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Posts posted by wherorangi

  1. i would recommend option 1

    Nothing is happening when the avatar is motionless. So the script doesnt need the server runtime engine to do anything in this state

    basically let the server do the polling where possible

    eta: i just suggest a way


    integer gMouseview = TRUE or FALSE// we only need to test for avatar state on keydown and keyup (edge)if (edge) gMouseview = function mouseviewstate();


    eta more: i simplify the exampe pcode

  2. Uvas Umarov wrote:


    As to devalueing the linden, we are seeing that happen right now. For the last several years, supply linden sold just enough lindens to keep up with the demand for them. Thats why you can see the straight line of the price graph. That is up until a few months ago when supply linden went bonkers and put in a **bleep**load of sell orders. We can know this is true because we can see the demand for lindens hasn't changed.

    It looks to me that supply linden has vastly curtailed its amount of sell orders from sometime yesterday.. If he keeps this up, order will return to the lindex.

    i just pick on this

    it may not be Supply Linden either. A lot of the discussion (me included) has been about what would be the reasoning of LL if it was Supply Linden. That the reasoning might make some limited sense, doesn't mean it is true that it is Supply Linden

     it may be that some resident started this plunge off just by using a trading program to short the L$. Even just for fun, just to see if they could, and maybe make some few hundred dollars out of. Or even to  just end up with a stack of L$ so to have lots of inworld spending money. A stack they wouldn't have got otherwise

    it doesn't take a lot of money to create a short, given how people react to abrupt changes on trading exchanges

    it takes substantial money to make substantial money from a short. If the person is only in it for a few hundred dollars tho then not so much

    in this case then if the Lindex has settled then it may simply be that the resident (or now possibly residents) have been warned off by Enforcer Linden

  3. i think that is ok for guys to ask and confirm that female avatars are RL female before they get intimate. As it is ok when women ask female avatars if they are actual women before they get intimate. As is female on male, and male on male

    in any case we can refuse to respond to requests for proof. Is ok to refuse, and is ok when the person asking then walks away. Is also ok to refuse and then walk away ourselves

    when we do find people online who get this, then they also get that relationships are about trust. And we always end up in a good relationship with them. If we dont trust the person we are engaging with then there is no relationship. Its just cybering

    • Like 1

  4. Ackley Bing wrote:

    Yes. Circular is what i'm looking for because my of Next Idea, which, btw, is sacret, for now.

    There is still a bug in this here. When you click thru... it's producing [a]
    [z] and [a][y][z].

    is that when you go backwards ?


    ps. I let you off ok (:

    look again at the edits pcode and work thru why the last edit treats going backwards different to going forwards ?

  5. sorry, I missed this

    the | is a operator which we can't use in a global assignment. We have to convert what it operates on to the result (hex is easiest). Example pcodes


    list table = [ // record 0: effect A    PSYS_PART_FLAGS, 0x108,  // PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK. 0x008 + 0x100     PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE,     PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, // record 1: effect B   PSYS_PART_FLAGS, 0x10C,  // PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK. 0x008 + 0x004 + 0x100   PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE,    PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, // record 2: effect C   PSYS_PART_FLAGS, PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK,   PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP,    PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]integer reclen = 6;integer recnum = 0;integer recpos = recnum * reclen;list record = llList2List(table, recpos, recpos + reclen - 1);

      eta: i cant count (:


  6. I agree on the main thing that you said, about making a announcement

    if I was the Minister of the Exchequer, and required a devaluation to stimulate economic activity amongst my Sovereign's citizens then I would have announced it as a benefit for them

    However, if the benefits are reserved only my Sovereign at the expense of the citizens, at my Sovereign's request, then I probably be a bit sneaky about it. Or I might get my head chopped off (:

  7. ps

    Qie, you also mentioned earlier that if it was Supply Linden then LL could have stuffed 100M on the Lindex at 258 and just told us to suck it up

    they can't really do this (the big 100M shove) as it would effectively block anyone from cashing for a time, and I think it would have made people really panic. Nobody could know for certain that LL wouldnt do it again

    so I think that if I was Minister of the Exchequer I would have my minion doing it in 10M blocks, staggering it down over a period of days ( weeks preferably) 

  8. if this is a Supply Linden driven thing, and I think we will know this in about a month if it settles at 258-260 (which I think it will) then is a 10/248 depreciation (about 4%)

    there's quite a bit of perfect storm stuff from the residents pov been going on last few days and we still have to get thru end of month

    i am pretty sure (if it is Supply Linden) its a combination of two factors

    1) Putting more L$ into buyers pockets, which lets them buy more stuff. Spread the love further between landlords, shopkeepers and venues

