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Everything posted by ErwinVonVlotho

  1. Let's see a pic then. That's what this topic is for: Pics. Post one.
  2. I didn't choose anything on that one, personally, but I can take an educated guess: Knock knees and hen toes.
  3. No. That isn't what it says at all. It says the modesty layer cannot be transparent. It says absolutely nothing about making that whole area of the avatar transparent. And from a policy enforcement standpoint, who cares anyway? LL aren't going to sanction anyone for using an alpha. You know that, I know that and everyone else knows that.
  4. I'm not dismissing their concerns at all. I'm saying the simplest solution is to just wear the modesty layers that correspond to the sex of the body they're wearing. That answers their concerns.
  5. I know what "intersex" is. It's an obsolete term for people with DSDs. And "intersex" people are either male or female, with a developmental disorder. They are not hermaphrodites. There has never been a verified case of a human hermaphrodite.
  6. But there hasn't. That's a fact. Human hermaphrodites are not a thing that exists. Clearly in SL they can exist, but the obvious answer to that is for anyone who wants to present as a hermaphrodite to wear the female modesty panels.
  7. I do know the difference. It's the people who think "male" and "female" are genders who don't know it. They're sexes. The corresponding genders are "masculine" and "feminine".
  8. I brought up the fact that all humans are either male or female, and said the easiest solution is to wear the modesty layer appropriate to whatever sex your body is. This seems relevant, in context.
  9. Wrong. Tell me what DSD an "intersex" (it's an obsolete and inaccurate term) person has, and I'll tell you, with 100% reliability, whether they're male or female. But there is a male/female sex binary. If you disagree then you need to name a third sex, describe the type of gamete it produces and explain its role in reproduction. Sex is not the same as gender. Sex is binary. There has never been a single verified case of a true human hermaphrodite. The problem here is that LL are trying to minimise the danger sexualised a**play poses to the platform. If people keep coming up with more and more esoteric reasons why they can't have modesty panels on child avatars, the logical next step is to simply ban child avatars. Nobody in LL's legal department is worrying about "intersex" people, because it just isn't relevant.
  10. As LL won't be worried about the media getting hold of a screenshot of someone doing it up the tailpipe, who cares what age it presents as?
  11. As far as I know - and I researched it, because I wanted to write about it if it's true - that's just an urban legend.
  12. No, definitely not. It doesn't matter. They're still not going to go to court for the right to have a naked child avi. Just imagine what the media would do to them if they did.
  13. There isn't going to be a "class action thing". Nobody is going to court to fight for their right to have a child avatar that can be made naked.
  14. Just for context, the reason Niemoeller didn't speak out when the Nazis came for the socialists, trade unionists and Jews is that he enthusiastically supported the Nazis until they came for him. And nobody is "coming for" child avis. They're merely being excluded from adult activities and content - because they're pretending to be children, and shouldn't be doing that sort of stuff anyway.
  15. It's obviously going to be shape, because if pictures of a topless young teen girl avatar appear in The Daily Mail the fact the culprit's profile says "non-binary" is irrelevant.
  16. They do. They can go anywhere on the grid and do anything that anyone else can - just not while wearing a child avatar.
  17. Nonbinary is a gender identity. All human bodies are either male or female; we're a sexually reproducing species. The easiest option is to go with the modesty layer that matches the physical sex of your body.
  18. It's more likely they'll do whatever they can to discourage child avi users from using their products, because why expose yourself to the whole issue if you can avoid it?
  19. Because an 18-year-old human who looks 16 can walk into the Weightlifter's Arms, show their ID and legally buy a pint of beer because they are in fact legally allowed to do so. An avatar who looks 16 is a child avatar and nothing they do, except editing themselves to look older, will make it legal for them to do adult things.
  20. They're for anyone who looks under 18. That's perfectly clear.
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