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Everything posted by Nick0678

  1. I tend to believe that 2022 Russian Intelligence and the army in general has a few better solutions than using Socond Life's broken Group chat and Virvox SLvoice for their operations..
  2. Man that was unimaginably boring. Pass me your patreon and i will tell Elon to contribute to whatever nobble cause you have. Now lets a enjoy some nice song from some irish lads in a pub.
  3. And that is exactly the whole point about second life, you get to imagine stuff that don't exist, projecting your thoughts to yourself. (...you forgot the anarchist flag.Cheers. )
  4. I will be honest with you Sid, it never really bothered me as long as it tasted right (good choice of vodka) , if not then i would ask for a Cuba libre which is fine too. Must be flexible when it comes to having a drink while traveling abroad.
  5. The whole point is to enjoy life in the best possible way, even while doing your job. I understand you have experienced traveling the world in a more intellectual / philosophical way but i like nice luxurious bars/restaurants where i can enjoy my medium dry Vodka Martini's with a lemon peel. (i do like casinos as well)
  6. Can i have your CC number? i promise you wont get any annoying phone notifications at all!
  7. Nope i always arranged my trips to be in EMEA countries. I do regret though that i 've never visited Prague although i had the chance many times.. Traveling the world is an amazing thing....have also been to Singapore, Melbourne, Cuba, Mombasa and a few other places but that was as a kid traveling with my parents. Don't remember anything though.. (is that you in the photo, you look fine for a middle aged man! kudos very italian tourist style! btw my ancestors were italian, migrated from Veneto back in 15th century.. it's a rather small world if you think of it. tc)
  8. 1) Voice chat (IM/Group/Local) with people from my country. No text other than a few lines. 2) When in English then IM Text chat for 10-15 minutes maximum. *For cybersex/watching movies/more chat/troubleshooting computers/ASMR/marriage problems/politics/health issues/the Hubble telescope/etc only with Voice over Skype. 3) Local chat/Group chat and all Non English: Too lazy.
  9. February 2000 for me and actually the weather was pretty good. My hotel was one of those Best Western and it was decent if someone didn't mind listening to people getting laid in the next room and girls puking in the back alley because there was a pub nearby. (*which of course stole my attention but i am not gonna lie, sadly i didn't score) The main issue for me was that due to not being a native English speaker, although having a certificate degree in English from Cambridge, i wasn't used of all the different accents, so that first time i kept telling everyone to slow down a bit. Other than that, for a first time visit it was great, ignoring that the first day i felt a bit like Lawrence of Arabia, not knowing where to get some normal NON SPARKLING water to drink/make me my own coffee.
  10. Yes i understand what you say but in my case all my travels around Europe were for business and paid by corporations i worked for, so those were covered as travel expenses. For instance in Bucharest back in 2006 i had a personal driver for 15 days for the cost of only 200EUR or in Unterhaching back in 2007 my girlfriend came along and everything was covered even her perfumes.. It was either use it or lose it.
  11. Enjoying some morning coffee while browsing some cute items at Hentai Fair. ..at the same time watch/listen to a lovely young lady from Vegas who's licking plastic ears on Twitch (1000+ viewers) *Twitch = PG only show (threw a virtual tomato at her, she cried laughing.. cute)
  12. Those cab drivers in the UK are amazing. My first experience with them was back in 2000 after landing at Heathrow when i got one and the driver sharp dressed and very clean offered me the morning newspaper, acting almost like a vip's driver. A real gentleman i must say. Also Intel's HQ in Swindon, very close to the Marriott Hotel was also very amazing, with little ducks swimming to a pool close by to the main building entrance etc.. Only have nice words to say in regards to all the british people i 've met during my visits all these years and i 've traveled to other European capitals and large cities as well but they really can't compare (or i am biased cause i like uk a lot).
  13. Nick usually wears a collar or a leash depending on outfit, both left unconfigured. They mean nothing other than being fashion items bought just for the looks so if anyone wants to click it's cool with me, chances are i probably wont even notice it cause i don't care about avatar BDSM RP. (From time to time random "women" will send an IM in regards to the leash but they are so boring that i don't bother replying.) *The collar is practical though, whenever i am too lazy to move the avatar or busy in RL and want to stay in local voice chat range with a friend i 'll set it to follow.
  14. .. where are the French, where are the Spaniards, no Canadian's here either? is this thread gonna be all about folks from the US and Central/Northern Europe?
  15. Ahhh.. yes, my beloved Sweden. I used to date a fine Swedish girl in RL back when i was in my 20's (we worked in the same company), can recall her fine blonde hair, those big blue eyes, that white skin.. so many nice memories...
  16. Right, God BLESS THEM for avoiding all that EU nonsense. (ERM, EEA.. ) EFTA is good.
  17. No need of a Eurozone for that, it could be easily done with a tri-party agreement.. I traveled in Europe mostly to the U.K and a bit less to Germany, Romania etc (for business) and did that before the Eurozone and also after it. Never really bothered me converting currency to sterling or mark, leu or whatever, after all we still get to do that when dealing in dollars, yens etc with our fellow Americans and other countries.
  18. Yeah, lucky all of us who did that.. If you ask me i still prefer the old currencies, where every country had control over them (devaluation etc). Changing to Euro was the worst thing ever, plus it raised the prices a lot due to rounding "so that it's easy for folks to understand.." Glad the UK left the Eurozone and hope more countries will follow until maybe one day we all return back to the basics in terms of currency, instead of being controlled by some folks in Brussels. Schengen was a good thing, on the other hand EuroZone has proven to be pure nonsense.
  19. Ahh yes i can feel your pain. It is annoying to put your hard earned money in to the game without many questions but when you ask the same money back you need to provide a whole lot of info but unfortunately that's the only way. If you do not wish to give away your personal info and don't plan to continue SL feel free to DONATE those USD's to me. I promise i will use them in the best possible way. Thank you.
  20. Nods, those that i 've dealt with in RL were ok. Some habits that they have depend a lot on their ethnic group, Yoruba, ebo, igbo are the main 3. Never met any in SL of course, talking about RL and longterm.
  21. Nigerians are cool. i have a few friends in RL who are Nigerians (*Yorubas), wouldn't say they have much to do with royalty but still we had some good times together. (a bit con artists though but then again who isn't..politicians do even worse and are called gentlemen.)
  22. Oh such stories are plenty in SL, i once had a tenant who tried to convince me that she was secretary for the President of Ecuador, just to give her some extra time for her rental... and also a few others that i shouldn't say in public... My reply was always the same "Photos or it didn't happen!"
  23. Just a reminder, Europe is not one country, it's 7 geographic regions with more than 50 countries and about 800million people. so yes we are all Europeans but actually have nothing in common (*not even the EU), it's best to refer to people based on their country.
  24. Set your network adapter dns to primary and secondary and try again. you can find videos on youtube how to do that
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