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Posts posted by wherorangi

  1. yes. There's a number of venues located on themed sims. Like for example goth, urban/hiphop, scifan, deathmetal, etc which are not open 24/7, the venues attract those into these scenes

    i think being very clear in the thinking about what the scene is, is the most critical

    for example, something I just saw earlier

    i notice in the Wanteds on here, someone is asking for a builder to make a defqon style stage for them. Is hardstyle this, which has a strong following in Europe and Asia/Pacific. Malay/melbourne etc dance styles fused with gamer weekend warrior culture

    theres been a number of hardstyle venues and still are. That defqon style staging tho is pretty interesting to have a go at. Visually and atmospherically it takes the scene to a whole other level, as it does in the RL


  2. it has been happening to me as well recently. On the first time I log in

    Relogging usually fixes it, and then save works. Dunno why, it just does

    jJust like relogging fixes rebaking layers which dont always bake on the first log in

  3. not sure if you have done any inworld research on this. If not then have a look at:

    Dance Island (techno), Muddys (easy), Black Horse (country), Ambrosia (pop), Wet Willies (rock), Franks (jazz). These have been inworld for quite a few years now and are still doing good business. Theres others also that have the same longevity

    none of these places charges a door fee. (Franks has a VIP group that is pay, but is a onetime join fee)

    is not that door fees cant be done. Is that the competition dont have them


  4. is the extra 300L a week stipend that makes it worthwhile. 300L = approx $US61 a year. So you get the extra 512 tiers for about $US11pa instead of paying $US60pa, assuming you on the cheapest Premium plan: $US72pa  

  5. if you do make a apartment/house with bedrooms and a common living area then I suggest that you parcel the land underneath the bedrooms into 8x8, 8x12 or 12x12. And the common areas: halls, living, dining, patio, etc into 1 parcel

    this way every bedroom can have its own land media/radio stream. And also the bedrooms can be set so that the roomies cant cam into each others bedrooms. So can shut the door to your room when getting changed and that

  6. Nalytha wrote:


    Edit: Also, there is a bench on this land. When I own the land, can I get rid of it?


    yes. You can return anything not yours


    a 1024 will cost you the Premium membership (512m tier) + another $5 a month in tiers for the extra 512 ($60pa)

    you mention your husband ? If he isn't already a Premium then think about signing him up. That way he will get 512m tier as well. And he will get a 300L weekly stipend also. which works out as a better deal financially over the year

    then you can create a group with you and him as the members, and then contribute the tiers to the group, and then buy the land for group. Is a bit like joint home-ownership this way

    And being group-owned land you can get another 10% of land on the same sim tier free. So can buy a parcel upto 1120m with a few extra LI


  7. when fly up to 3,000 to 4096m, you will find a lot of private residences. People tend to go way high with residences where they can, and under  2,000 if they are into flight. Like fly off their platforms on their planes/helos.etc and drop down

    Many shopkeepers kinda get this, and go for the 2000-3000 band, just so is less visual conflictions for their private residence neighbours 

    ps: like Amethyst says you do want to check the sky out above the parcel before deciding on a height, see whats up there. Simple way is to rez a box. Sit on it. Right-click edit while sitting, and set the Z to go up and down 

  8. rezzing anything on a no-script parcel pretty much breaks all script-based anti-theft methods. Also as well anyone who was intent on pinching your house would use a copybot viewer anyways, and replace any door/lights/etc scripts with their own

    i think the way to do it would be to make it no-mod, take the usual approach and create demo textures for it

    if it is a multi-part house then can put timed (or dialog button activated) llDie scripts in the multi-parts. This is more a convenience for the customers really than a anti-theft device. It saves your customers who are trialling it, from having to manually delete everything

  9. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Maark Hastings wrote:

    Way too many donkeys in the 'game' now. ...  Now it's total donksville

    What's a 'donkey' in the context that you used the word?

    I'm assuming that it's a disparaging comment

    Maark very likely also plays small stakes online holdem poker tournaments. Donkey is a disparaging term commonly used by small stakes players to refer to others in the game, when things go against them

    say the odds of improving to a winning hand on the river is 30%, and 70% against, and the disparager calls (takes the 30%) and wins then they give you a long explanation about implied odds, pot odds, tournament odds, stack ratio, mathiness formulaic justfications yada yadaa. And their awesomeness in understanding the intricacies and fine points of tournament play. And their winning is reward for their awesome understandings

    When they offer the 30% and someone takes it and that someone wins, then the disparager (who has now got their tournament chip stack broken) goes nuts and slags them in the chat for being a donkey. Like "who calls there !!!!! bleepdy bleep bleep donk


  10. Uvas Umarov wrote:

    How in the world can you "short" lindens?  A short is a derivitive contract where you promise to sell a stock at a certain price. On the Lindex, you can put in a buy order at a certain price, or you can put a sell order in at a certain price. There is no mechanism to allow "shorts"

    in this scenario the villain hasnt bought a RL forex short contract. The villain is shorting the whole market

    How to short this kinda exchange ? The prerequiste is to notice that the potential for downward movement is there, and a understanding that the bulk of  orders are completed at the moving market average

    what the villain does is:

    1) buy a a short stack of L$ at current market average or less (we use 250 for this example)

    2) place this as sell orders at 251, 252, 253 and 254 (loss leaders)

    3) when other people follow these down, then use a big stack to buy at 253 and sell this at 251 (the now new market average) and place a new small sell order at 255. Leading the market down

    4) when the market goes bananas (like happened) then is money for jam

    the arithmetic per $1,000 total stack

    1,000 * 250 = 250,000L - (@50 loss leaders * [1,2,3,4]) = (249,500L)

    (249,500L) + (@800 trade * 2) = 252,100L

    252,100L / 251 = 1004.382. Potential gain: +$4.38

    1 / 251 * 500 = 1.992. Potential loss: -$2.00

    The villain has to be really onto it tho



  11. Rya Nitely wrote:

    from February to late April it popped up to 251 - and that's when it started to look concerning


    If this was resident manipulation then it would have come out of nowhere, but this didn't come out of nowhere. We've had a hint of it for 6 months, and then the big move.

    When things change rapidly there are always opportunists looking at ways to gain out of it - hence the traders.


    is very likely in April somebody (or somebodys) noticed the shift to 251 and went hmm! lets see if we can't make some money out of this

    you know [how] the classic textbook short works, as do a lot of other people who are into this kinda stuff

    eta: how

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