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Everything posted by CollidingNeurons

  1. thanks we are attempting to go through the support ticket route so if notching else we might have better information to give to the tech at the isp, i think we just had a flow chart follower tech and it probably needs to be bumped above that since he had never heard of this and was convinced it was on your end even though we can still access sl on the cable isp that we still temporarily have on the same computer
  2. this is a bit beyond me, but i will say the isp tech said they tried a static isp and it didnt work right before he referred us to linden labs this was in response to henry
  3. tried this this morning and it didnt work either, really appreciate your attempts at helping though
  4. yes everything connects and no issues other than second life on two computers, the outgoing cable internet that is still temporarily on, both can connect to sl
  5. update, contacted isp, they said they had never seen this before, seems suspicious and directed us to Linden labs with phone number which of course is an answering machine directing us to file a ticket, sigh
  6. thanks everyone, gave up for the night buy will try both these last suggestions in the morning, and the hard drive has lots of space its a brand new computer with next to nothing on it so far
  7. can you tell me how to do that because i think it does have something to do with the isp blocking it somehow
  8. same result, hangs at requesting region capabilities and wont connect
  9. not sure if that is helpful or not, but that[s the result of the trace
  10. ok it hung up at the same place, requesting region capabilities , so it must be the isp or modem setting?
  11. no, i haven't tried that yet, but trying now, thanks for the suggestion
  12. reposting this as i think i placed it in the wrong section before after changing ISP to fibre, firestorm hangs at requesting region capabilities and won't connect steps we have taken to resolve this so far is, whitelisting it on the firewall and disabling the firewall completely and tried a different region to log into , none of these resolved the issue we still have the old cable internet temporarily and when switching to that isp it logs on fine i am at a loss for anything else to try and any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  13. after changing ISP to fibre, firestorm hangs at requesting region capabilities and won't connect steps we have taken to resolve this so far is, whitelisting it on the firewall and disabling the firewall completely and tried a different region to log into , none of these resolved the issue we still have the old cable internet temporarily and when switching to that isp it logs on fine i am at a loss for anything else to try and any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  14. thank you, that seems to have fixed it, odd it wasn't happening with the regular evo head option on my head
  15. does anyone know why when I activate the evox version of the letlutka 3.1 head it messes with my AO and I slide instead of walk?
  16. as long as its not someone like google, facebook or disney
  17. my concern is after reading one of the investors bio and seeing how he started several companies only to move them on to some giant corporation like Pepsi etc is this is like flipping houses, buy a company invest in a new coat of paint , rugs etc, sell it to a bigger company for a profit. a fixer upper company in a good neighborhood
  18. Hello, Looking for some advice and potential fixes on a couple issues me and my partner are currently experiencing and some suggestions on options We both currently own a Bento WH draft horse, Belgium and Clydesdale and have recently been looking into getting an animesh horse, either Teegle or WH. A few of our issues and concerns and part of the debate are that WH doesn't currently have a draft horse version and we both prefer the larger horse partially due to our height and partially role playing with larger non human avatars. but some time ago we both noticed and issue with the bento version whereas we would immediately stand up into the horse out of the riding animation anytime we teleported or sim crossed and the only way to address this was dismount and remount each time which becomes a nuisance when crossing multiple sims. Maybe that's a separate topic and not for comparing the two brands, but it's very annoying lol The other issue we both noticed is on the Teegle animesh demos that it had difficulty stepping up on to steps or over curbs, it would bounce against them and would take multiple attempts to get over the obstacle. I like the size of the new teegle draft version better than any of the currently available animesh horses for either designer but that would really frustrate me over time i think and could be a deal breaker. Anyone have any ideas on if this is a common problem or fixable or how to address the issue i previously described on the Bento WH it would be greatly appreciated, also all feedback is welcome as it may be some issue i am having due to inexperience or whatever. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully it was semi coherent
  19. thank you Angelina and Marianne, i will check them out.
  20. thank you, havent had time to do this yet but this info seems very helpful
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