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Everything posted by QuestionMarkk

  1. Sighs right now it's I guess back to Newest Items.
  2. Yes, I know, but when i look at most stores Best Selling pages still look way batter than Relevance. At least half of the Relevance page is usually still full of old items, while Best Selling is not. Just my observations.
  3. I ask because it seems to be set to the Best Selling now when I open other people's stores on Marketplace now. But I only noticed that just now. In my opinion it would just be best to leave it that way since Relevance seems to be a total mess still. Random or very old items on the top. I'm sure when such a messed up Relevance page is the first the costumer sees, it does not help anyone's sales.
  4. So now the default page of every marketplace store is and will be Best Selling? That would actually be the best solution.
  5. How exactly is it fixed? Relevance pages are still a complete MESS. The oldest items come as first. Stuff that nobody bought since ages. How is that suppose to help the sales? They should at least sent the Best Selling page as the default when you one opens someone's Marketplace store.
  6. Couldn't there be an option so the owners of the stores set up themselves what they want their items to be sorted by? Personally I would prefer to have the items to be sorted by the newest and I cant do it.
  7. I wouldn't compare the two. Everybody works hard on their meshes. In my opinion selling something as full perm is only making it easier for the thieves, and that is why the problem is bigger there, but obviously we're not going to agree on that. Since the beginning I have been talking about original meshes that have never been sold as full perm. Problem exists in both areas of course, but since neither, me nor none of my friends sells templates, I won't add any more, I already said what i think about it. Would be great and would make things much easier.
  8. I came across two just this week. Stolen from two well known creators. Two more two months ago. That would be amazing. I'm so very much into it.
  9. Of course it's your right. But doing so you are fully aware there is no way to control it.
  10. What I said in this post was't about full perm templates, but about original meshes that have never been sold as such. What I think about full perm templates I wrote in the next post. I dont think we're going to agree here anyway.
  11. Yes, I realize that. But meshes that have never been full perm templates are relatively easy to recognize. And there, in 99,9% of cases, everything is clear, who is the original creator and who is the thief. If creators and decent costumers will support each other and inform each other about any type of abuse/thievery then there is a change for having some control over it. With full perm templates there is almost no way to have any control, because they don't even need to copybot these meshes, they may just send them between each other and nobody (apart from the creator of the templates) will even know if they stole them or not. Means nobody will come to you and say 'hey! this guy stole your mesh', and for you to locate them all, is impossible. Also having full perm templates out there only gives the thieves their favorite excuse, no matter what they steal it's always: "I bought it as full perm mesh".
  12. You're right, I actually didn't write demos. I take demos to compare the meshes. To makes sure it's really the same mesh. Of course I would never buy it (sic!). Well, sorry to say, since I guess it's what you create, but if you ask me full perm templates should not be allowed to sell in SL at all. Because this is what makes the whole mess. Nobody is able to control that. There are creators who make original meshes and sell them as full perm, as you say, but there are also too many thieves who sell original meshes that have never been sold as full perm, AS full perm.
  13. First of all please read with more comprehension. Secondly I'm not attacking you but discussing things. 1. "major mesh makers that have told me it's too much work to constantly fight copybotter after copybotter, day after day" 2. very good 3. i wrote clearly i take DEMOS to compare, to be 100% sure it's the same mesh. maybe read something twice before you insult someone? 4. no, we are talking about original meshes. not templates. read with more comprehension
  14. I see what your point is. Everybody would want the Linden Lab. to deal with this issue better, in more efficient way, but what can we do? Us talking here won't change a thing. It's the company that needs to realize that it's the creators who keep the SL going and if they won't protect the creators, it will all fall apart. It's very sad to watch, even just few days ago I found a new store with stolen content, two of the creators did send DMCA, these objects are being removed, but as you say, it's endless fight and it should not be like that. But at the same time, talking like 'nobody would bother to report because it's too much work' can be seen only as encouragement for such people (if any of them are reading this forum). It's not true. I always inform orginal content creators if I see someone else selling their stolen products, it's been few times already, I first compare these items to make sure they have the same weights etc, then when I'm 100% sure it's not a template, I write the original creator, and I think, only once, the original creator decided not to do a thing.
  15. Believe me, these who are serious with their business -would- bother.
  16. We still need to fight it. No matter how many times they appear - ALWAYS REPORT. I will also always inform original content creators if I see their product stolen, and I think everyone should do the same. Creators should stick together in that matter. This is the only way. And report, report, report as many times as it's needed.
  17. This is absolutely horrible. This person is selling a lot of stolen stuff. Staring from stolen Vista Animations, through Meli Imako items, ending on stolen jewellery from [MANDALA]. It's just painful to watch because everything is so clear, it's all stolen. And I totally agree accounts like this should be closed immediately by Linden Lab. Though all we can do is to notify the real creators when we recognize the items and wait until they file DMCA.
  18. It hit me as well. And it's also about the most popular items (sic!). I managed to bring them back, with advice given above but... seriously.. if Marketplace is unlisting best selling products, can it get any worse?
  19. Yes.. main grid uploads do not work either. Was just checking.
  20. As Suki says, even if by miracle I will manage to upload something, after I put it on, it's just invisible.
  21. Yes, it's not working for me either. Beta mesh uploads are not working at all, even uploaded textures don't rezz.
  22. My marketplace sales, as well as my friend's sales, dropped down 90% since Monday and it's like that until now (Thursday evening). I understand that sales drop down when there is marketplace or billing maintenance but right now I "only" see "investigating", does it also counts as maintenance? I guess not. In the latest message I read "After some intensive troubleshooting that - despite our best efforts - took longer than we’d have liked, the base cause of these failed transactions was resolved as of 3:51PM PDT on the same day. However, we still have the task of refunding the thousands of failed transactions to the impacted users ahead of us. " etc. From which I understand everything should work corretly.. but it doesn't. Or is it just us? Is anyone else experiencing this huge huge drop in marketplace sales? TY
  23. I'm checking this link non-stop since Monday... but ty. Still wondering if these things are related or maybe it's just us... I understand that sales drop down when there is marketplace or billing maintenance but right now I "only" see "investigating", does it also counts as maintenance?
  24. In my opinion, Kuso offers the best AO animations. Great prices as well!
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