    2) The amelioration of the hit (clawback) that LL took thru the tiers reduction programme

    if look at Tyche's estimates. LL are taking in $205K less now in estate tiers each month as a consequence of this. Was $US3.385 million in tiers in total

    the top 20 estate barons contribute approx. 40% of this 3385. So just use this as a baseline and convert to L$ (in which the bulk of rentals are paid)

    3385 * 40% = 1358. 1358 / 248 = 5.47. 1358 / 258 = 5.26. 5.47 - 5.26 = 0.21. 0.21 / 5.47 = 3.8% approx

    when add in the other estates then LL pretty much breaks even with the private estate landlords

    and gains 4% approx. from merchants (in terms of cashouts) and mainland barons (in terms of tiers) as well

    with the mainland landlords it effective reduces the land bonus down from 10% to approx. 6% margin over private estate landlords

    so I think when things settle the new normal will be 258 to 260

  9. a positive thing about this is I went to mow lawns and map teleport to the back sim and booooom!! insta TDR gfx crash. Some idiot with a gfx viewer crasher. ufffftt !!!

    so relog and set the complexity slider to low 19999. Back to same sim, same idiot. bite me you egg !!! q; (:

    previously the only other way to stop this was to block the person, but sometimes don't get enough time before crasho

    so thats good  (:

  10. i think that when something starts with So, then the writer is usually going to give an answer, and then put the question, and then put a context to both

    unlike the traditional approach.  Put the context, ask the question, give an answer/conclusion. Which is the literary/academic approach

    people like Mark Zuckerberg and others get that the internets (at least in their domains) is mostly about people wanting to know what a answer actually is or could be

    iIf the answer given doesn't cause the reader to wonder how the writer came to that conclusion then they will not read it any further    

  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    wherorangi wrote:

    Bryce Kidd wrote:

    The render my friends setting needs to be as persistant as derender is. Especially for the changeover period as everyone adjusts, especially those in the Fur and Anime communities who will want to see their friends wach time they log in.


    a whitelist of
    avatars, exempting them from being jellybabied is pretty essential for the social component of SL


    eta: avatars as not everybody we might need to exempt are on our friends list. Live performers for example 

    I strongly disagree.

    There should be no exceptions other than the score.

    This is not a policy or drama setting - it is a technology setting to protect your system from harmful stress.

    Whitelisting people won't help you there.

    The solution is to convince people to use newer optimized goods that have lower complexity scores.


    lets say that my computer can handle 4 million triangles. Me and my friend are at a live performance. There's 65 people at the concert

    i am wearing 1 million triangles. So is my friend, and so are the performers (in total). Which leaves 1 million for everything and everyone else. Given that I have to make choices about what gets rendered fully on my computer, then I choose my friend and the performers

    while also knowing that I am not going to be rendered by anyone other than my friend who has the same kinda computer as me



  12. as far as I can remember this has always been the case since about 2005 maybe 2004 ? dunno exactly

    it had to do in part with the greifing of new people at no-build WAs back in the day

    like give them an attachment. Social engineer them to wear it (some shoes, hair, etc) and they are orbited instantly as soon as its worn. Which back in the day typically resulted in a viewer crash

    the design thought process is/was that the act of moving our avatar is a voluntary thing and not involuntary. That we volunteer to move when we press a movement key

    that when given an attachment that can orbit us, then if we don't volunteer (dont touch the keyboard) then we can more easy detach it


  13. Ackley Bing wrote:

    BTW, your listen event gave me an error on compile :smileywink: j is not declared in the event.

    correct. Is just p-code that shows the edits. The actual editing of your codes is for you to do (: 

  14. Ackley Bing wrote:

    i'm still getting button ordering like [a] [y] [z].

    yes. That was my point

    we do have to account for this when ordering brackets/sets of 3, when 10 is not a factor of max (24)

    certainly yes tho, modulus like Nova says is the way to do this. [is the base building block]

    another way to do the accounting is to swap the list parameter indices (X with Y) when required. Doing this tho requires a test also

    to keep the main body as inline code (as wrote originally) then the test has to be done in a external function (typically minmax), and if we are going to conform to this inline coding style then it makes sense for the test function to return the set as well 


     eta: base


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