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Posts posted by wherorangi

  1. over on Inara Pey blog is the report on the latest Bento inworld meeting. Here: https://modemworld.me/2016/06/25/project-bento-user-group-update-16-with-audio/

    in the text was this comment from a person:

    "All jaw related sliders do no longer translate the jaw except the jaw angle slider; the jaw bone has its default position now right below the faceRoot. The jaw angle slider still moves like crazy but I believe it is not an issue any longer. Actually, I propose to remove the jaw angle slider, because it only is needed for the jaw angle. I bet nobody will miss that slider:)"


    i just want to put here that I will miss it, and I think quite a few others as well

    Jaw Angle helps to soften or tighten our system head profile. I soften my face using this slider

  2. KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

    YES - I'm still spending too much on it!!!!


    well !! i cant help you at all with your spending habit ok. So sorry about that ok

    but i can help you with your any overfull closets problems if you struggling with that

    like you can give your stuff to me and just keep buying new stuff. I will look after your stuffs for you. I have heaps of room for stuff in my closet. I be quite into sharing my closet with them who got way to much stuff to fit all in their own. For like free even.  I will only just borrow some outfits to wear now and again ok


  3. \o/

    Whirly Fizzle is legend (:

    i went to the SLB13 talk with Oz Linden and Landon Linden. Landon Linden is there to keep Oz Linden focussed on whats important to us

    Whirly Fizzle is there to keep Landon Linden focussed on whats even more important to us

    i dunno what we and me would ever do without you Whirly. Good on you (:

  4. the only downside for me with mesh bodies is the delay sometimes in fetching and applying layers. When is lag then people can appear naked for quite a while on my screen some days

    i never say anything to anyone or comment inworld tho when that happens to them. Just be polite and not say anything to embarrass them. Their clothes will come eventually hopefully


    is just another thing really to add to the long list of things for LL to look at

    layer baking for attached mesh similar to system avatar layer baking

  5. Vulpinus wrote:

    Even trying to quit the viewer takes a lot longer than normal.

    have noticed this also recently. Longer time to quit than before

    and also I am now never connecting on the 1st attempt when logging on. Takes 2 attempts every time now, even when logging to different sims

    and about 3 out of 4 times I never get any system avatar layer updates when I change them immediately after login. Have to relog and then the layer updates happen

    I am on the latest LL viewer. It started happening on the previous version tho

    i probably should take notice of which sim server version I log into. But bc I can work round it myself I never

  6. give it some time, have a rest in the RL, do some gardening, go to some movies and parties, do some other stuff. And after a time then can come back with all that in the life balance, and nobody will mind that you did 

  7. Vulpinus wrote:

    I went
    (apart from an alpha layer

    jejejeje (:  wearing our most see thru outfit can be quite appealing sometimes (:


    i think might be time to run something like Wireshark and try to discover the source/destination of the saturation packets

    testing with and without SL running


  8. RufusJack wrote:


    Exactly. I run a club, and I don't bother listing my events in search because it is completely dominated by this scam plus the Star Trek Museum (no events there either). I will consider an AR, but honestly, I think I'll be married to a twi'lek before I get a response from that.

    please advert your events. Is lots of new and newish people who do try to find stuff to do where there are actual people attending

    when they do find you amongst all the spammers then they will be happy. and your place will be in their Teleport History for them to find another time  

  9. i pretty much agree with what Rolig said about how the Scripting forums work. Is mix of amateurs and professionals, and is understood by the professionals that advertorial postings is just not done. And bc the pros hold themselves to the line, then the amateurs see that and do as well


    just some more from own pov and has nothing to do with Rolig or anyone else

    when I first came on the SL script forums everybody was pretty much amateurs. Then as the time went by and people was able to make a bit of money to help with their RL then it kinda changed. The scene lifted and standards of ability and ethics rose as well

    i dont sell anything and whatever I do I just give away. But after a time I see that was cause difficulties for the people who need the RL monies. And also pretty much all  people who ask for help are hoping to sell their stuff also or profit off it in some way. So now I dont write and post whole scripts anymore. Just example pcodes mostly now

    i think is disingenuous for anyone to say that their "brand" enterprise, products and activities are not-for-L$-profit, that is a amateur activity,  and therefore they can spam a creation forum with their advertorials in the name of helping the community. The profit if not in L$ or RL$ is in reputation, awards and public recognition. Which leads to similar benefits for them in the RL

