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Rob Huntsman

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Everything posted by Rob Huntsman

  1. And this is where the game engine gets confused. Wear: Wears item on your avatar REPLACING mesh and any other random spots on that attachment point. Add : Adds the mesh to count towards your 38 attachment slot limit. In addition most game designers do not have the item SET to the specific slot for pants. Therefore, this creates many issues with WEAR when putting on a pair of pants will detach Shirts, shoes, hair or anything on that SPECIFIC attachment point.
  2. How come Lindon labs hasn't fixed WEAR for mesh items. For example, in order to add mesh you must choose ADD, not WEAR. Is this ever going to be fixed for new players?
  3. I'm surprised alot of successful stores don't do this. Instead of Homesteads.
  4. Well if you're looking to sell art I'm assuming mesh.. you can experiment for free at a local sandbox, then sell on Maketplace. Just don't leave your crap out or get crazy with the prims.
  5. GE ((Gor evolve)) ones do, which are few but bigger cash prizes such as 20k first, 15k second, and 10k third last one iknew of was like last summer. BTB - ((By the book Gor)) so just make a male classic avatar then you're good. Alot of IRL females do this too look the role. The weekly tournaments normally are BTB.
  6. If they knew how to script & mesh thats the only time you rent land....But even then Marketplace would be a wiser route too sell your merch... In addition, if players are coming to forums asking about how too make Lindon last thing they wanna be told is "Go buy land, you'll make more money." No, that's not how the real world works..You should point out why they should buy land. Land is nothing more than a server to store space...The fact LL charges so much for it is just bonkers and terrible for business. So if you're creating mesh, this could be handy That's it.
  7. I think all gamers are toxic. But if you show up to the tournaments, all you really wanna come in is in your underwear... or something you could get at freebies like this. freebies- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ibiza/40/40/3016
  8. Correct, in theory if you got a Furrie Kur impregnating Humans. You'd think you would see some Neko's running about.
  9. methods of making L are abit grindy. However, you don't got invest anything to do either. You could play Voodoo.. Or if you wanna make serious dough --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Friday night they're sword tournaments if you wanna make a free sword at LR weapons then try your skill at PVP then I'd step into my ring. Tournament prizes normally are 2500L ((First)) 1500 ((Second)) 1000 ((Third)) Every Man for himself at end ((1000)) Also there is a Gorean Tournament Guild you can join, which I or other people can invite you to. For other major sword tournaments, For example next sunday besnit is hosting one where first gets 10kL.
  10. Well, I guess furries you couldn't be something like a Dragon for a kur. However, I've seen loads of people use panther & werewolves avatars from Jomo, Niramyph, and etc. Kurri also drove space ships and had human female slaves that they would impregnate.. So you can't really expect giant dumb ugly monster.
  11. How is it ignorant? They even get to use a beast meter which is stronger then the default hud. Normal Meter = ((Normal settings)) Beast meter = 50% damage reduction to arrows and melee..
  12. Furrie's are actually called Kur & Kurri in gor. You should perhaps go and rp there if you wish to feel welcome/wanted.
  13. Voice, because then you don't have too deal with Grammar nazi's.
  14. - PvP - Tournaments - Shop then repeat. I'm actually starting to get too much free money at the moment though.
  15. https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ Look at recommended graphic cards. Recommended - NVIDIA Graphics cards 9000 Series: 9600, 9800 200 Series: 275 GTX, 295 GTX
  16. I don't like wasting L$, on buying multiple products for a friend so it makes me hesitant before buying something for them. So I was wondering is there any WAY to view my friends wish-list on stuff they would like on Second life Marketplace for their birthday, Christmas, or holiday. Before buying it for them.
  17. Well, I wont talk about "Economic Success" like a lindon does. However, Second Life has a declining player base because of better titles out there such as Conan Exiles (Your able to get a working server over there for 40$!) or Minecraft where you can host your own server/creation for free by using your own Internet connection. I think if SL would tweak their marketing strategy where if you could get something like a full sim for at least 50$ a month or free. You could perhaps have more things to do, because people would be able to afford that. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F02sz9d
  18. In terms of business it'd be wiser to support only the newer OSes such as Windows 7, 8, and 10. Which would also INCREASE FPS performance greatly. ((for this is what the BEEF of the gaming/2019 audience playerbase has.)) For example, this isn't 2001 where you see this *****... They don't even sell these antiques in the pawn shop.
  19. To answer your first question OP. It's honestly bad CODING. My guess OP is that Lindon Labs is still supporting computers such as ((Windows XP, Windows Vista, etc)) Where they don't want players to actually abuse their 4k resolution computers. It's quite odd yeah? To answer your second question OP, there is three things you can really do OP make *****/money, sex, and PVP. You can use the "Search options" to find sims you could perhaps be interested in entering key words such as Western, Combat, Beach, etc.
  20. IF its scripted correctly then no It doesnt. For example, in the video game world of Warcraft. Blizzard Company makes it so you CANT disable afk mode. They want the players to log off that is inactive to make room/make traffic for other people too log into that server. in SL it should be scripted the same way if players are inactive for long periods of time. This would would also fix the bot issue.
  21. So Legacy Search that everyone uses doesn't count as the "web search" to? Then what is the point of having it?
  22. As I search for any "active sims" out there all I can find is crap like this. Sims with HIGH traffic, but are cheating by using bots...So curious why doesn't LL Disable traffic given when people are marked away...Better yet, LL should stop allowing players to disable "away" status...actually let them go away mode if they're not moving.
  23. Yet Child Avatars can still "Watch" adult sexual roleplay across sim? ((If you disable Camera constraints in viewer.)) ^ What's the difference then. Also, you're right about its mostly adults playing. However, I doubt LL would get introuble if they had some sort of verify method like drivers license or Credit card info on your account. To give access to ((More mature/gambling regions))
  24. All parents ask their children. "What are you going to use my credit card for?" If they say to get into Nudity regions, then the answer will most likely be a No...Just saying.. Food for thought.
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