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Posts posted by wherorangi

  1. say for example, the channel is -234864 and the sender object is named "mysender", or whichever

    in the receiver: llListen(-234864, "mysender", NULL_KEY, "")


    the listen event in the receiver will only get messages on channel -234864 from objects named "mysender"

  2. steps

    1) pick a channel number that is negative and is a large value. Large and negative reduce the chances of channel collision with other scripts not your own. Low and positive channel numbers incur collisions more frequently

    2) use the 'name' parameter in the [receiver] script llListen to filter the objects (scripted senders) that the receiver script listens for

    3) in the receiver script check that the owner of the sender script is the same owner of the receiver script

    eta: [receiver]

  3. thats a good guess Qie


    it might also be that is not commercial

    OP might have a kemono or something. Has the applier kit and wants to put all their textures in the body and use/mod the applier as a HUD thingy to change the textures by name


  4. there is not enough information here for us to determine what it is that needs to changed in the scripts you have

    if you don't know to script then it may be best for you to either:

    a) begin here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal

    b) take scripting classes inworld

    c) put a notice in the Wanted forum on this board, for a commercial scripter to assist you, assuming that the scripts are to be used in products that are for sale, and you need it soonest


  5. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    Is it okay to be an absentee landlord who doesn't maintain their property and allows it to become a public nuisance, as their sole interest in that property is to get their neighbors to pay an inflated price for it? How about if the absentee landlord doesn't actually have to pay a nickel to maintain this particular plot of land because it's free to them due to a loophole in the tax laws?

    in the RL if the property thru neglect becomes a health safety issue the local body council will take steps to remedy this. They won't do anything if is just a eyesore. A private gated estate might do tho according to their covenant

    in SL if the property becomes a health safety issue (meaning that sim performance is affected [or like Bobbie says is a greifing which is a health safety issue]) then LL will take steps to remedy this. They won't do anything if is just a eyesore. A private gated estate might do tho according to the covenant

    eta; [greif]

  6. the TV producer will just go: derender all them other avatars. Nobody watching wants to see them anyways. Everytime we cut away from that pretty avatar we lose about 2 million viewers . They all on the phone yelling at us


  7. i notice you never said nothing about not stuffing a glass of milk in my face q; (:


    lol you big sneaker (:

    if Hugsy ever notices he will go whaaaat !! and maybe come back in earnest to claim his throne. Until then I am quite happy for you to be second behind me. q; (: 

    if you do push me off the gold cup tho then I will revenge myself.  Just so that order can be restored to the universe (:


  8. ps

    just in case somebody goes wut !!!! you lag monster !

    i just point out that Bree said I am going to be on TV

    i am going to be gorgeous ! unlike all them other avatars in their low-lag sack looking outfits that their grandma made for them

    and the TV camera people will go: ooo! look quick quick keep cutting to that really gorgeous ever so pretty avatar. And I will be the star of the show, and get millions and millions of likes and about at least a billion views on youtube maybe even 2 billion, and I will be famous

    and I will be pretty modest about it as well. bc like would be horrible to think that anyone would think that I was just doing it for the attention and that. Which is not true. And people will see is not true anyways. bc I will be playing my best intelligent nodding agreeing looking earnest and knowlegeable animations ever. Even if now and again I do give my most smouldering lowered eyes look ever at the TV camera, while pretending I never even noticed

    i will be fabulous. and get invited to heaps and heaps of other TV shows after that. Well I hope so anyways. Will be like a total waste of 16 hours getting ready if i dont


    eta ps: except for the haters. They will hate but only bc they jealous. But thats ok bc I will still love them. I am a good person like that. Unlike them other people who got no TV time and never got famous like me (:


  9. depends. I am on the panel ? Or I am in the audience ?

    if on the panel then I probably only take about 16 hours to decide what to wear. If in the audience then only about 15 hours assume I never change my mind again afterwards (:

    whichever, I go as myself wearing more stuff than everyone else put together pretty much these days. So just be a lovely strawberry jelly color for pretty much everyone else to see. But thats ok bc is not about them (:

    it takes so long bc typically i am wearing:

    4-6 system clothing layers. 3-4 alpha layers. At least 5-6 tattoo layers. At least 3 HUDs and avatar enhancers

    and about at least 20 mesh/scuplt/prim attachments from my hair down thru my fingers to my toes

    takes ages and ages to decide on all these things. Grooming and looking pretty is everything !