    like one person said, their not-for-L$-profit enterprise has already gotten them exposure in a number of non-SL blogs and articles from some well-known persons

    is pretty disingenuous to advertorial their posts writing as if is ok for them to do this, as if they were not getting anything out of it for themselves


    i think that if the scripting forums ever got overrun in the same way then I would overrun the posters back. I just look at their stuff and reverse-engineer the codes and release the works public domain

    i do still do some public domain stuff, but it usual shows some pretty obscure technicky thing that shows a way of doing something which can be included in a larger body of work, but is not necessarily dependent on, which that person has to create themselves 

    but yeah if people were ever silly enough to advertorial the scripting forums then I be happy to overrun them back by public domaining the necessary dependencies that their stuff needs to work



  10. i agree with Solaria

    i used to think once that I would rather go to Heaven than Hell, which I think can be taken to mean some kinda virtuality. I since come to understand that heaven would be hell in its own way as well

    i since also come to understand about Purgatory, a third kind of virtuality. The place between Heaven and Hell where we faced with choices, challenges and conflicts between good and evil, pain and pleasure, the whole yin yang balance thingy, etc. The consequences of our choices and the consequences for others also from our choices, and their choices on us in turn

    if what we are in now is a virtuality already then I think we in Purgatory now and if one day I end up some place other than this place then I hope to not go to any heaven anymore, virtual or real. I hope to go to another purgatory where I have to deal with the realities of the others there and the realities of the choices I must make

  11. good on you Nyrvachan (:

    yes it can get a bit hard on forums sometimes. Sometimes justified, sometimes not. Is the internets yes (:

    what you will find on this forums is that most of the people on here do know their stuff. Sometimes a person can be giving us a serve in one thread, and helping us in another on a different topic, at the same time (:

    if get a bit stuck on any particular specific then just ask and will get help. People on here like us to be specific when asking for help. They dont have time (or much patience really) when we put them in a position to try and guess what the question is, nvm what the answers might be to unclear/unknown questions

    so have a go at what you want to do, and just come back and ask on specifics anytime and somebody will help pretty much every time

    all the best to you and that all will work out all good (:



  12. i had a look at Half Hitch with Debug setting enabled for logging

    only thing that jumped out was:

    2016-06-23T11:35:02Z WARNING:#CoreHttp LLCore::HttpPolicy::stageAfterCompletion: HTTP request 2DACA8E0 failed after 8 retries. Reason: Timeout was reached (Easy_28)

    2016-06-23T11:35:02Z WARNING: LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler :: onCompleted:


    Error[Easy_28] cannot access url 'https : // sim9231 . agni . lindenlab . com : 12043/cap/8f410657-ff9e-e7a2-9fa9-2a8c22cf978d' because Timeout was reached


    2016-06-23T11:35:02Z INFO:#LLEventPollImpl LLEventPolling :: Details::LLEventPollImpl::eventPollCoro: All is very quiet on target server. It may have gone idle?



    it might be that this is a cause for you. Dunno exactly what the cost of this might be at your end. Check your logs and see if you getting the same


    eta: spc


  13. check your logs and have a nosey

    i have done some pretty extensive mainland travel trying to win this cup thingy and I know what you meaning

    sometimes the viewer cant resolve assets in the view/camera interests list, so it keeps requesting them. Can be 1000s of requests for the same few things flooding your network (and also writing to the logs when turn all on)

    you mention that your draw distance is 160m. When so it puts the bordering sims into range of the draw distance, the assets on which affect the updating of the interest list. The pain comes when the asset downloads every time requested. The viewer cant resolve it (the asset(s) is corrupted in some way) Request again. Another download and a infinite cycle of doom

    the size of each download is relative small but is relentless and quickly adds up to megabytes in just a few minutes

    it happens on some other continent water edge sims as well as the Blake


    i end up put it down to some of the very early made sculpt tree products (when people were first learn how to make sculpts) that are typical of water/beach edge sims. I was never able to work out exactly which assets they were tho

    so just end up moving past the sims I got affected the most, on the farest away side so that they would not be in my draw distance, and/or interests list, or if so then at least as minimal impact as I could manage

