dismemberment sims are blokes. Last time I checked most women ARE insulted when somebody calls them a man. Ergo, your beliefs are still insulting, whether they are derogatory or not.
  4. As long as that is your belief, it's fine, then nobody can be insulted.
  5. I wasn't denying your beliefs. I am denying your claim that they are not insulting. Missing the point by a mile. Believing something does not make it right. Just the fact that you state that it's your belief does not make it any less insulting. If I said that I believed you are a backwater halfwit, you'd still be insulted.
  6. Oh, well, that makes it all alright then. I guess I should be fine with KKK members 'believing' white people are better than coloured people?
  7. I disagree with that. I greatly prefer the bento heads over system heads. With the first generation of mesh heads I do agree, you saw a lot of people with the same heads, and among the users of those heads you still do. I can recognise a LOGO Sadie from a mile away. But with the new generation Bento heads, there can be a lot of difference, even between users of the exact same head. There is one head vastly more popular than all others, and that is the Catwa Catya head. But you will see a lot of people using that head and still look different. With Bento rigging, mesh heads are just as customisable as system heads are.
  8. That already exists, and is working. You can only review an item you have bought. So the system already knows when you have bought something.
  9. As they might happily insult you, as they might think you deserve it. Why do you care what someone else gets off on? As long as they do not break TOS, why should you be bothered?
  10. It is true. In SL at least. I cannot say for RL, but in SL there are girls that do get off on being killed in roleplay. For them it's even the case that the crueller they are killed in SL, the better they like it. I know people that enjoy this kink, and their motto is: 'A day that you haven't died is a day that you haven't lived.'
  11. You can't redeliver no copy content like gacha items. No copy content is no copy for a reason. If you can request redelivery for it, you circumvent the no copy aspect. For all other items, I surely support the idea.
  12. You have neighbours on island regions as well, but the third party rental companies are much more responsive to complaints. Dropping a complaint at Linden Labs doesn't really do anything. That's what is meant with annoying neighbours you can't do anything about.
  13. Yes, Lelutka has had Bento demos for a while now. I am a Lelutka user and I love my Lelutka Bento head!
  14. I was able to login, using Aich as a login, it's an empty, low lag sim.
  15. Having Issues as well... Not being able to log in.
  16. Well, it seems to be a massive outage, as the number of concurrent users has dropped by 20k in a matter of minutes. http://e*****up.com/slstats/ Anyway, getting late already. I'm logging and trying again in the morning.
  17. Last time, the forums stayed up during the entire situation. This is because the forum logins are hosted from a different location than the website, marketplace, and SL itself.
  18. Right now status has been updated, to logins Partial Outage.
  19. I noticed people not responding, and me not being able to walk. Normally that is a sign of me crashing, so I logged out. Right now, I cannot log back in anymore.
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