    or is not worth going at all (:


  10. is all good Nalytha. Like I said I derailed all this by what I said. You werent to know. So sorry about what I said

    about the sign you werent to know about the restrictions. Cant be more than 8m high, must be anchored on the ground, cant be fullbright, cant rotate, cant throw particles beyond the parcel boundaries or higher than 8m, cant be textured in a way that has nothing to do with informing that the parcel is for sale, cant be lots of things, yada yada. Sure all this info is buried way down in the Community Guidelines somewheres, but is not like you are a real estate agent or anything

    Phil is right. You are allowed to sell for a profit. 3K on 10K is pretty reasonable. Is nothing wrong with this. Is ok for you to have a for sale sign. And most likely if he could Phil would reach thru his screen and try smack me with his slippers, if he could, for saying what I said. Either that or stuff my face with a glass of milk (:

    also as well the neighbour was most likely trying to outwait the real estate agent you bought from. Some real estate agencys do reverse auctions. Lowering the price periodically until the parcel sells

    the neighbour was probably gambling that nobody would pay 10L a sqm, and then you did. And they probably went oh! man. Snapped up the other 2 parcels before anyone else starting moving in, and hoped that you would sell to them, the neighbour, which you did. It cost them only $12 extra more than had they not played the outwaiting game, if that was what they were doing

    and they probably thinking they got off quite lightly, compared to the olden days when they would have been looking at maybe $200 or $300 extra to get the whole parcel. 16m at a time


    also listen to Qie

    Qie has been a longstay mainlander pretty much since forever. He has done so much to make the mainland a great place. Him and others. If go by the mainland railways, can see what Qie has done himself in his own way, and get a free steam engine that he made, from off his parcels next to the tracks. Is a pretty good engine and goes really well. Is heaps of new people over the years who got into mainland living thru that steam engine

    by going to the sky, it gives you time (12 months or so) and space to think more about what it is you want from SL, to improve your building skills, and to have a quiet safe place for you and your hubby to fix up how you want, in the meantime

  11. i didnt mean to throw shade on the mesh body and clothes makers. and neither do you either. Was more the human phenom of the more unique we strive to be, the more we tend to conform even unintentionally. Is pretty interesting to me the dynamics of this phenom


    the mesh body I think tho, was a giant leap forward and Bento is a further leap forward and is really really good. For years LL was pestered to come out with a avatar 2 model to correct the flaws in the standard/classic avatar

    by accidental design almost it seems, the mesh body became avatar 2. And I think is the best thing (in a avatar 2 sense) as the resident creatives can/do/will take this in far more diverse and imaginative directions than a provider could ever do on their own

    when Bento was announced the creative community (makers and accessorisers and wearers) were really happy. All over the online where SL people hang out, lots of excitement and joy. Just thinking about what they would be able to create, what they would be able to wear, and now do

    i was pretty happy for all of these people and still am, even if I did try a mesh body for while and decided to go back to the standard avatar


    i will probably have another go at a Bento body at some time. As I have I noticed that some of the current mesh bodies and fitmesh clothes designed for those bodies, handle body physics (fluidity of movement/animation) way better than the classic avatar does. Not meaning boing boing as such, more the subtle shift of flesh and clothing as the body moves naturally

    i have always used a face animator on my avatar (along with eye sparkles and hintlights to give my face some life) and I think Bento is going to be a big facial life improvement over the classic way. Not just for mesh bodies but classic bodies/shapes also. And the thought of fingers that can wiggle and hold stuff properly is quite ooowaahh! as well


    i think as well that were it not for the mesh body then Bento would not have eventuated and I think we (the classic avatar wearers who will also benefit from this) can be appreciative toward the residents (and subsequent Lindens) who pioneered and put in long hard hours to make the Bento body (the true avatar 2.x imo) a reality

    appreciative for the benefits that we, the classic avatar wearers, have/will gain from their hard work for ourselves

  12. AdamZadig wrote:

    I can honestly say that if I see a plot that has auto return off I will be very tempted to place an advert there. 

    is not a good idea at all for a merchant to do this

    word of word mouth spreads really quickly in worlds like SL. People we dont even know will diss us to other people we dont know, for doing this. Who will then avoid us like the plague. Particularly people of longstanding who went thru the landwars back in the day (which were pretty brutal)

    getting a bad rep for taking liberties with other peoples stuff, is pretty much market death for a merchant