  14. if looking for music and good times in the music scene then best to follow the DJs (and/or live performers and/or some hosties) not the club venues as such. Altho can make a case for some venues

    theres also some party up groups and crews we can join as well, who basically flash mob places


    a example of a flash mob I saw at SLB13 yesterday was the Frisks on Stupendous stage. DJ Bully Frisk was mixing kinda hard house. about 20 people who in the crew at the start. Bethy Frisk went round and invite everyone on the sim onto her dance hud. Sim went to max. capacity in about 5mins as people TP in friends to get in on Bethy's flashmob hud. Whole place went off. Good party

    people like Bethy get it more than most what is about. Is about inviting people to join in to make a party. being inclusive toward the wallflowers and the shy people, bringing them into the family fun, growing the crew

    i never heard of DJ Bully before then and I dunno Bethy either. I just know a good party up crew when I am in it. Was also pretty obvious that DJ Bully has RL club DJ experience. He was right onto it. Kept it engaging for the whole set. Real pro job

  15. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    Another way to do it would be to use one channel for llDialog and another for llTextbox.    That's probably the simplest.

    i vote for this way. Is like you say simpler and makes our code quite a bit safer as well

    safer in the sense that if/when the user enters the name of a button in the textbox then can play havoc sometimes [if/when using the same channel for both]

    eta [ ]

  16. ChinRey wrote:

    ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

    the more crash dumps that get to viewer developers, the better, so it really is preferable to kill the occasional runaway crash logger than disable it altogether.

    Oh, I didn't think of that, very good point and more than enough reason on its own to kill it. A crash logger that reports back to the developers without asking the user for permission first is completely unacceptable and not something I will ever allow to run on my computer if I can possibly avoid it.

    it used to be opt in, used to be a UI checkbox. Now is opt out. It got changed somewhere sometime

    can disable in Debug Settings: DisableCrashLogger: set to True



    in my case I always sent crash info to LL even when was opt in. Is the fastest way to get stuff fixed to make my viewer go better

    can file a JIRA but I find that when I am crashing then the hard data the devs get directly gets more immediate attention from them than pretty much every other ways combined


  17. arton Rotaru wrote:

    I didn't quite follow your carbon scheme though.



    say a user has a allowance of 1,000 free carbons in their carbon balance (1000 or whichever is the minimum carbons needed to live/survive in the world)

    say a prim is equal to 1 carbon

    when the user creates a new prim then the carbons now available to them is 999 carbon balance, plus 1 carbon in the prim

    when they delete the prim, the carbon in it is released, and they now have 1000 carbons and 0 prims

    if they want to transfer the prim to another person then they need another carbon (which they would have to buy). For 1001 carbons in total. When the prim is sold/copy-transferred to another person then the user now has 999 carbon balance plus 1 object containing 1 carbon = total 1000 carbons. The other person has 1000 carbons balance plus 1 object containing 1 carbon = total 1001 carbons

    effectively the higher the LI/AC of a object the more carbons it contains. Everytime a object is sold/transferred the carbon is transferred also to the new owner. So if a merchant doesnt have enough carbons then they cant sell/transfer anything, they have to buy more carbon if they wish to keep selling copies of the object

    the buyer/receiver can delete all the stuff they no longer want, and release the carbons in the stuff to their carbon balance, and can sell the carbons above the min 1000 on the market

    if a user rezzes a copy of a object inworld, or creates a copy in inventory, then each copy contains carbons which is deducted from their carbon balance. If they hit 0 then either a) delete stuff, or b) buy more carbons


    from a economic activity pov then the carbon tax is directly related to the resources consumed (carbons) by the objects sold, and not related to the L$ sales price

    with comparable same L$ priced products then the merchant whose products consume less resources (carbons) pay less tax than another less efficient merchant 



  18. arton Rotaru wrote:

    I paid the minimum amount of 11 L$ for that cushion. I had mentioned that below the image. :matte-motes-smile:


     what I was trying to mean (: is that high/low poly count is relative. What is it relative to in SL ? The count of a object is relative to the LI/AC measuring system that LL uses

    that the measuring system is a bit wonky baffling sometimes, doesnt as such in itself affect the relativity of this


    eta ps

    in another thread was a chat about the tri-cost of sculpts and prims vs mesh. And the observations of the AC measure, that often a mesh object with more tris than scuplts/prims objects has a less AC cost according to the measure




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