  13. ok

    the thing is that Welcome Island (as far as I am aware)  is not on the grid anymore. It used to be tho and got replaced by the new Learning Island -> Social Island pathway

    the most baffling thing (for me) is how did you ever manage to get on the old Welcome Island at signup. I dont expect you to know the answer to this, so dont worry about it. Is just really interesting


    i think the best you can do now is go to Social Island. There you will be able to at least do stage 2 of the official Linden tutorials. On the World Map find Social Island (theres a group of them) pick one and teleport. You should get a tutorial HUD auto-attach to your viewer when you arrive

  14. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    4) Therefore, how is doing what the
    of that parcel allows using it "without permission"?

    wooo! good question

    this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate:

    1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door)

    2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter

    in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position

    not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not

  15. MaxTux Wonder wrote:

    Actually i would like my land keep going forever


    There is a way this can happens? for example if people keep buying my stuff, can i pay my land automatically with the incomings from selling stuff?

    i doubt that LL would ever entertain, them selling your L$ earned ingame  for US$ on the Lindex themselves to their other customers to pay themselves. It would open them up to all kinds of RL complications, even with some legal authority given by you to do so


    a way I think you could keep your parcel in perpetuity (meaning until the day SL closed) and not cause complications for LL, would be for you to ensure that there is sufficient funds in the RL account to pay the tiers for as long as you might estimate that to be, and not inform LL that you are dead

    any L$ the account might accrue would be sacrificed in this case, unless the executor of your estate, or a trustee in a ongoing plan, invoked a legal authority to access the L$ and sell it on the Lindex themselves. This would be pretty complicated for LL also. I think that LL would be inclined to inform the executor or trustee that once the L$ has been cashed, the account will be closed


    the only other way I can think of would be for you to leave your account to someone in your will. By following the process to transfer an account to an existing person (which I understand can be done) then that person would assume all the responsibilities for that account as you have now. Basically you would just have to trust them to maintain your legacy



  16. sometimes when looking at the Forums board the Latest Topic and Latest Post headings come together in kinda funny and weird ways. Like right now:

    Your Avatar:  Can't find this skin! ... Do you use the outfits feature

    Lifestyles and Relationships: Looking for a SL husband ... can i be your slave

    Leap Into Love Snapshot Contest:  OMG!!! What are You doing? o_O ... Holding Her In His Heart

    Animation Forum: Undress or strip animation ... other then QAvimator

    Second Life Viewer: avatars not rezzing ... Oculus Rift - CV1 support

    Mainland: Spot the difference and some wondering ... Mainland Rules?


  17. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    It's basically a latter-generation feudal system - there is a merchant class but the Crown still has ultimate control over all aspects of society. Land, in particular, is still owned by the Crown, although various Lords/Dames have been given fairly extensive control over their fiefdoms in exchange for providing forces to defend against the threat of bankruptcy (i.e. hard currency.)

    this is pretty much it

    the Lords and Ladies of the land-owning class have great powers over their tenants. Powers bestowed upon them by the Sovereign (LL)

    the Sovereign is municifient in that any citizen (resident) can become and remain a member of the land-owning class, provided they pay their land taxes (tiers) on due date

    the Sovereign thru the Minister of the Exchequer (Supply Linden) maintains tight control over the liquidity (M0) of the realms currency (L$). The realms currency is tied to a Gold Standard (in this case the Gold Standard is the US$). The Exchequer allows the exchange price of currency for gold (Lindex), to float within prescribed bounds known only to the Minister. The Lindex and the exchange (sale and purchase) of currency to gold is controlled exclusively by the Sovereign

    the Sovereign is also municifient toward merchants. Any citizen can become a merchant and continue to be, provided they pay the Sovereign the necessary taxes. Upload fees, and in the case of the web Marketplace, sales taxes. The web Marketplace is controlled exclusively by the Sovereign

    the Sovereign will not intercede in disputes between the citizens. Even in the case of robbery involving realms currency. The Sovereign will intercede in the case of robbery of Gold (US$) bc of the demands of their distant Emperor (the USA government) who has a long reach in the matter of Gold

    the Sovereign's Ministers will at times (as Ministers in feudal societies do), favour some citizens over others, for reasons known only to the Minister. Favours that can be withdrawn without explanation, just as abruptly by a new Minister as they were granted without explantion by the predecessor Minister 

    so what is left is a market that is as free as it was in feudal society times



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